完成一个 Python 程序,实现密码存储和验证,用于模拟身份验证服务器,以便破解数据库的对手无法获得用户的明文密码。实现基本的注册和登录功能。



i love cryptography
i love cryptography
i love cipher
i love cryptography


source code

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict
import getpass
import hashlib
import osdatabase: Dict[str, UserPassword] = dict()class UserPassword:def __init__(self, in_username, in_password_hash, in_salt):self.username: str = in_usernameself.password_hash: bytes = in_password_hashself.salt: bytes = in_saltself.method: str = 'scrypt'# define verify_password functiondef verify_password(self, password: str) -> bool:password_ver: bytes = password.encode("utf-8")# use the same saltsalt_ver: bytes = self.salt# set corresponding parametersn: int = 4r: int = 8p: int = 16password_hash_ver: bytes = hashlib.scrypt(password_ver, salt=salt_ver, n=n, r=r, p=p)# verify the hash value of the passwordif password_hash_ver == self.password_hash:return Trueelse:return Falsedef database_add_item(user: UserPassword) -> None:if user.username in database:raise Exception('User {} already exists.'.format(user.username))database[user.username] = userdef login_user(username: str, password_plaintext: str) -> bool:if username not in database:raise Exception('User {} does not exist.'.format(username))return database[username].verify_password(password_plaintext)def register_user(username: str, password_plaintext: str) -> None:password_bytes: bytes = password_plaintext.encode("utf-8")# The os.urandom function is used to obtain random bytes of a specified length# generate the salt bytessalt_bytes: bytes = os.urandom(64)# set corresponding parametersn: int = 4r: int = 8p: int = 16# Hash encryptionpassword_hash: bytes = hashlib.scrypt(password_bytes, salt=salt_bytes, n=n, r=r, p=p)# construct instance objectUser: UserPassword = UserPassword(username, password_hash, salt_bytes)# Add to databasedatabase_add_item(User)if __name__ == '__main__':while True:try:print('Usage:')print('\tR - register a new user')print('\tL - login with an existing user')print('\tQ - exit')print('')command: str = input('Input command:')if command == 'Q':exit(0)elif command == 'R' or command == 'L':username: str = input('Input username:')# password: str = getpass.getpass('Input password:') # will not work properly for PyCharm, IDLE, etc.password: str = input('Input password:')if command == 'R':register_user(username, password)print('User created successfully.')elif command == 'L':login_valid: bool = login_user(username, password)if login_valid:print('User logged in successfully.')else:print('Password verification failed. Can not logged in.')else:assert Falseelse:raise Exception('Invalid command.')except Exception as e:print('Error: {}'.format(e))


Usage:R - register a new userL - login with an existing userQ - exitInput command:R
Input username:timerring
Input password:i love cryptography
User created successfully.
Usage:R - register a new userL - login with an existing userQ - exitInput command:L
Input username:timerring
Input password:i love cryptography
User logged in successfully.
Usage:R - register a new userL - login with an existing userQ - exitInput command:L
Input username:timerring
Input password:i love cipher
Password verification failed. Can not logged in.
Usage:R - register a new userL - login with an existing userQ - exitInput command:L
Input username:Who
Input password:i love cryptography
Error: User Who does not exist.
Usage:R - register a new userL - login with an existing userQ - exitInput command:Q进程已结束,退出代码为 0





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