xshell script api



The following functions and variables can be used in Xshell sessions. To use these functions and variables, execute them together with xsh.Session. For example, to use ‘Sleep()’ function, use ‘xsh.Session.Sleep(1000)’.

Return Value Function Parameter Description
Void Open(LPCTSTR lpszSession) lpszSession A character string of an Xshell session path or URL format of Xshell. Open a new session or URL. To open a session, place /s option in front of a character string. Ex.) To open the A.xsh session, use ‘/s $PATH/A.xsh’.
Void Close() Close the currently connected session.
Void Sleep(long timeout) Timeout Milisecond unit time value. Make Xshell wait for the designated time.
Void LogFilePath(LPCTSTR lpszNewFilePath) lpszNewFilePath File name including path Designate log file.
void StartLog() Start logging for a session. Log is designated with a path specified in LogFilePath(). If a log file path is not designated, the default path is used.
void StopLog() Stop logging.
Name Type Description
Connected BOOL Check whether current session is connected.
LocalAddress BSTR Retrieve the local address.
Path BSTR Retrieve the current session file path.
RemoteAddress BSTR Retrieve the remote address.
RemotePort long Retrieve the remote port.
Logging BOOL Check whether current session is recording log file.
LogFilePath BSTR Save as a log file.


The following functions and variables can be used when handling of the Xshell terminal screen. To use these functions and variables, execute them together with the xsh.Screen. For example, to use ‘Clear()’ function, use ‘xsh.Session.Clear()’.

Return Value Function Parameter Description
void Clear() Clear terminal screen.
void Send(LPCTSTR lpszStrToSend) lpszStrToSend Character string to send Send message to terminal.
BSTR Get(long nBegRow, long nBegCol, long nEndRow, long nEndCol) nBegRow Terminal row starting position nBegCol Terminal column starting position nEndRow Terminal row ending position nEndCol Terminal column ending position Read the character string in the specified terminal section and return the value.
void WaitForString(LPCTSTR lpszString) lpszString Character string to be displayed on the terminal. Wait for message.
Long WaitForStrings(VARIANT FAR* strArray, long nTimeout) strArray Character string to be displayed on the terminal nTimeout Wait time millisecond value Return Value The number of found strings. Wait for message until timeout.
Name Type Description
CurrentColumn long Return the current column.
CurrentRow long Return the current row.
Columns long Retrieve the total columns same as terminal width.
Rows long Retrieves the total row same as terminal lines
Synchronous BOOL Set screen synchronization (True means synchronize and false means do not synchronize)


You can use this to manipulate the Xshell terminal screen. To use the following function and variable, execute it with xsh.Dialog. For example, if you want to use the MsgBox() function, append xsh.Dialog.MsgBox() in the front like this: xsh.Dialog.MsgBox().

Return Value Function Parameter Description
Long MsgBox(LPCTSTR lpszMsg) LpszMsg:
String you want to send.
Open a message box.
string Prompt(LPCTSTR lpszMessage, LPCTSTR lpszTitle, LPCTSTR lpszDefault, BOOL bHidden) lpszMessage:
The string to be displayed in the Prompt Dialog Box
The string to be displayed in the title bar of the Prompt Dialog Box
Initial default string of Prompt Dialog Box input box
If set to True, input will be hidden (e.g. *****)
Returns user’s input from Prompt Dialog Box
Return Values:
User’s input from Prompt Dialog Box
int MessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszMessage, LPCTSTR lpszTitle, int nType) lpszMessage:
The string to be displayed in the Message Box
The string to be displayed in the title bar of the Message Box
Dictates button types. Refer to the table below
Displays a message box with a variety of buttons and return values depending on the user’s button selection
Return Values:
Refer to the nType parameter description below
nType Button Return Value
0 OK 1
1 OK / Cancel 1 / 2
2 Abort / Retry / Ignore 3 / 4 / 5
3 Yes / No / Cancel 6 / 7 / 2
4 Yes / No 6 / 7
5 Retry / Cancel 4 / 2
6 Cancel / TryAgain / Continue 2 / 10 / 11




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