有時在simulation时遇到不明來歷的log message,如下所示:

include coverage not located
did you mean a_cfg?

debug發現在create ral model 時引入的

if(uvm_xxx_ral_model == null)beginuvm_xxx_ral_model = ral_uvm_xxx::type_id::create("uvm_xxx_ral_model",this);uvm_xxx_ral_model.configure(null,"top.dut_i");uvm_xxx_ral_model.build();uvm_xxx_ral_model.lock_model();end//solution
if(uvm_xxx_ral_model == null)beginuvm_reg::include_coverage("*",UVM_CVR_ALL);uvm_xxx_ral_model = ral_uvm_xxx::type_id::create("uvm_xxx_ral_model",this);uvm_xxx_ral_model.configure(null,"top.dut_i");uvm_xxx_ral_model.build();uvm_xxx_ral_model.set_coverage(UVM_CVR_ALL)uvm_xxx_ral_model.lock_model();end

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