add checking mail notification

  • Add the checking mail notification for Mutt - 为Mutt添加新邮件提醒

    • 通过mailcheck

      • Install the notify-send app, in Debian, the package is libnotify-bin
      • Install mailcheck app
      • Configure the mailcheck
      • Write shell script. to monite the mail
      • Auto run script. when login
    • 通过mail-notification
      • 安装
      • 启动软件
      • 配置

Add the checking mail notification for Mutt - 为Mutt添加新邮件提醒


Install the notify-send app, in Debian, the package is libnotify-bin

$sudo aptitude install libnotify-bin

Install mailcheck app

$sudo aptitude install mailcheck

Configure the mailcheck

Create the file: ~/.mailcheckrc, and add the following lines:


Write shell script. to monite the mail

Here is the shell file content

cur=0while [ : ]
domailcheck | grep new 2>&1 >/dev/nullif [ $? -eq 0 ]thencur=$(mailcheck  | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} ; $4~/new/ {sum=sum+1}; END {print sum}')if [ $cur -ne $last ]thennotify-send -i "/usr/share/pixmaps/mutt.xpm" "New Mail: $cur"last=$curfifisleep 300

Auto run script. when login

Add the following line into your .bashprofile

. ~/mail/mail-notify.sh &




$sudo aptitude install mail-notification


打开 应用程序-互联网-Mail Notification



Author: Shine Zhong

Date: 2011-01-11 16:49:18 CST

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