
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import threading

import requests

import time

from tkinter import *

from tkinter.ttk import *

from tkinter.messagebox import *

class Application_ui(Frame):

# 这个类仅实现界面生成功能,具体事件处理代码在子类Application中。

def __init__(self, master=None):

Frame.__init__(self, master)




def createWidgets(self):

self.top = self.winfo_toplevel()

self.bum = self.winfo_toplevel()

frame = Frame()

frame.place(x=20, y=60, width=750, height=259)

self.style = Style()

self.style.configure('Label1.TLabel', anchor='w', font=('宋体', 9, 'bold'))

self.Label1 = Label(self.top, text='出发地:', style='Label1.TLabel')

self.Label1.place(relx=0.03, rely=0.068, relwidth=0.072, relheight=0.048)

self.Text1Var = StringVar(value='')

self.Text1 = Entry(self.top, textvariable=self.Text1Var, font=('宋体', 9))

self.Text1.place(relx=0.091, rely=0.046, relwidth=0.142, relheight=0.094)

self.style.configure('Label1.TLabel', anchor='w', font=('宋体', 9, 'bold'))

self.Label1 = Label(self.top, text='目的地:', style='Label1.TLabel')

self.Label1.place(relx=0.262, rely=0.068, relwidth=0.072, relheight=0.048)

self.Text2Var = StringVar(value='')

self.Text2 = Entry(self.top, textvariable=self.Text2Var, font=('宋体', 9))

self.Text2.place(relx=0.322, rely=0.046, relwidth=0.142, relheight=0.094)

self.style.configure('Command1.TButton', font=('宋体', 9, 'bold'))

self.Command1 = Button(self.top, text='查 询', command=self.Command2, style='Command1.TButton')

self.Command1.place(relx=0.785, rely=0.046, relwidth=0.172, relheight=0.094)

self.style.configure('Label1.TLabel', anchor='w', font=('宋体', 9, 'bold'))

self.Label2 = Label(self.top, text='出发日期:', style='Label2.TLabel')

self.Label2.place(relx=0.493, rely=0.058, relwidth=0.092, relheight=0.048)

self.number = StringVar()

numberChosen = Combobox(self.top, textvariable=self.number)

numberChosen.place(relx=0.574, rely=0.049, relwidth=0.142, relheight=0.074)

numberChosen['values'] = (1, 2, 4, 42, 100) # 设置下拉列表的值

values = []

y = int(time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime()))

m = int(time.strftime("%m", time.localtime()))

d = int(time.strftime("%d", time.localtime()))

i = 0

yy = y

mm = m

dd = d

while i < 30: # 30天数据

if m in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12):

if d + i > 31:

dd = d + i - 31

mm = m + 1

if mm > 12:

yy = y + 1

mm = mm - 12


dd = d + i

elif m in (4, 6, 9, 11):

if d + i > 30:

dd = d + i - 30

mm = m + 1

if mm > 12:

yy = y + 1

mm = mm - 12


dd = d + i


if (m % 400 == 0) or ((m % 4 == 0) and (m % 100 != 0)):

if d + i > 29:

dd = d + i - 29

mm = m + 1

if mm > 12:

yy = y + 1

mm = mm - 12


dd = d + i


if d + i > 28:

dd = d + i - 28

mm = m + 1

if mm > 12:

yy = y + 1

mm = mm - 12


dd = d + i

s = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (yy, mm, dd)


i += 1

numberChosen['values'] = tuple(values)

numberChosen.current(0) # 设置下拉列表默认显示的值,0为 numberChosen['values'] 的下标值

scrollBar = Scrollbar(frame)

scrollBar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)

self.tree = Treeview(frame, height=259,

columns=("车次", "出发站名", "到达站名", "出发时间", "到达时间", "一等座", "二等座", "硬卧", "软卧", "硬座", "无座"),

show="headings", yscrollcommand=scrollBar.set)


self.tree.column('车次', width=50, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('出发站名', width=80, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('到达站名', width=80, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('出发时间', width=80, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('到达时间', width=80, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('一等座', width=60, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('二等座', width=60, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('硬卧', width=60, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('软卧', width=60, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('硬座', width=60, anchor='center')

self.tree.column('无座', width=60, anchor='center')

self.tree.heading('车次', text='车次')

self.tree.heading('出发站名', text='出发站名')

self.tree.heading('到达站名', text='到达站名')

self.tree.heading('出发时间', text='出发时间')

self.tree.heading('到达时间', text='到达时间')

self.tree.heading('一等座', text='一等座')

self.tree.heading('二等座', text='二等座')

self.tree.heading('硬卧', text='硬卧')

self.tree.heading('软卧', text='软卧')

self.tree.heading('硬座', text='硬座')

self.tree.heading('无座', text='无座')


class Application(Application_ui):

# 这个类实现具体的事件处理回调函数。界面生成代码在Application_ui中。

def __init__(self, master=None):

Application_ui.__init__(self, master)

header = {

"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36",


# 获取各个城市的编号

city_url = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/resources/js/framework/station_name.js?station_version=1.9077"

rep = requests.get(city_url, headers=header)

self.areatocode = {}

# 把内容以{城市名:对应的编号}存入字典

for i in rep.content.decode().split("@")[1:]:

if i:

tmp = i.split("|")

self.areatocode[tmp[1]] = tmp[2]

def Command2(self):


start1 = self.Text1.get()

to1 = self.Text2.get()

date = self.number.get()

# 这里日期判断不够严格 自己可以附加

now_data = time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d', time.localtime(time.time()))

if not start1:

showerror(title='警告', message='出发地不能为空')

elif start1 not in self.areatocode:

showerror(title='警告', message='输入错误,没有找到该城市')

elif not to1:

showerror(title='警告', message='目的地不能为空')

elif to1 not in self.areatocode:

showerror(title='警告', message='输入错误,没有找到该城市')

elif not date:

showerror(title='警告', message='输入错误,没有找到该日期')

elif int(date.replace('-', '')) < int(now_data.replace('.', '')):

showerror(title='警告', message='日期不能小于当期日期')

elif start1 and to1 and date:

if self.Command1['text'] == '查 询':

self.Command1['text'] = '正 在 查 询'

# 每次点击查询按钮后将按钮设置为不可用 防止多次发送请求


# 启动一个线程防止程序在查询期间被卡主 出现未响应的情况

t = threading.Thread(target=self.Command1_Cmd, args=(start1, to1, date))


def Command1_Cmd(self, start1, to1, date):


start = self.areatocode[start1]

to = self.areatocode[to1]

# 这里有学生和成人之分 默认直接写成成人了

student = "ADULT"

url = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/leftTicket/query?leftTicketDTO.train_date=" + date + "&leftTicketDTO.from_station=" + start + "&leftTicketDTO.to_station=" + to + "&purpose_codes=" + student

rep = requests.get(url, headers={

"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36"})

patrst01 = '"result":\[(.*?)\]'

# 正则提取查票的结果

rst0 = re.compile(patrst01).findall(rep.content.decode())

checimap_pat = '"map":({.*?})'

checimap = eval(re.compile(checimap_pat).findall(rep.content.decode())[0])

if rst0[0] == '':

showinfo(title='警告', message='没有找到该车次的信息')

rst01 = rst0[0]

allcheci = rst01.split(",")

# 点击查询按钮 先把内容清空

x = self.tree.get_children()

for item in x:


for i in range(0, len(allcheci)):

thischeci = allcheci[i].split("|")

code = thischeci[3]

fromname = thischeci[6]

fromname = checimap[fromname]

# [7]---toname

toname = thischeci[7]

toname = checimap[toname]

# [8]---stime

stime = thischeci[8]

# [9]---atime

atime = thischeci[9]

# [28]---一等座

yz = thischeci[31] if str(thischeci[31]) != '' else "-"

# [29]---二等座

wz = thischeci[30] if str(thischeci[30]) != '' else "-"

# [30]---硬座

ze = thischeci[29] if str(thischeci[29]) != '' else "-"

# [31]---无座

zy = thischeci[26] if str(thischeci[26]) != '' else "-"

# 硬卧

xx = thischeci[28] if str(thischeci[28]) != '' else "-"

# 软卧

yy = thischeci[23] if str(thischeci[23]) != '' else "-"

# 将数据回显到软件中

self.tree.insert('', i, values=(

code, fromname, toname, stime, atime, str(yz), str(wz), str(xx), str(yy), str(ze), str(zy)))

# 查询完毕将按钮变为正常


self.Command1['text'] = '查 询'



self.Command1['text'] = '查 询'

if __name__ == "__main__":

top = Tk()

top.resizable(width=False, height=False)







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