
You’ve put in months of work getting your business ready and, finally, you’ve launched your website. All you need to do now is sit back and wait for your customers to put in orders. If only it was so easy.  Before that’s going to happen you have to get traffic to your website and then you need to convert those visitors into customers. In our last post, we discussed using advertising and affiliate marketing as a means to drive traffic, in this article, we’ll discuss ten other very effective techniques that businesses use to increase their visitor numbers.

您已经花了几个月的时间准备好业务,最后,您启动了网站。 您现在需要做的就是坐下来等待客户下订单。 如果只是那么简单。 在此之前,您必须吸引网站访问量,然后才能将这些访问者转化为客户。 在上一篇文章中,我们讨论了使用广告和联属网络营销作为增加访问量的方法,在本文中,我们将讨论企业用于增加访问者数量的其他十种非常有效的技术。

1.利用自己的专业知识 (1. Exploit your own expertise)

One of the most powerful ways to attract visitors to your business website is by creating a blog that helps people to solve problems relating to your field of expertise. For example, if you sell beauty products, a blog that gives hints and tips on how to wear make-up is an excellent way to get regular readers and to promote the products you sell.

吸引访问者访问您的企业网站的最有效方法之一是创建一个博客,以帮助人们解决与您的专业领域有关的问题。 例如,如果您销售美容产品,那么一个博客提供有关如何化妆的提示和技巧,这是吸引普通读者和宣传您销售的产品的绝佳方法。

By using a range of media in your blog – writing, images, infographics and video, you can improve audience engagement and get your visitors to sign up for that ever important email list. Good content marketing also works well in conjunction with social media.

通过在博客中使用各种媒体(写作,图像,信息图表和视频),您可以提高受众的参与度,并使访问者注册该重要电子邮件列表 。 良好的内容营销也可以与社交媒体很好地结合使用。

2.利用社交媒体的力量 (2. Harness the power of social media)

One of the best methods you can use to promote your business is social media. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are great ways for you to interact with potential customers, showcase your products and define your brand. In return you get people following you, liking you and sharing your content with others. In essence, it’s free advertising.

可以用来推广业务的最佳方法之一是社交媒体。 像Facebook和Twitter这样的平台是您与潜在客户互动,展示产品和定义品牌的好方法。 作为回报,您会吸引人们关注您,喜欢您并与他人共享您的内容。 本质上,它是免费的广告。

However, don’t restrict yourself to just Facebook and Twitter. Other platforms offer some exciting opportunities too. If you have visually appealing products or services then Instagram and Pinterest are ideal channels. Pinterest is also perfect for any business that belongs in the design, creative or crafts fields. LinkedIn is superb for B2B networking and Google+ can help your business appear in personalised search results. There are many more social media platforms besides these.

但是,不要只限于Facebook和Twitter。 其他平台也提供了一些令人兴奋的机会。 如果您拥有吸引人的产品或服务,那么Instagram和Pinterest是理想的渠道。 对于属于设计,创意或手Craft.io领域的任何业务,Pinterest也是完美的选择。 LinkedIn具有出色的B2B联网能力,Google +可以帮助您的公司出现在个性化搜索结果中。 除了这些,还有更多的社交媒体平台。

3.使用吸引注意的标题和元描述 (3. Use attention grabbing headlines and meta descriptions)

When your business turns up in search results, two things are shown to the person making the search: your page or post’s title and the meta description. These are the only things the searcher has to help them make a decision on which result to click.

当您的业务出现在搜索结果中时,向搜索的人显示两件事:页面或帖子的标题以及元描述。 这些是搜索者唯一需要帮助他们做出决定的结果的唯一选择。

To improve your chances of being clicked on and getting more people to your website, you need to write attention grabbing headlines and back this up with a meta description that will be irresistible.

4.优化搜索引擎的内容 (4. Optimise your content for search engines)

SEO is a way to help your content rank higher in search engine results. Although there are lots of experts out there who will provide you with highly detailed consultancy, there are some basic things that everyone can do to improve their SEO.

SEO是帮助您的内容在搜索引擎结果中排名更高的一种方法。 尽管那里有很多专家可以为您提供详细的咨询,但是每个人都可以做一些基本的事情来改善他们的SEO。

  • Put your keywords in the title, meta description and the first paragraph of the text. You should also use them several other times throughout the rest of the content.将关键字放在标题,元描述和文本的第一段中。 您还应该在其余内容中多次使用它们。
  • Make sure your subheadings are created with h2 tags – i.e. they are seen as subheadings by search engines, not just bold text.确保您的副标题是使用h2标签创建的-即它们被搜索引擎视为副标题,而不仅仅是粗体文本。
  • Include internal links in your content to other important pages and posts on your website.在您的内容中包括指向您网站上其他重要页面和帖子的内部链接。
  • Make sure all images use ‘alt tags’ – this helps search engines understand what all the content on your page is about, not just the text.确保所有图像都使用“ alt标签” –这有助于搜索引擎了解页面上所有内容的含义,而不仅仅是文本。
  • Use external links to high authority .edu and .gov websites when appropriate. For example, if you were selling garden buildings you could link to a .gov page about planning permission.在适当的情况下,使用指向高权限.edu和.gov网站的外部链接。 例如,如果您要出售花园建筑,则可以链接到有关规划许可的.gov页面。

5.确保您拥有响应Swift的网站 (5. Make sure you have a responsive website)

A responsive website is one which changes the way it looks to fit the device it is being viewed on. You can tell the ones which aren’t because when you look at them on mobile phones, the text will be so small you will need to zoom in to read it and you will need to keep scrolling from side to side. Non responsive websites are problematic to use on smaller devices and cause visitors using phones and tablets to leave and go elsewhere.

If 40% of your visitors are using these devices, you could be losing a substantial amount of business by not having a responsive website. In addition, as Google now down ranks non-responsive websites, you could see your traffic massively reduced.

如果40%的访问者正在使用这些设备,则可能由于没有响应式网站而失去大量业务。 此外,由于Google现在降低了无响应网站的排名,因此您可能会看到访问量大大减少了。

6.积极参与对话 (6. Get active in conversations )

Just as networking in the real world can attract business, networking on the internet can increase traffic. By joining related forums and commenting on other websites you will soon find yourself attracting the attention of others. If you are able to link back to your website on these forums and websites, then you are leaving the door open to get increased numbers of referrals from these sites. Make sure you choose only high authority sites to do this.

正如现实世界中的网络可以吸引业务一样,互联网上的网络也可以增加流量。 通过加入相关论坛并在其他网站上发表评论,您很快就会发现自己吸引了其他人的注意。 如果您能够在这些论坛和网站上链接回您的网站,则您将获得更多来自这些网站的推荐链接。 确保仅选择高权限站点来执行此操作。

7.增强权威 (7. Grow your authority)

One of the best ways to generate large numbers of visitors is to have other high authority websites link to your content. If you find that your content gets linked to by an influencer in your niche area, for example, someone who has 100,000 visitors a day to their site and several million twitter followers, then your website can go viral.

吸引大量访问者的最佳方法之一是让其他高权限网站链接到您的内容。 例如,如果您发现自己的内容被利基地区的某个影响者链接,例如某人每天有10万访问者访问该网站,并拥有数百万个Twitter关注者,则您的网站可以蓬勃发展。

If quite a few influencers and other leading websites link to you, Google and other search engines will begin to take notice that you are seen as an authority in your niche and, as a result, your search engine rankings will increase also.


To do this, you need to write exceptional content; articles which offer expert advice and are highly regarded by your peers.

为此,您需要编写出色的内容。 提供专家建议并受到同行好评的文章。

8.与影响者互动 (8. Engage with the influencers)

One of the ways to get noticed by your peers and the main influences in your niche is to engage with them. If you are selling beauty products, send samples to the leading beauty bloggers; if they like what they get, they may tell their readers about you.

引起同龄人注意以及利基市场的主要影响之一就是与他们互动。 如果您要出售美容产品,请将样品发送给领先的美容博客。 如果他们喜欢得到的东西,他们可能会告诉读者您的情况。

You can also engage them by writing a post about them, for example, The 10 Best Beauty Blogs You Just Have to Read. Flattery can get you everywhere in some spheres and ‘bigging up’ influential people who can boost your fortunes just by sending out a quick Tweet can be a credible way to improve traffic to your site.

您也可以通过撰写有关它们的文章来吸引他们,例如,您必须阅读的10个最佳美容博客。 奉承可以使您在某些领域无处不在,而“发扬光大”的有影响力的人只要发送快速Tweet就能增加财富,是提高网站流量的可靠方法。

9.撰写来宾博客文章 (9. Write guest blog posts)

Getting the opportunity to write a problem solving guest post and have it posted on a high traffic niche blog can be another way to boost your traffic. If readers are interested in the advice you give, they are likely to visit your website after reading the blog post. If, for example, you sold timber online, you could write a post about which wood is the best to use for different projects and send this to a woodworking blog. Readers of that blog would then be inspired to visit your own website.

获得机会撰写解决问题的来宾帖子并将其发布在高流量的利基博客上,可能是增加流量的另一种方法。 如果读者对您提供的建议感兴趣,他们很可能在阅读博客文章后访问了您的网站。 例如,如果您在线销售木材,则可以写一篇文章说明哪种木材最适合用于不同的项目,并将其发送到木工博客。 然后,该博客的读者会被启发去访问您自己的网站。

Many influential blogs let people write guest posts. For some, you need to email and ask if you can submit an article; others advertise the fact by having a Guest Post Submissions page which will tell you what you need to do to get an article published.

许多有影响力的博客都允许人们撰写来宾帖子。 对于某些人,您需要发送电子邮件并询问是否可以提交文章。 其他人则通过创建“来宾帖子提交”页面来宣传该事实,该页面将告诉您需要做的事情才能发表文章。

10.找出您的竞争对手在做什么 (10. Find out what your competitors are up to)

Different strategies work better in some market sectors than others. One of the best ways to find out which works in your sector is to see what your competition is doing to attract traffic. How do they use social media? Do they guest post?

在某些市场领域,不同策略的效果要好于其他策略。 找出您所在行业中哪个行之有效的最佳方法之一就是查看您的竞争对手在做什么以吸引流量。 他们如何使用社交媒体? 他们有客人留言吗?

You can visit their website, read their blogs and follow them on Facebook and Twitter. You should also visit BuzzSumo, a website which analyses social media and the internet and can inform you which content works best for any topic and any competitor; it’s well worth looking at.

您可以访问他们的网站,阅读他们的博客,并在Facebook和Twitter上关注他们。 您还应该访问BuzzSumo,这是一个分析社交媒体和互联网的网站,可以告知您哪种内容最适合任何主题和竞争对手; 值得一看。

结论 (Conclusion)

This article will hopefully have shown you that PPC advertising is not the only way to attract visitors to your online business. By using social media, SEO and engaging with influencers within your niche you can improve your website’s ranking and authority and get others to promote your business for you. It may take time to do this, but the effects are long lasting and can be much less expensive than paid advertising.

希望本文能向您展示PPC广告并不是吸引访问者在线业务的唯一途径。 通过使用社交媒体,SEO和与利基市场中的有影响力人士进行互动,您可以提高网站的排名和权威,并吸引其他人为您推广业务。 这样做可能会花费一些时间,但是效果会持续很长时间,并且比付费广告便宜得多。

If you about to start an online business and are seeking a web host, check out our easy to use site builder. Also, take a look at what our customers say about our services.

如果您要开始在线业务并正在寻找网络主机,请查看我们易于使用的网站构建器 。 另外,请看一下客户对我们服务的评价。




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