synctoy 自动运行

SyncToy is a great tool to help you keep your files and folders synced between drives and devices.  Here’s how you can make it do sync automatically so your files will stay synced even if you forget to sync them.

SyncToy是一个很棒的工具,可以帮助您使文件和文件夹在驱动器和设备之间保持同步。 这是使它自动同步的方法,即使您忘记同步文件,文件也将保持同步。

By default, SyncToy only synchronizes your files when you run the program and directly tell it to sync.  This might work fine for syncing files to a flash drive before heading out on a trip, but makes it difficult if you’re using it to synchronize files regularly between folders or drives on your computer or with Dropbox.  Windows includes an often overlooked scheduling tool that can automatically run many applications without any action on your part.  Let’s see how you can setup SyncToy to automatically sync with the Task Scheduler.

默认情况下,SyncToy仅在运行程序时直接同步文件,并直接告诉它进行同步。 在出门旅行之前,将文件同步到闪存驱动器可能会很好用,但是如果要使用它来定期在计算机上的文件夹或驱动器之间或通过Dropbox同步文件,则很难进行。 Windows包含一个经常被忽略的调度工具,该工具可以自动运行许多应用程序,而无需您执行任何操作。 让我们看看如何将SyncToy设置为自动与Task Scheduler同步。

Automatically Run SyncToy


First, make sure you have SyncToy installed and have some syncs setup.  Here’s one of our articles with more info about Synchronizing Folders With SyncToy.

首先,请确保您已安装SyncToy并进行了一些同步设置。 这是我们的文章之一,其中包含有关使用SyncToy同步文件夹的更多信息。

Now open Task Scheduler to get SyncToy automatically syncing.  Type Task Scheduler in the Search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter.

现在打开Task Scheduler以使SyncToy自动同步。 在“开始”菜单的“搜索”框中键入Task Scheduler ,然后按Enter。

Once Task Scheduler opens, click Create Basic Task on the right sidebar.


Enter a name and a description for your task in the dialog that opens so you’ll be able to easily recognize your task.


Choose how often you want to run the task.  Note that Daily is the most frequent you can select in the dialog, but we can tweak this later in the settings.  Click Next to continue.

选择您要运行任务的频率。 请注意,“ 每日”是您可以在对话框中选择的最频繁的方式,但是我们可以稍后在设置中对其进行调整。 单击下一步继续。

You’ll be asked to add additional settings depending on the trigger you selected previously.  If you chose Daily, then the default settings should work fine.  Note that it will automatically run daily at the current time; if you’d rather it run at a different time, enter the time you’d like in the box.

系统会要求您添加其他设置,具体取决于您先前选择的触发器。 如果选择Daily ,则默认设置应该可以正常工作。 请注意,它将在当前时间每天自动运行。 如果您希望它在其他时间运行,请在框中输入您想要的时间。

Now, you’ll be asked what you want the action to do…Click Start a program.

现在,将询问您要执行的操作…单击“ 启动程序”

In the Program/script box, enter the following including the quotes:

在“ 程序/脚本”框中,输入以下内容,包括引号:

“C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.1\SyncToyCmd.exe”

“ C:\ Program Files \ SyncToy 2.1 \ SyncToyCmd.exe”

Then, in the Add arguments box, enter –R to run all of your syncs each time.

然后,在“ 添加参数”框中,输入– R,以每次运行所有同步。

Alternately, if you’d only like to run one of your syncs, enter –R “your sync name”.  Make sure to enter the sync name inside quotes if it contains any spaces.  Once you’re finished, click Next to continue.

或者,如果您只想运行其中一个同步,请输入– R“您的同步名称” 。 如果其中包含空格,请确保在引号内输入同步名称。 完成后,单击“ 下一步”继续。

If you left out the quotes in the program’s field, Task Scheduler will ask if you want to run C:\Program with the remainder as an argument.  Click No to keep it like you entered, and Task Scheduler will add the quotes correctly for you.

如果您在程序的字段中省略了引号,则Task Scheduler将询问您是否要运行C:\ Program ,而其余​​的作为参数。 单击“ 否”以保持输入状态不变,“任务计划程序”将为您正确添加引号。

You’re finally finished.  The Wizard will show you a summary of the sync settings; click Finish to save the changes.

您终于完成了。 向导将向您显示同步设置的摘要。 单击完成以保存更改。

Now your sync will automatically run as you set, and you’ll never have to worry about running it manually again!


Edit Your Sync Schedule


If you’d like to make your files sync more often or change other things about your task, you can easily do so from the Task Schedule interface.  Click on the Task Scheduler Library on the left side to find your task.

如果您想使文件更频繁地同步或更改与任务有关的其他事情,则可以从“任务计划”界面轻松进行。 单击左侧的“ 任务计划程序库 ”以找到您的任务。

Scroll through the tasks listed, and find the one you created previously.  You’ll see an overview of its settings in the preview underneath.

滚动列出的任务,找到先前创建的任务。 您将在下面的预览中看到其设置的概述。

On the right sidebar, click Properties to change its settings.

在右侧栏上,单击“ 属性”以更改其设置。

To change how frequently it syncs, click the Triggers tab and double-click on your time listed.

要更改同步的频率,请单击“ 触发器”选项卡,然后双击列出的时间。

Now you can select to have it repeat the task every hour or any other time you want, for as long as you want.  This dialog is much more flexible than the previous one used when creating the task.

现在,您可以选择让它每小时或您想要的任何其他时间重复一次任务,只要您愿意。 该对话框比创建任务时使用的上一个对话框更加灵活。

Back in the Properties dialog, the Conditions tab lets you choose whether or not to run this task when your computer is running on battery power if you’re using a laptop/netbook.  By default it will only run when on AC power, but you can uncheck the box if you’d rather it sync even if you’re on battery.

返回到“ 属性”对话框,“ 条件”选项卡使您可以选择如果使用笔记本电脑/上网本,则在计算机依靠电池供电时是否运行此任务。 默认情况下,它仅在使用交流电源时才能运行,但是即使您用电池也不愿同步,也可以取消选中该框。

You can also go ahead and run the task manually from the Task Scheduler if you’d like.  You may notice a command prompt window open while the sync is running, but it won’t require any input from you.

如果需要,您还可以继续从任务计划程序手动运行任务。 您可能会注意到在同步运行时打开了命令提示符窗口,但是不需要您的任何输入。



No matter what you need to sync, SyncToy is a handy tool to make sure all of your files are kept in different locations.  You can run as many syncs as you want automatically with the Task Scheduler, freeing you up for more important tasks.

无论您需要同步什么,SyncToy都是一种方便的工具,可确保所有文件都保存在不同的位置。 您可以使用“任务计划程序”自动运行任意数量的同步,使您腾出更多时间来处理更重要的任务。

If you haven’t already looked at it, check out our article on how to Sync Any Folder to Dropbox With SyncToy.  Once you’ve got that setup, you can automate your Dropbox syncs this way, too!

如果您还没有看过它,请查看有关如何使用SyncToy将任何文件夹同步到Dropbox的文章 。 设置完成后,您也可以通过这种方式自动执行Dropbox同步!

Download SyncToy



synctoy 自动运行

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