Kennedy Maring

If you’re looking to get into the holiday spirit by sitting down with a good ol’ Christmas special, then you are in luck. There are quite a few streaming services to choose from with old and new movies to watch.

如果您想坐下来享用圣诞佳节特别餐,以进入节日气氛,那么您很幸运。 有很多流媒体服务可供选择,以观看新旧电影。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)

Amazon Prime Video is a great way to see quite a few Christmas movies without having to pay extra. If you’re already subscribed to Amazon Prime, which is $120 per year, then you won’t have to worry about paying extra for some movies. It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol are some of the Christmas classics that are free with Amazon Prime. There are some more on there, but you may have to rent them through Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Video是观看很多圣诞节电影而无需支付额外费用的好方法。 如果您已经订阅了Amazon Prime( 每年120美元) ,那么您就不必担心为某些电影支付额外费用。 这是美好的生活 , 圣诞节颂歌是Amazon Prime免费提供的一些圣诞节经典。 那里还有更多,但您可能必须通过Prime Video租用它们。

If you don’t mind spending some money to rent or purchase a movie, then you’ll love some of the other Christmas movies and shows you can get with this service:


  • Home Alone


  • A Christmas Story


  • The Nightmare Before Christmas


  • Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer


  • I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown


Netflix公司 (Netflix)

Trusty Netflix also has several options for Christmas movies, so you’ll be cozy watching them all on your couch. There are different prices for the three different tiers of Netflix: Basic for $9 a month, Standard at $13 a month, and Premium for $16 a month. The Basic package allows you to have one stream at a time, Standard allows two streams along with HD content, and the Premium package allows up to four screens with HD and Ultra HD content included. That means you can watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas and White Christmas in the best quality available.

Trusty Netflix还提供圣诞节电影的多种选择,因此您可以在沙发上观看所有电影。 Netflix的三个不同级别的价格有所不同 :基本版每月9美元,标准版每月13美元,高级版每月16美元。 基本程序包一次允许一个流,标准程序包允许两个流以及高清内容,而高级程序包最多允许四个屏幕包括高清和超高清内容。 这意味着您可以以最佳质量观看格林奇如何偷走圣诞节和白色圣诞节 。

If you’re looking for a great service with lots to offer, then you should see the other movies that are available on Netflix:


  • The Christmas Chronicles


  • Klaus


  • The Nutcracker and the Four Realms


  • The Grinch


葫芦 (Hulu)

Although Hulu‘s Christmas selection is a bit more scarce than the other options, it is still a great contender for some different movie choices. Hulu also has three tiers, with the standard plan costing $5 a month, the No Ads version for $11 a month, and then $45 a month for all Hulu content and live TV.

尽管Hulu的圣诞节选择比其他选择少一些,但对于某些不同的电影选择来说,它仍然是一个有力的竞争者。 Hulu还分为三个层次 ,标准套餐每月收费5美元,无广告版本每月收费11美元,然后所有Hulu内容和直播电视每月收费45美元。

Some of the movies you’ll find on this site are A Very Brady Christmas, Home for the Holidays, Krampus Unleashed, and Hallmark movies like Rodeo and Juilet and Naughty or Nice. These are great classic Christmas movies, along with a newer, scarier Christmas tale like Krampus.

您可以在此网站上找到一些电影,例如圣诞节非常布雷迪 (Break Christmas) , 假期之家(Home for the Vacations) , 克兰普斯 ( Krampus Unleashed) ,以及罗迪欧(Rodeo),朱利特(Juilet)和淘气(Naughty)或尼斯(Nice)等标志性电影。 这些都是经典的经典圣诞节电影,以及更新,更恐怖的圣诞节故事,例如Krampus。

Here are a few more options you’ll be able to see this season right from Hulu:


  • Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas


  • Saving Christmas


  • 12 Dog Days Til Christmas


  • Barbie: A Perfect Christmas


迪士尼Plus (Disney Plus)

If you’re in the mood for something more magical and more, well, Disney, then it’s a no brainer to head over to Disney Plus. For $7 a month or $70 a year, you get access to all the fun Christmas movies they have. You can always save a bit of money and get the $13 a month bundle that includes Hulu and ESPN+, as well.

如果您想获得更神奇,更神奇的东西,迪斯尼,那么动身前往迪斯尼Plus就可以了。 每月7美元或每年70美元,您就可以观看他们拥有的所有有趣的圣诞节电影。 您总是可以节省一些钱,并获得每月$ 13的捆绑包,其中包括Hulu和ESPN + 。

From Home Alone, Miracle on 34th Street, and A Nightmare Before Christmas, you have your hands on many fun and cute Disney movies. You can also check out Noelle, which is a Disney Plus exclusive movie only on that service, so it’s worth the money.

在《独自一人》 , 《第34街的奇迹》和《圣诞节前的噩梦》中 ,您将亲身体验许多有趣而可爱的迪斯尼电影。 您还可以查看Noelle ,这是仅适用于该服务的迪斯尼Plus独家电影,因此物有所值。

If Disney is what gets you in the holiday spirit, then there are tons of Christmas favorites to pick from:


  • Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas


  • Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas


  • The Santa Claus


  • The Muppet Christmas Carol


如今的标志性电影 (Hallmark Movies Now)

Some people love the cheesy Hallmark movies, and if that’s you, then Movies Now will get you all that and more. For $6 a month or $60 a year, you can enjoy all the cheesy romantic Christmas movies you could dream of. From A Puppy for Christmas to A Christmas Memory, there are tons of fun, small-town love to fill your heart this season.

有人喜欢那些俗气的Hallmark电影,如果是的话,那么Movies Now将带给您更多,甚至更多。 每月6美元或每年60美元,您就可以享受所有梦dream以求的俗气浪漫圣诞节电影。 从圣诞节的小狗到圣诞节的回忆 ,这个季节充满了无尽的小镇爱。

Cheesy Hallmark movies are a great way to get into the holiday season, so here are a few more options you can watch with Hallmark Movies Now:

俗气的Hallmark电影是进入假期的好方法,因此,现在可以通过Hallmark Movies观看以下几种选择:

  • Christmas: Festival of Ice


  • A Christmas Tail


  • One Christmas


  • Unlikely Angel


Roku频道 (Roku Channel)

With a Roku device, you’re able to have access to Roku Channel for free, and that’s amazing for this season. Since this option is 100 percent free, you’ll be able to continuously enjoy classic movies Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol, and The Nutcracker without the need to subscribe to a streaming service. This is perfect for anyone with a Roku device who is looking for holiday cheer to spread throughout your home.

使用Roku设备,您可以免费访问Roku频道 ,这一季真是太棒了。 由于此选项是100%免费的,因此您无需订阅流媒体服务即可连续欣赏经典电影《第34街上的奇迹》 , 《圣诞节颂歌 》和《胡桃夹子》 。 对于拥有Roku设备的任何人,他们都希望假期欢呼声在您的整个家庭中传播。

Enjoy the warmth of family and friends with any of these great movies in the background on the Roku Channel:


  • The 12 Dogs of Christmas


  • A Christmas to Remember


  • Mixed Nuts


With all the ways to watch your favorite Christmas movies, you’ll be able to find every movie you want to watch this season. With your Christmas tree up and decorated and family all around, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

通过各种方式观看自己喜欢的圣诞节电影,您将能够找到本季想要观看的每部电影。 随着圣诞树的装饰和家庭的到来,这确实是一年中最美好的时光。



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