官方文档:使用缓动系统 · Cocos Creator


/** !#enThis class provide easing methods for {{#crossLink "tween"}}{{/crossLink}} class.<br>Demonstratio: https://easings.net/!#zh缓动函数类,为 {{#crossLink "Tween"}}{{/crossLink}} 提供缓动效果函数。<br>函数效果演示: https://easings.net/ */export class Easing {      /**!#en Easing in with quadratic formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 平方曲线缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quadIn(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing out with quadratic formula. From fast to slow.!#zh 平方曲线缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quadOut(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in and out with quadratic formula. From slow to fast, then back to slow.!#zh 平方曲线缓入缓出函数。运动由慢到快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quadInOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in with cubic formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 立方曲线缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */cubicIn(t: number): number;        /**!#en Easing out with cubic formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 立方曲线缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */cubicOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out with cubic formula. From slow to fast, then back to slow.!#zh 立方曲线缓入缓出函数。运动由慢到快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */cubicInOut(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing in with quartic formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 四次方曲线缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quartIn(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing out with quartic formula. From fast to slow.!#zh 四次方曲线缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quartOut(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in and out with quartic formula. From slow to fast, then back to slow.!#zh 四次方曲线缓入缓出函数。运动由慢到快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quartInOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in with quintic formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 五次方曲线缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quintIn(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing out with quintic formula. From fast to slow.!#zh 五次方曲线缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quintOut(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in and out with quintic formula. From slow to fast, then back to slow.!#zh 五次方曲线缓入缓出函数。运动由慢到快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */quintInOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out with sine formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 正弦曲线缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */sineIn(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out with sine formula. From fast to slow.!#zh 正弦曲线缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */sineOut(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing in and out with sine formula. From slow to fast, then back to slow.!#zh 正弦曲线缓入缓出函数。运动由慢到快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */sineInOut(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in and out with exponential formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 指数曲线缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */expoIn(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in and out with exponential formula. From fast to slow.!#zh 指数曲线缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */expoOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out with exponential formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 指数曲线缓入和缓出函数。运动由慢到很快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time, then back to slow. */expoInOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out with circular formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 循环公式缓入函数。运动由慢到快。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */circIn(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out with circular formula. From fast to slow.!#zh 循环公式缓出函数。运动由快到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */circOut(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing in and out with circular formula. From slow to fast.!#zh 指数曲线缓入缓出函数。运动由慢到很快再到慢。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time, then back to slow. */circInOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in action with a spring oscillating effect.!#zh 弹簧回震效果的缓入函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */elasticIn(t: number): number;        /**!#en Easing out action with a spring oscillating effect.!#zh 弹簧回震效果的缓出函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */elasticOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out action with a spring oscillating effect.!#zh 弹簧回震效果的缓入缓出函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */elasticInOut(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in action with "back up" behavior.!#zh 回退效果的缓入函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */backIn(t: number): number;        /**!#en Easing out action with "back up" behavior.!#zh 回退效果的缓出函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */backOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Easing in and out action with "back up" behavior.!#zh 回退效果的缓入缓出函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */backInOut(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing in action with bouncing effect.!#zh 弹跳效果的缓入函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */bounceIn(t: number): number;       /**!#en Easing out action with bouncing effect.!#zh 弹跳效果的缓出函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */bounceOut(t: number): number;     /**!#en Easing in and out action with bouncing effect.!#zh 弹跳效果的缓入缓出函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */bounceInOut(t: number): number;      /**!#en Target will run action with smooth effect.!#zh 平滑效果函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */smooth(t: number): number;        /**!#en Target will run action with fade effect.!#zh 渐褪效果函数。@param t The current time as a percentage of the total time. */fade(t: number): number;    }

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