
Have you been looking to integrate MS Office install and your Zoho online account? Then join us as we look at the Zoho Plugin for Microsoft Office.

您是否一直在寻找将MS Office安装和您的Zoho在线帐户集成在一起的方法? 然后加入我们,了解用于Microsoft Office的Zoho插件。

Note: Compatible with Office 2000 and above (English Language versions only).

注意:与Office 2000及更高版本兼容(仅英语版本)。

Using the Zoho Office Plugin

使用Zoho Office插件

For our example we created a document in Zoho Writer online before installing the plugin.

对于我们的示例,在安装插件之前,我们在Zoho Writer中在线创建了一个文档。

The installation itself will be quick and simple. There will also be a program folder created in Program Files.

安装本身将快速而简单。 在“程序文件”中还将创建一个程序文件夹。

When the installation process has finished, both Word and Excel are set to start by default.


To access Zoho in Word and/or Excel go to the Add-Ins Tab and login into your Zoho account.


Note: We focused on Word only for our article.


Once you have logged in, the plugin will access your online account.


At this point you are ready to open and work on your files.


When you go to open an online document you will be presented with a list to choose from. We decided to access the document that we created earlier.

当您打开在线文档时,将显示一个列表供您选择。 我们决定访问我们之前创建的文档。

There is our online document looking very nice in Word.


As a test we added the following bit of text to the document.


Saving documents works just as quickly as opening them.


After saving the document we checked our online account. As you can see the new text was available in the online version.

保存文档后,我们检查了我们的在线帐户。 如您所见,在线版本中提供了新文本。

You can also save your documents locally by using the regular save function in Microsoft Word.

您还可以使用Microsoft Word中的常规保存功能在本地保存文档。

Note: The plugin will automatically use your account name as the local folder’s name.


Any documents saved locally will be placed in a special Zoho folder in My Documents on your computer.


Accessing locally saved documents will require you to enter your Zoho account password (which adds a nice bit of security for your documents).


Note: In this instance we totally shut Word down and restarted as part of the test.




If you have been wanting to integrate your Zoho account with Microsoft Office, then the Zoho Plugin for Microsoft Office is definitely worth looking into.

如果您一直想将Zoho帐户与Microsoft Office集成在一起,那么Microsoft Office的Zoho插件绝对值得研究。



Download the Zoho PlugIn for Microsoft Office

下载适用于Microsoft Office的Zoho插件

Learn more about the Zoho Plugin for Microsoft Office (FAQ) *Presentations also available.

了解有关用于Microsoft Office的Zoho插件的更多信息(FAQ) *也提供演示文稿。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18674/integrate-ms-office-and-your-zoho-online-account/


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