
Introduction to the operating system of the new technology Abstract: the Operating System (Operating System, referred to as OS) is an important part of a computer System is an important part of the System software, it is responsible for managing the hardware and software resources of the computer System and the working process of the entire computer coordination between System components, systems and between users and the relationship between the user and the user. With the appearance of new technology of the operating system functions on the rise. Operating system as a standard suite must satisfy the needs of users as much as possible, so the system is expanding, function of increasing, and gradually formed from the development tools to system tools and applications of a platform environment. To meet the needs of users. In this paper, in view of the operating system in the core position in the development of computer and technological change has made an analysis of the function of computer operating system, development and classification of simple analysis and elaboration Key words: computer operating system, development,new technology Operating system is to manage all the computer system hardware resources include software and data resources; Control program is running; Improve the man-machine interface; Provide support for other application software, etc., all the computer system resources to maximize the role, to provide users with convenient, efficient, friendly service interface.

The operating system is a management computer hardware and software resources program, is also the kernel of the computer system and the cornerstone. Operating system have such as management and configuration memory, decided to system resources supply and demand of priorities, control input and output devices, file system and other basic network operation and management affairs. Operating system is to manage all the computer system hardware resources include software and data resources; Control program is running; Improve the man-machine interface; Provide support for other application software, etc., all the computer system resources to

maximize the role, to provide users with convenient, efficient, friendly service interface. Operating system is a huge management control procedures, including roughly five aspects of management functions, processes and processor management, operation management, storage management, equipment management, file management. At present the common operating system on microcomputer DOS, OS / 2, UNIX, XENIX, LINUX, Windows, Netware, etc. But all of the operating system with concurrency, sharing, four basic characteristics of virtual property and uncertainty. At present there are many different kinds of operating system, it is difficult to use a single standard unified

classification. Divided according to the application field, can be divided into the desktop operating system, server operating system, the host operating system, embedded operating system.

1.The basic introduction of the operating system

(1)The features of the operating system

Management of computer system hardware, software, data and other resources, as


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