问题描述:当我开启VB6.0时,系统提示我“Unexpected Error: Quitting”,我用的Windows XP SP3版本;

Unexpected Error: Quitting



最后我看到一个网站的的一个解决办法,检查了我的Services,发现DCOM Server Process Launcher没开起来;等我开起来时,我问题全部解决;真的很费劲呀。。。这一点微软的解决方案里并没提到。。所以我不放对上述问题做一个总结:


方案一: 先检查DCOM Server Process Launcher这个Services是否开起来;具体操作是:我的电脑à属性à管理à服务,找到DCOM Server Process Launcher,设定为自动,开启,确定就可; 如果上述DCOM Server Process Launcher开启来,问题还没解决,那就用方案二;





  There are two known casues for this error:

1.       Visual Basic cannot find one of the following two files needed to run:


2.       You are trying to run Visual Basic from a network "Administrator" setup.



   For the first situation, the two files listed in the "Cause" section can be located on the Visual Basic installation CD in the \OS\System directory.

These two files need to be copied into one of the following directories in order to resolve the issue:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA


C:\Program Files\Common Files\MsApps\VBA

For the second situation, install Visual Basic locally. The Visual Basic product is not designed to run in a shared mode, so network Administrtator setups are unsupported. Please see the "References" section for more information.



1.Could not open visual basic 6.0. I got the an error that the DAO350.DLL could not be found.

2. So following some suggestions from the web:
a) Renamed old DAO350.DLL as DAO350.DLLOLD
b) I took this file from Visual Studio Disk 1 and copied it into the
C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAO
c) Regsvr32 "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAODAO350.DLL"
d) Then I got a successful message that it registered;





上述仅在Window XP SP3环境下测试通过;



来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/30193/viewspace-752226/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


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