
Modules used:


In this script, we will use PyPDF2 module which will provide us various functions such as to extract the data and read the pdf file and split the file and write a new file.


Download PyPDF2:


  • General Way: pip install PyPDF2


  • Pycharm Users: Go to the python project interpreter and install it from there.


Various function provided by PyPDF2:


  1. PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(): This function will read our pdf and return us a data value that we will store in a variable (Let's take as Pdf_Data).

    PyPDF2.PdfFileReader() :此函数将读取我们的pdf并返回一个将存储在变量中的数据值(以Pdf_Data为例)。

  2. Pdf_Data.isEncrypted: This Function will help us to check if the pdf file is Encrypted.

    Pdf_Data.isEncrypted :此功能将帮助我们检查pdf文件是否已加密。

  3. Pdf_Data.decrypt("<password>"): This function will help us to decrypt the pdf file and inside this function, we have to put the password and our pdf file will get decrypted.

    Pdf_Data.decrypt(“ <password>”) :此函数将帮助我们解密pdf文件,并且在此函数内部,我们必须输入密码,然后pdf文件将被解密。

  4. Pdf_Data.numPages: This Function will return us the number of pages our pdf contain.

    Pdf_Data.numPages :此函数将向我们返回pdf包含的页面数。

  5. Pdf_Data.getPage(0): This function will return us the data on the first page, here 0 seems to be the first page and 1 to be the second page, the things will go like indexing in python.

    Pdf_Data.getPage(0) :此函数将返回第一页上的数据,这里0似乎是第一页,而1则是第二页,事情就像在python中建立索引一样。

  6. Pdf_Writer=PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter(): This function will create a variable that will help us to create a new pdf file.

    Pdf_Writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter() :此函数将创建一个变量,该变量将帮助我们创建新的pdf文件。

  7. Pdf_Writer.addPage(<The Page Data>): This function will add the pdf page to the newly created pdf file.

    Pdf_Writer.addPage(<页面数据>) :此函数会将pdf页面添加到新创建的pdf文件中。

Note: The text Extraction can be done only with the pdf files which have text.


Python代码读取文件并提取文本 (Python code to read the file and extract the text)

# import the modules
import PyPDF2
# open the file and read the content
# open the file
# read the file and store the content
# get the number of pages
# Lets extract the data for the first page
# we will use getPage command to get the page
# using 0 for 1st page
# printing the text



This is the extracted text from the pdf that we have given in input. In this way, we can extract the text from the pdf.

这是我们在输入中从pdf中提取的文本。 这样,我们可以从pdf中提取文本。

Now we will create a pdf file and we will add the starting and the last page of the above-used pdf in that file.

现在我们将创建一个pdf文件 ,并将上面使用的pdf的开始和最后一页添加到该文件中。

Let's see the code,


# import the modules
import PyPDF2
# open the file and read the content
# open the file
# read the file and store the content
# get the number of pages
# Create a pdf writer
# we will take the first page of the above pdf
# we will take the last page of the above pdf
# as the last page will be Total number of pages-1
# adding page to the new pdf
# create a blank file
# add the content to the blank file
# Now close the file

From the above code, we can create a new pdf with the help of an existing pdf, and after that, we have taken the first and last page of the existing pdf and combine them and wrote it in the new pdf. In that way, we can create a pdf with the help of existing pdfs.

从上面的代码中,我们可以在现有pdf的帮助下创建一个新pdf,然后,我们将现有pdf的第一页和最后一页进行合并,并将它们写入新pdf中。 这样,我们可以在现有pdf的帮助下创建pdf。




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