
It's easy to tell a friend where to meet you if you're at a location with an actual address. But what if you're trying to find each other in a huge park? Or you're trying to give them directions to your super secret camping spot on that unnamed dirt road?

如果您在一个有真实地址的地方,很容易告诉朋友在哪里见您。 但是,如果您要在一个巨大的公园中寻找对方,该怎么办? 还是您正在尝试为他们提供在那条未命名的土路上的超级秘密露营地的路线?

There's an easier way to do it than telling them to "turn left at the cow, after the big tree": dropping a pin in Google Maps.

有一种比告诉他们“在大树后向母牛左转”更简单的方法:在Google Maps中放置图钉。

这是什么意思? (What does this mean?)

When you drop a pin in your exact location, you're saving the GPS coordinates of that spot.


That way, when you share it with your friend, you're telling them exactly where you are - not the nearest street address (which might be miles away).


你是怎么做到的? (So how do you do it?)

Let's go through the steps to add (and remove) a pin from Google Maps, both on your PC and your phone.

让我们按照步骤在PC和手机上从Google Maps添加(和删除)图钉。

如何在您的PC上放置图钉: (How to drop a pin on your PC:)

第1步:打开您喜欢的浏览器,然后转到Google地图。 (Step 1: Open your favorite browser and go to Google Maps.)

第2步:到达更具体的位置 (Step 2: Get to a more specific location)

In the "Search Google Maps" field, enter a more specific location so you can narrow down your search area.


Now you're getting closer. But still not close enough. The Barton Creek Greenbelt in Austin is a fairly large place. So zoom in a little.

现在您越来越近了。 但是仍然不够紧密。 奥斯丁的Barton Creek Greenbelt是一个相当大的地方。 所以放大一点。

步骤3:放下密码 (Step 3: Drop your pin)

Once you're zoomed in, select the location you'd like to pin. Right-click, and then select "Directions to here" from the drop down that appears:

放大后,选择您要固定的位置。 右键单击,然后从出现的下拉菜单中选择“指向此处的方向”:

It'll then ask you to enter a starting point (where's your friend coming from?) and will produce driving directions to that spot.


步骤4:分享您的路线 (Step 4: Share your directions)

Now you just have to tell your friend where to go - so you'll want to share those directions.


Click the hamburger menu (three horizontal bars) in the upper left, and select "Share or embed maps" from the long dropdown list.


You'll have the option to share the link via social media or, if you'd like to keep it private, to copy the link and send it directly to your friend:


There you go! Your friend will have a much better chance of finding you now.

你去! 您的朋友现在有更多机会找到您。

如何卸下别针 (How to remove the pin)

If you want to remove the pin from Google Maps, simply right click on it and select "Remove this destination." Poof, it's gone.

如果您想从Google地图上删除图钉,只需右键单击它,然后选择“删除此目的地”。 of,它消失了。

如何在手机上放置图钉 (How to drop a pin on your phone)

It's super easy to drop a pin on your iPhone. Simply open the Google Maps app and navigate to the general area where you are/want to be.

在您的iPhone上放置图钉非常容易。 只需打开Goog​​le Maps应用,然后导航到您想要/想要的一般区域。

步骤1:找到您的位置 (Step 1: Find your spot)

Zoom in, like we did above, until you can see the spot you'd like to pin. Then just press and hold on the screen until that little red pin drops:

像上面一样放大,直到您看到想要固定的位置。 然后只需按住屏幕,直到红色小针脚掉落:

Once you've placed the pin, you'll see some options down at the bottom. You can choose to:

放置图钉后,您将在底部看到一些选项。 您可以选择:

  • Get directions from a certain place to that spot
  • Label that spot for future use
  • Share the GPS coordinates (via a link) through text, email, and so on
  • Download that map so you can access it offline

步骤2:分享您的图钉 (Step 2: Share your pin)

You can share your pin with a friend much the same way we did above. For example, you can send the coordinates/link via text:

您可以按照与上述相同的方式与朋友分享您的密码。 例如,您可以通过文本发送坐标/链接:

You can also get direction from a location to the pin. If you choose this option, just select the "directions" tab and enter a starting spot.

您还可以获取从某个位置到图钉的方向。 如果选择此选项,则只需选择“方向”标签,然后输入起点即可。

See, easy peasy :)


如何卸下别针 (How to remove the pin)

If you want to remove that pin, simply hit the x in the search field and it'll disappear.


Now you can always find your friends (or be found) - even if you're in the middle of nowhere.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/dropped-pins-in-google-maps-how-to-pin-a-location-and-remove-a-pin/



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