This article was written by MysticGeek, a tech blogger at the How-To Geek Blogs.

本文由How-To Geek Blogs的技术博客MysticGeek撰写。

How many times have you tried to schedule a meeting and gotten the time wrong because the other participants are in another time zone?


This is a frequent occurrence in our office, but there’s an easy way to add the other time zone to the calendar for a quick reference guide that doesn’t require doing math in your head.


Open up your Outlook calendar and then right-click on the time grid on the left hand side, choosing “Change Time Zone”.


In the Time Zone box you’ll see the checkbox for “Show an additional time zone”, which is what will allow you to display the second timezone next to the first one.


You’ll want to use the labels for each time zone as a friendly name. You could use Central and Pacific, or even just the name of the office if you felt like it.

您需要将每个时区的标签用作友好名称。 您可以使用Central和Pacific,也可以只使用办公室名称。

Now you’ll see the extra time zone on the left side of the calendar. This should work in each of the calendar views.

现在,您将在日历的左侧看到额外的时区。 这应该在每个日历视图中都有效。


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