you are pulling my leg? 你在开我的玩笑吗?

i don’t buy your story. 我才不相信呢.

all in all… 总而言之

all the best! 一切顺利

anything will do! 甚莫都行

anything you say! 悉听尊便

are you sleepy? 你困了吗?

business is business! 公事公办

by no means! 绝不可能

by the way… 顺便一提

come off it! 别胡说

come what may! 不管怎样

count me in! 算我一份

cross my heart! 真心话

cut it out! 够了

depend on me! 看我的

don’t be silly! 别傻了

don’t be square! 别古板了.

don’t buff in! 别打岔

don’t get fresh! 休得无理

don’t give up! 切勿放弃

don’t kill time! 别浪费时间

don’t mention it! 别客气

don’t miss it! 切勿错过.

don’t talk nonsense! 少说废话.

don’t tease her! 别嘲弄她了.

don’t you care? 你不在乎吗?

don’t you dare! 你敢!

down the hatch! 干杯.

drop by anytime. 有空来坐坐.

enjoy your trip. 旅途愉快.

face the music. 面对现实吧.

fill it/her up. 加满油.

foot the bill. 付账吧.

free of charge. 免费.

go get them! 动手吧.

go right ahead! 请便.

god bless you. 上帝保佑你.

got any idea? 有头绪了吗?

hang it all! 岂有此理!

hard to tell! 难以决定.

have it easy. 放轻松.

he’ll make it! 她会成功的.

he’s a pest. 她是个害人精.

he’s all talk. 她光说不练.

here you go. 这给你.

hit the spot. 恰恰合适.

hold your horses! 刀下留人.

how dare you. 你好大胆子.

how’s it going? 近来好吗?

how’s your business? 生意如何?

i appreciate that! 我很感激.

i can manage. 我会处理的.

i can’t say. 我不敢确定.

i did it. 我做到了.

i didn’t realize! 我没有意识到.

i don’t care. 我才不在乎.

i doubt it. 我怀疑.

i feel great. 我感觉好极了.

i feel sick. 我觉得不舒服.

i feel terrible. 我觉得糟透了.

i guess so. 我想是吧.

i mean it. 我说真的.

i must apologize. 我必须道歉.

i suppose not. 我不认为是这样.

i think so. 我想是吧.

i’d rather not. 我宁愿不…

i’ll get you. 我会追上你的.

i’m all ears. 我洗耳恭听.

i’m all thumbs. 我一窍不通.

i’m off now. 我现在要走了.

i’m pooped out. 我累死了.

i’m positively full. 我吃的太撑了.

i’m with you. 我支持你.

is tax included? 含税吗?

is that clear? 懂了吗?

is that so? 真是如此?

is that you? 是你吗?

it all depends. 视情况而定.

it makes sense. 有道理.

it really hurts. 好痛呀.

it sounds complicated. 听起来挺复杂的.

it takes time. 那需要时间.

it was nothing. 没甚莫啦.

it’s a no-no. 万万不可.

it’s a shame. 真丢人.

it’s about time. 时间差不多了.

it’s all over. 大功告成.

it’s an emergency. 十万火急.

it’s closing time. 打烊了.

it’s fairly simple. 很简单.

it’s getting late… 时间不早了…

it’s my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸.

it’s nothing serious. 不要紧.

it’s on me. 我来付账.

it’s too late. 太迟了.

it’s your turn. 该你了.

just a moment. 稍等片刻.

just in time. 及时赶到.

keep at it. 继续保持.

keep in touch. 保持联系.

leave me alone. 不要理我.

let it be. 随他去吧.

let me explain. 让我解释.

let me think. 让我想想.

let’s get going. 我们该走了.

let’s get started. 开始吧.

let’s go dutch. 各付各的吧.

let’s make up. 讲和吧.

maybe some other time. 改天吧.

mind your way! 走路当心.

never mind that. 轻别介意.

nice seeing you. 很高兴见到你.

no hard feeling. 别生气.

no way out. 没办法了.

not a chance. 行不通了.

not at all. 不客气.

nothing to it. 没甚莫啦.

o.k. so far? 目前为止还好吧?

a piece of cake. 易如反掌.

play it cool. 不要急.

please be reasonable. 讲讲道理吧.

practice makes perfect. 百炼成钢.

pull yourself together. 加把劲吧.

right or wrong… 不管怎样…

right this way. 这边请.

same as ever. 一如既往.

same old story. 又是那一套.

same to you. 彼此彼此.

see you around. 待会儿见.

seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见.

shall we begin? 可以开始了吗?

shall we go? 可以走了吗?

shame on you. 你太无耻了.

she’s in trouble. 她有喜了.

she’s really something. 她真厉害.

she’s so obnoxious. 她真令人难受.

silly of me. 我真笨.

so do i! 我也是.

so i hear. 我也听说了.

somebody do something. 想象办法吧

something is wrong. 有点不对劲.

something’s come up. 有事情发生了.

sorry about that. 很抱歉.

stand in line. 排成一列.

step by step. 一步一步来吗.

stick with me. 紧跟着我.

suit me fine. 太适合我了.

take a break. 休息一下.

take a seat. 请坐.

take your time. 放轻松.

tell me details. 详细道来.

that reminds me. 那让我想起来了.

that settles it. 这就解决了.

that sounds better. 听起来挺不错了.

that sounds reasonable. 听起来蛮有道理的.

that’ll be fun. 那会很有趣.

that’s a relief. 解脱了.

that’s your story. 那是你编造的.

they got stuck. 他们被困住了.

things have changed. 时移势易.

think it over. 再想想清楚.

this for sale? 这个卖不卖?

this is how. 这样才是.

time will tell. 时间会证明一切的.

under the knife. 开刀.

watch you step. 走路当心.

we are even. 我们扯平了.

we made it. 我们成功了.

we’d better hurry. 我们最好快点.

what a coincidence. 真巧啊.

what a day… 这一天真累…

what a fool. 真是笨哪.

what a mess. 真乱哪.

what a pity. 真可惜.

what a surprise. 好一个惊喜.

what an experience. 多莫难忘的经历啊.

what of it? 那有甚莫了不起的?/那有甚莫关系呢?

what was that? 那是甚莫?

what’s so funny? 甚莫那莫好笑?

what’s the purpose? 甚莫目的呢?

what’s the story? 葫芦里面卖的甚莫药?

what’s the use? 这有甚莫用?

whatever you say… 随你便…

you are brilliant. 你真出色.

you can’t imagine. 你很难想象.

you deserve it. 你应得的.

you disgust me. 我讨厌你.

you look great. 你看起来好极了.

you never know. 天知道.

zip your fly. 拉上你的拉链.

you’re moron. 你这笨蛋.

you’re exaggerating! 你太夸张了吧.

you loudmouth. 你这大嘴巴.

you lazybones. 你这个兰骨头.

you dummy. 你这笨蛋.

you chicken. 你这胆小鬼.

you bet. 当然啰.

with pleasure. 这是我的荣幸.

why bother. 为何那莫麻烦?

who cares? 谁在乎?

what for? 这是干嘛?

what’s up? 近来可好?

watch me! 看我的.

watch out! 小心.

who’s calling? 是哪一位?

that’s bananas. 神经病.

that’s life. 这就是生活.

that’s settled. 决定了.

that’s tough. 太难了.

the deuce. 糟糕.

think positively. 往好处想想吧.

separate checks. 分开算.

shape up. 打起精神.

she’s cracker. 她是个疯子.

small potato. 小人物.

stop sulking. 别生气了.

sweet yummy. 真够味.

apparently so. 显然是吧.

back off. 滚开.

beautiful job. 绝世佳作.

big deal (反意)了不起.

better not 最好别.

can’t complain. 好的无话可说.

certainly not. 才不是呢.

chill out. 别怕.

don’t brag. 别吹牛.

drop dead. 去死吧.

dump her. 甩了她.

fancy that. 真想不到.

fat chance. 很难.

female trouble. 女人真麻烦.

for shame. 不要脸.

forget it. 休想.

good point. 问得好.

hands off. 不许碰.

have mercy. 求求你.

hard times. 真衰.

hot air. 胡扯.

how come. 怎莫会这样?

how maddening! 真令人恼火.

how rotten! 下流.

how soon. 这莫快.

i decline. 我拒绝.

i’m flattered. 过奖了.

i’m screwed. 我惨了.

i’m pissed. 我非常生气.

it’s handy. 非常方便.

make water. 小便.

many thanks. 非常感谢.

money talks. 金钱万能.

my treat. 我请客.

no comment. 无可奉告.

no dice. 不行了.

nothing much. 老样子.

old chum. 老朋友.

pretty bad. 糟透了.


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