
  这个类实现了一个理想的速率控制算法,这和RBAR(见 G.Holland, N. Vaidya, and P. Bahl写的《A rate-adaptive MAC protocol for multihop wireless networks》)在实现思想上很像:每个基站保持跟踪每个收到的包的SNR,并通过带外机制返回这个SNR给发送这个包的原始发射器。每个发射器保持跟踪由接收器发送的最后一个SNR,并使用它根据从目标BER和传输模式特定的snr/ber曲线构建的一组snr阈值来选择传输模式。

Ideal rate control algorithm

This class implements an ‘ideal’ rate control algorithm similar to RBAR in spirit (see A rate-adaptive MAC protocol for multihop wireless networks by G.

Holland, N. Vaidya, and P. Bahl.): every station keeps track of the snr of every packet received and sends back this snr to the original transmitter by an out-of-band mechanism. Each transmitter keeps track of the last snr sent back by a receiver and uses it to pick a transmission mode based on a set of snr thresholds built from a target ber and transmission mode-specific snr/ber curves.

MinstrelHtWifiManager(Minstrel HT速率控制算法)
  Minstrel-HT是基于Minstrel的802.11n / ac标准的速率适配机制,并且基于探测频道以动态学习可支持的工作速率的方法。
  Minstrel-HT专为实现多速率重试(MRR)链的高延迟设备而设计。 这种设备不会为每帧重传提供反馈,但只有当帧被正确发送(接收到ACK)或帧传输完全失败(所有重传尝试失败)时才会给出反馈。 MRR链用于向硬件提供关于重传帧时使用的速率。
  在每个更新间隔,它设置MRR链的最大ThrRate,第二个最大ThrRate和最大ProbRate。 这些速率仅在整个A-MPDU失败并被重试时使用。
  与legacy minstrel(这句该怎么翻译??)不同,采样不是根据“周转率”进行的,而是确保所有费率至少每隔一次采样一次。然而,它较不频繁地采用低速率和高概率的错误率。
  当配置此速率控制但不支持HT和VHT时,Minstrel-HT使用旧的Minstrel (minstrel-wifi-manager)进行速率控制。

Implementation of Minstrel HT Rate Control Algorithm

Minstrel-HT is a rate adaptation mechanism for the 802.11n/ac standard based on Minstrel, and is based on the approach of probing the channel to dynamically learn about working rates that can be supported.

Minstrel-HT is designed for high-latency devices that implement a Multiple Rate Retry (MRR) chain. This kind of device does not give feedback for every frame retransmission, but only when a frame was correctly transmitted (an ACK is received) or a frame transmission completely fails (all retransmission attempts fail). The MRR chain is used to advise the hardware about which rate to use when retransmitting a frame.

Minstrel-HT adapts the MCS, channel width, number of streams, and short guard interval (enabled or disabled). For keeping statistics, it arranges MCS in groups, where each group is defined by the tuple (streams, SGI, channel width). There is a vector of all groups supported by the PHY layer of the transmitter; for each group, the capabilities and the estimated duration of its rates are maintained.

Each station maintains a table of groups statistics. For each group, a flag indicates if the group is supported by the station. Different stations communicating with an AP can have different capabilities.

Stats are updated per A-MPDU when receiving AmpduTxStatus. If the number of successful or failed MPDUs is greater than zero (a BlockAck was received), the rates are also updated. If the number of successful and failed MPDUs is zero (BlockAck timeout), then the rate selected is based on the MRR chain.

On each update interval, it sets the maxThrRate, the secondmaxThrRate and the maxProbRate for the MRR chain. These rates are only used when an entire A-MPDU fails and is retried.

Differently from legacy minstrel, sampling is not done based on “lookaround ratio”, but assuring all rates are sampled at least once each interval. However, it samples less often the low rates and high probability of error rates.

When this rate control is configured but HT and VHT are not supported, Minstrel-HT uses legacy Minstrel (minstrel-wifi-manager) for rate control.

  Minstrel适用于非HT / VHT / HE配置;对于HT / VHT / HE(即802.11n / ac / ax),用户应该使用MinstrelHtWifiManager。如果用户尝试使用设置了VhtSupported,HtSupported或HeSupported的Wi-Fi MAC进行配置,Minstrel将会出错。

Implementation of Minstrel Rate Control Algorithm

Minstrel is a rate control algorithm implemented in MadWifi and Linux.

The basic principle is to probe the environment and adapt the rate based on statistics collected on the probability of successful transmission. The algorithm adapts the rate to the highest rate that it considers successful, and spends a fraction of its time doing ‘look around’ by trying other rates.

Minstrel is appropriate for non-HT/VHT/HE configurations; for HT/VHT/HE (i.e. 802.11n/ac/ax), users should use MinstrelHtWifiManager instead. Minstrel will error exit if the user tries to configure it with a Wi-Fi MAC that has VhtSupported, HtSupported or HeSupported set.

Some notes on this implementation follow. The implementation has been adapted to bring it closer to the Linux implementation. For each rate, a new parameter samplesSkipped is added. This parameter is intended to solve an issue regarding the sampling of low rates when a high rate is working well, which leads to outdated statistics. This change makes throughput a bit lower in simple, stable scenarios, but may help in dynamic scenarios to react faster and more accurately to changes.

Related to the previous, the logic for deciding when to sample random rates is as follows. When a sample rate is deffered to the second MRR chain stage, a new parameter (numSamplesDeferred) is increased. This paramters is used (jointly with sampleCount) to compare current sample count with the lookaround rate.

Also related with sampling, another parameter sampleLimit is added. This parameter limits the number of times a very low or very high probability rate is sampled, avoiding to try a poorly working sample rate too often.

When updating the EWMA probability of a rate for the first time, it does not apply EWMA but instead assigns the entire probability. Since the EWMA probability is initialized to zero, this generates a more accurate EWMA.

  由Atsushi Onoe开发的速率控制算法。
  该算法是众所周知的,因为它已被用作madwifi驱动程序的默认速率控制算法。 除了madwifi源代码,开发者不知道有关该算法的任何出版物或引用。
  该RAA不支持HT,VHT或HE模式,如果用户尝试使用已安装VhtSupported,HtSupported或HeSupported的Wi-Fi MAC来配置此RAA,则会出错。(感觉谷歌翻译的更好,不得不说,用了机器学习的谷歌简直了。。。)

an implementation of the rate control algorithm developed by Atsushi Onoe

This algorithm is well known because it has been used as the default rate control algorithm for the madwifi driver. I am not aware of any publication or reference about this algorithm beyond the madwifi source code.

This RAA does not support HT, VHT nor HE modes and will error exit if the user tries to configure this RAA with a Wi-Fi MAC that has VhtSupported, HtSupported or HeSupported set.

ParfWifiManager (PARF速率控制算法)
  该类实现了PARF算法,如Akella, A.; Judd, G.; Seshan, S. and Steenkiste, P.等人在Wireless Networks发布的文章中所描述的。文章链接
  该RAA不支持HT,VHT或HE模式,如果用户尝试使用已安装VhtSupported,HtSupported或HeSupported的Wi-Fi MAC来配置此RAA,则会出错。

PARF Rate control algorithm.

This class implements the PARF algorithm as described in Self-management in chaotic wireless deployments, by Akella, A.; Judd, G.; Seshan, S. and Steenkiste, P. in Wireless Networks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007, 13, 737-755


RraaWifiManager (鲁棒速率适应算法)
  这实现了如”Starsky H. Y. Wong”, “Hao Yang”, “Songwu Lu”, and, “Vaduvur Bharghavan”等人在Mobicom 06上发布的《Robust rate adaptation for 802.11 wireless networks》文章中所描述的算法。
  该RAA不支持HT,VHT或HE模式,如果用户尝试使用已安装VhtSupported,HtSupported或HeSupported的Wi-Fi MAC来配置此RAA,则会出错。

Robust Rate Adaptation Algorithm

This is an implementation of RRAA as described in “Robust rate adaptation for 802.11 wireless networks” by “Starsky H. Y. Wong”, “Hao Yang”, “Songwu Lu”, and, “Vaduvur Bharghavan” published in Mobicom 06.

This RAA does not support HT, VHT nor HE modes and will error exit if the user tries to configure this RAA with a Wi-Fi MAC that has VhtSupported, HtSupported or HeSupported set.

  这部分在NS3文档中直接没有介绍,什么说明都没有,用谷歌搜了一下,几乎查不到资料,不过还是找到了一篇文章谈到了这个算法。另外一篇文章提了一下,解释RRPAA为PRCS without CST control.



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