414. Third Maximum Number

Given an array of integers, return the 3rd Maximum Number in this array, if it doesn't exist, return the Maximum Number. The time complexity must be O(n) or less.


 int thirdMax(vector<int>& nums) {int n=nums.size();if(!n) return 0;if(n==1) return nums[0];else if(n==2) return max(nums[0],nums[1]);int n1=min(nums[0],min(nums[1],nums[2])),n2=max(nums[0],min(nums[1],nums[2])),n3=max(nums[0],max(nums[1],nums[2]));for(int i=3;i<n;i++){if(nums[i]>n3) {n1=n2;n2=n3;n3=nums[i];}else if(nums[i]>=n2) {n2=nums[i];}else if(nums[i]>n1)n1=nums[i];}return n1;  }

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