
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a search engine in possession of a good fortune must be in want of more data. If you want to earn some extra money (in the form of Google Play Credit or PayPal money), Google will give you some in exchange for answering a few occasional survey questions.

公认的事实是,拥有好运的搜索引擎必须缺少更多数据。 如果您想赚一些额外的钱(以Google Play积分或PayPal钱的形式),则Google会为您提供一些回报,以回答一些偶然的调查问题。

The Google Opinion Rewards app (for Android and iOS) periodically gives you surveys consisting of a few simple questions. Most are based around your shopping habits and come from market researchers. If you’d like to know how your data will be used, you can read Google’s FAQ on the subject uses here.

Google Opinion Rewards应用程序(适用于Android和iOS )会定期为您提供一些简单问题的调查问卷。 大多数都基于您的购物习惯,并且来自市场研究人员。 如果您想知道如何使用您的数据,可以在此处阅读有关主题使用情况的Google常见问题解答 。

The rewards you get won’t pay your bills or anything, but each survey rewards anywhere from ten cents to a dollar or so for a few seconds of your time. It seems small, but it can add up fast—and when it does, and you can get free movie rentals or buy a couple games on the Play Store (if you’re on Android) or PayPal money (on the iPhone and iPad). Remember, Google Play credit even works on in-app purchases, so you can buy Pokéballs or comic books. All for passing a few seconds of time when you’re bored waiting in line at the grocery store.

您获得的奖励不会支付您的账单或任何费用,但是每次调查都会在几秒钟的时间内奖励10美分到1美元左右。 它看起来很小,但可以快速累加,而且每次添加时,您都可以免费租借电影或在Play商店(如果您使用的是Android)或PayPal money(在iPhone和iPad上)购买情侣游戏。 请记住,Google Play点数甚至可以在应用程序内购买中使用,因此您可以购买Pokéballs或漫画书 。 当您无聊地在杂货店排队等候时,所有这些花费了几秒钟的时间。

To get started, download the Google Opinion Rewards app for Android or iOS. The first time you launch it, the app will ask you a series of demographic questions. Once you’re finished with those, you can wait for new surveys to show up. You’ll usually see them when you get a notification like the one below.

首先,请下载适用于Android或iOS的Google意见奖励应用。 首次启动时,该应用程序将询问您一系列的人口统计问题。 完成这些操作后,您可以等待新的调查显示。 当您收到类似以下的通知时,通常会看到它们。

When you get the notification, tap on it. Most surveys begin with an explanation of how this specific data is used. Tap “OK, got it.”

收到通知后,点击它。 大多数调查都是从解释如何使用此特定数据开始的。 点击“确定,知道了。”

Next, you’ll see a set of questions. These differ from one survey to another, and in some cases you may get some questions that are used to verify your honesty. For example, if you’ve recently visited a store, Google may ask you which of five stores you’ve been to. If you answer dishonestly, the survey will be cut short and you’ll receive a lower reward than if you answered correctly.

接下来,您将看到一系列问题。 这些调查因一项调查而异,在某些情况下,您可能会遇到一些问题,这些问题可用来证明您的诚实。 例如,如果您最近访问过一家商店,则Google可能会询问您去过五家商店中的哪一家。 如果您不诚实地回答,那么调查将被缩短,与正确回答相比,您将获得较低的奖励。

Once you’ve finished answering all your questions, you’ll see how much credit you receive as a reward. Longer surveys tend to get more money, and honest answers (at least as far as Google is able to confirm them) get higher rewards than choosing answers randomly.

回答完所有问题后,您将看到获得的积分奖励。 较长的调查往往会获得更多的钱,诚实的答案(至少在Google能够确认的范围内)比随机选择答案会获得更高的回报。

If you want to make extra certain that you don’t miss a survey, you can enable a notification sound. Normally, survey notifications are silent, but the sound (or vibration, if you keep your phone on silent) can give you a nudge so you don’t miss it. The surveys do expire, so the notifications can help make sure you don’t miss something.

如果您想确定自己不会错过任何一项调查,则可以启用通知声音。 通常,调查通知是无声的,但是声音(或振动,如果您保持手机处于无声状态)可以使您轻拍,所以您不会错过它。 调查确实会过期,因此通知可以帮助确保您不会错过任何东西。

To turn notifications on, open the app and tap the menu icon in the top right. Then, tap Settings.

要打开通知,请打开应用程序,然后点击右上角的菜单图标。 然后,点击设置。

On the settings page, enable the “Notification sounds” toggle.


Once everything is set up, all you have to do is wait for surveys to hit your phone. According to the product manager at Google for the app, the best way to get more surveys is to answer honestly and respond to surveys quickly. You’ll also get more surveys the more you get out of your house. Some stores will give you a survey every time you visit (usually a day or so later). Of course, you don’t need to upend your routine just for a quarter from Google, but if you stay at home all the time, you probably won’t see many surveys.

一切设置完成后,您要做的就是等待调查结果打入您的手机。 根据该应用程序的Google产品经理的说法,获得更多调查问卷的最佳方法是诚实回答并Swift答复调查问卷。 您离开屋子越多,获得的调查也越多。 有些商店会在您每次访问时(通常是一天左右)向您提供调查。 当然,您不必只花四分之一的时间就可以从谷歌那里改掉自己的习惯,但是如果您一直呆在家里,那么您可能不会看到很多调查。

It should also go without saying that if you want to keep your data as private as possible, this app isn’t for you. Google will use this data to customize ads for you, on top of third-party marketing companies using it for analyzing your shopping habits. As long as you’re comfortable with that, enjoy your free money.

同样,不用说,如果您想让数据尽可能私密,则此应用不适合您。 Google将使用这些数据为您定制广告,并使用第三方营销公司来分析您的购物习惯。 只要您对此感到满意,就可以享受免费的钱。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298576/how-to-get-free-money-from-google-by-answering-quick-surveys/



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