synctoy 远程同步

If you have a few different computers and drives, it can be annoying making sure the same data is each one you need. Today we take a look at making folder and data synchronization easier with the Microsoft SyncToy 2.1 utility.

如果您有几台不同的计算机和驱动器,那么确保每个人都需要相同的数据可能会很烦人。 今天,我们来看看如何使用Microsoft SyncToy 2.1实用程序使文件夹和数据同步更容易。

You might have a flash drive that you use to carry files and documents from the workplace to your home office and vice versa. Sometimes though, you might forget to copy the files you need over to the drive. With Microsoft’s SyncToy it allows you to easily make sure the data between drives and folders is synchronized everyday. There are a lot of reasons you might want to synchronize folders. For example, maybe you want to sync your My Pictures folder with the one at work, or sync your music at home with music on another computer. This is a free tool from Microsoft that was once part of the XP Power Toys but has continued to grow and improve.

您可能有一个闪存驱动器,用于将文件和文档从工作场所传输到家庭办公室,反之亦然。 但是有时,您可能会忘记将所需的文件复制到驱动器。 使用Microsoft的SyncToy,您可以轻松地确保驱动器和文件夹之间的数据每天同步。 您可能有很多原因想要同步文件夹。 例如,也许您想将“我的图片”文件夹与工作中的文件夹同步,或者将自己的音乐与另一台计算机上的音乐同步。 这是Microsoft的免费工具,曾经是XP Power Toys的一部分,但仍在不断发展和改进。

Installing SyncToy


When you install SyncToy it also installs Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 Core Components, which is their sync platform that enables offline access to apps, services and devices.

当您安装SyncToy时,它还会安装Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0核心组件,这是它们的同步平台,可以离线访问应用程序,服务和设备。

On our Windows 7 (32-bit) system there wasn’t an option to create a shortcut for the desktop or Quick Launch Bar, but you’ll see it in the Start Menu and create a shortcut from there if you want.

在我们的Windows 7(32位)系统上,没有为桌面或快速启动栏创建快捷方式的选项,但是您会在“开始”菜单中看到它,并根据需要从那里创建快捷方式。

When first launching SyncToy, there is an option to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. This is up to the user and participation is not necessary to use it.

首次启动SyncToy时,可以选择参加“客户体验改善计划”。 这取决于用户,不需要参与即可使用。

Using SyncToy


When you begin using SyncToy, you’ll need to create a new folder pair to sync your data. You can choose a pair of folders on the same machine, external drives, or over a network.

当您开始使用SyncToy时,您需要创建一个新的文件夹对来同步数据。 您可以在同一台计算机,外部驱动器或网络上选择一对文件夹。

Browse to the location of each of the folders you want to keep synced. In this example we’re syncing the contents of my home office folder and work files folder to an external flash drive.

浏览到要保持同步的每个文件夹的位置。 在此示例中,我们将家庭办公室文件夹和工作文件文件夹的内容同步到外部闪存驱动器。

In the next step choose the actions you want to take place between the two folders. Synchronize is checked by default and should be fine for most users. According to the SyncToy help file, these are the differences between each action:

在下一步中,选择要在两个文件夹之间进行的操作。 默认情况下,“同步”处于选中状态,对大多数用户而言应该是正确的。 根据SyncToy帮助文件,以下是每个操作之间的区别:

  • Synchronize: Updates files both ways…keeping changes like renames, deletions and edits to either folder contents the same between the two.

    同步 :以两种方式更新文件…保持对重命名,删除和编辑的更改,使两者之间的文件夹内容相同。

  • Echo: New and updated files are copied left to right. Renames and deletes on the left are repeated on the right.

    回声 :新文件和更新文件从左到右复制。 左侧重命名和删除在右侧重复。

  • Contribute: New and updated files are copied left to right. Renames on the left are repeated on the right. No deletions.

    贡献 :新文件和更新文件从左到右复制。 左侧重命名在右侧重复。 没有删除。

Now type in a name for the synced folders and click Finish.


A sync job has been successfully created. You’re shown the details of the job including options which you can change if you want. The job hasn’t been run yet so you can preview it or if everything looks correct click on the Run button.

同步作业已成功创建。 系统会显示工作的详细信息,包括您可以根据需要更改的选项。 该作业尚未运行,因此您可以预览它,或者如果一切看起来正确,请单击“运行”按钮。

If you preview the job first it shows the files being synced and from there you might want to exclude certain ones.


If everything goes right you’ll get a screen telling you the sync was successful.


Here is an example of a non-successful synchronization where you can go in and see what errors had occurred.


Also notice from the main GUI you can rename a folder pair, create a new pair, or delete a pair.


Schedule SyncToy Tasks


While setting up the folder pairs and syncing them up manually is a great start, what you really want to do is schedule this to run automatically. Here we’ll take a look at how to schedule it to run automatically in Vista or Windows 7. We need to use Windows Task Scheduler, so click on the Start Menu and type task scheduler into the search box.

虽然设置文件夹对并手动同步它们是一个不错的开始,但您真正要做的是安排它自动运行。 下面我们就来看看如何安排其在Vista或Windows 7,我们需要使用Windows任务计划程序自动运行,所以点击开始菜单,键入任务计划在搜索框中。

When Task Scheduler opens click on Create Basic Task under the Action pane.


Next type in a name and description of the task.


Select how often you want the Synchronization to occur. This is entirely up to you…but to be sure it’s done and files in both folders are ready when you need them, go for Daily.

选择您希望同步发生的频率。 这完全由您决定……但要确保已完成并且两个文件夹中的文件在您需要时都准备就绪,请转到每日。

Choose the date and time for it to start and keep 1 entered if you want it to occur everyday.


Next make sure Start a program is selected.


Finally browse to the location of SyncToy.exe where in this example it’s in C:\Program Files\SyncToy2.1\SyncToy.exe Then in the Add arguments field enter in –R by which by itself will run all folder pairs you have set up to be synced.

最后,浏览到SyncToy.exe的位置,在此示例中为C:\ Program Files \ SyncToy2.1 \ SyncToy.exe,然后在“添加参数”字段中输入– RR单独运行您设置的所有文件夹对进行同步。

You will be given an overview of how the task will run and if everything looks correct click finish.


There are a couple of ways you can verify the synchronization task was successful. You can go into Task Scheduler and under Task Status see the last time it was executed and if it was successful.

您可以通过两种方法来验证同步任务是否成功。 您可以进入“任务计划程序”,在“任务状态”下查看上次执行的时间以及是否成功。

Or you can just look in the lower left corner of the SyncToy GUI and see when it was last run.

或者,您可以只查看SyncToy GUI的左下角,看看它何时最后运行。



You can create basically any amount of folder pairs you need to be synchronized. It will allows you to synchronize 2 folders across a network, on the same PC, or to USB flash or external drives. It works on XP, Vista and Windows 7 where there is a separate version for 32 & 64-bit versions. If you’re looking for a free and effective way to synchronize data between two folders on different devices, SyncToy 2.1 will get the job done.

您基本上可以创建需要同步的任意数量的文件夹对。 它使您可以在同一PC上,或者通过USB闪存或外部驱动器在网络上同步2个文件夹。 它可以在XP,Vista和Windows 7上运行,其中有针对32和64位版本的单独版本。 如果您正在寻找一种免费有效的方法来同步不同设备上的两个文件夹之间的数据,则SyncToy 2.1将完成这项工作。

Download SyncToy 2.1

下载SyncToy 2.1


synctoy 远程同步

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