excel 删除重复项

In Excel 2003 and earlier versions, you can use an Advanced Filter to remove duplicates. In Excel 2007, there's a new command on the Ribbon to make it easier to remove duplicates from a list.

在Excel 2003和更早版本中,可以使用“ 高级筛选器”删除重复项 。 在Excel 2007中,功能区上有一个新命令,可以更轻松地从列表中删除重复项。

Be careful with the Excel 2007 Remove Duplicates feature though – it really removes the duplicates. If you use an Advanced Filter instead, you have the option of hiding duplicates, or creating a unique list in a new location.

但是请小心使用Excel 2007的“删除重复项”功能-它实际上会删除重复项。 如果改用高级筛选器,则可以选择隐藏重复项,或在新位置创建唯一列表。

这个怎么运作 (How It Works)

Update: Jason Morin asked a few questions about the Remove Duplicates feature, and how it works, so I'll answer the questions here. (Thanks Jason!)

更新: Jason Morin询问了有关“删除重复项”功能及其工作方式的几个问题,因此我将在此处回答这些问题。 (感谢杰森!)

1) Does the new Duplicates capability discern between text strings and numerical values that look the same on the screen?


No, it treats the text strings and numbers the same. If the list has a 10 and a '10, they'll be treated as duplicates. There isn't a settings option that I can see, where you can adjust this. In the Advanced Filter feature, those would be seen as 2 unique items.

不,它将文本字符串和数字视为相同。 如果列表包含10和'10,则将它们视为重复项。 我看不到任何设置选项,您可以在其中进行调整。 在“高级过滤器”功能中,这些将被视为2个唯一项。

2) What about non-visible characters in the cell? Does it consider "Pen" and "Pen " the same? As a user I would view this as a duplicate, but Excel may not.

2)单元格中的不可见字符如何处理? 它是否认为“笔”和“笔”相同? 作为用户,我会将其视为重复项,但Excel可能不会。

No, those won't be treated as duplicates, because the space character in the second entry makes it different. Advanced Filter would do the same.

不,这些不会被视为重复项,因为第二个条目中的空格使它与众不同。 高级筛选器将执行相同的操作。

3) How does it decide WHICH duplicate to remove in the data set?


The first instance of each item is left, and all subsequent entries are deleted.


4) I assume if I'm working with record set (>1 column), I need to concatenate data from columns to create a unique identifier for each record, then run the Duplicates on the new column I created.

4)我假设如果我正在使用记录集(> 1列),则需要连接列中的数据以为每个记录创建唯一的标识符,然后在我创建的新列上运行重复项。

You can use the check marks in the Remove Duplicates dialog box, and select all the columns you want to include. Only if all the included columns are duplicated, will an item be removed. Advanced Filter works the same way, but without the check marks.

您可以在“删除重复项”对话框中使用复选标记,然后选择要包括的所有列。 仅当所有包含的列都重复时,项目才会被删除。 高级筛选器的工作方式相同,但没有复选标记。

删除重复项 (Remove Duplicates)

In this example, the list in cells A1:A10 contains a few duplicates.


Follow these steps to remove the duplicates.


  • Select any cell in the list, or select the entire list选择列表中的任何单元格,或选择整个列表
  • On the Ribbon's Data tab, click Remove Duplicates.在功能区的“数据”选项卡上,单击“删除重复项”。
  • In the Remove Duplicates dialog box, select the column(s) that you want to remove duplicates from在“删除重复项”对话框中,选择要从中删除重复项的列。
  • Check the box for My Data Has Headers, if applicable, then click OK.选中“我的数据具有标题”框(如果适用),然后单击“确定”。
  • A confirmation message will appear, showing the number of duplicates removed, and the number of unique items remaining. Click OK to close the message.将出现一条确认消息,显示已删除重复项的数量以及剩余的唯一项目的数量。 单击确定关闭消息。

观看删除重复视频 (Watch the Remove Duplicates Video)

Here's a very short video that shows the steps to remove duplicates in Excel 2007.

这是一段很短的视频,显示了在Excel 2007中删除重复项的步骤。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2009/12/14/remove-duplicates-in-excel-2007/

excel 删除重复项



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