
  • 一、网络接口层简介
    • 1.1 物理层
    • 1.2 逻辑链路控制层
    • 1.3 以太网数据帧简介
  • 二、网络接口管理
    • 2.1 网络接口的描述
    • 2.2 网络接口的操作
  • 三、特殊的环回接口
  • 更多文章



1.1 物理层




1.2 逻辑链路控制层




MAC地址长48比特,在使用网卡(NIC)的情况下,MAC地址一般会被烧入到ROM中。因此,任何一个网卡的MAC地址都是唯一的,在全世界都不会重复(实际上有例外情况,比如虚拟MAC地址可能有重复,重复的MAC地址只要不是同属于一个数据链路就不会出现问题,一个主机是靠IP地址与MAC地址共同唯一确定的)。MAC地址中3~24位表示厂商识别码OUI(Organizationally unique identifier),每个NIC厂商都有特定唯一的识别数字,后24位是厂商内部为识别每个网卡而用的,前两位则跟MAC地址类型有关,MAC地址的结构如下图示:



1.3 以太网数据帧简介


现在使用比较多的以太网帧是前者,跟IEEE802.3定义的以太网帧略有差别,两者前面都包含目标MAC地址与源MAC地址字段,用于数据帧的寻址、发送、接收等,最后都有FCS(Frame Check Sequence)用于差错校验。不同的是源MAC地址后与数据前的部分,以太网帧的类型字段用于标识上层协议类型,而IEEE802.3帧的帧长度字段不足以标识上层协议类型,需要靠LLC/SNAP(SubNetwork Access Protocol)字段标识出上层协议类型信息。常见的协议类型编号如下:

以太网帧前端还有一个叫做前导码的部分,它由0/1交替组合而成,表示一个以太网帧的开始,也是为了实现物理层数据的正确传输,物理层使用7个字节的前同步码实现物理层帧输入/输出的同步,使用1个字节的SFD(Start Frame Delimiter帧首定界符,末尾是11)标识帧的开始,共8字节的前导码结构如下:






2.1 网络接口的描述


// rt-thread\components\net\lwip-1.4.1\src\include\lwip\netif.h/** Generic data structure used for all lwIP network interfaces.*  The following fields should be filled in by the initialization*  function for the device driver: hwaddr_len, hwaddr[], mtu, flags */
struct netif {/** pointer to next in linked list */struct netif *next;/** IP address configuration in network byte order */ip_addr_t ip_addr;ip_addr_t netmask;ip_addr_t gw;/** This function is called by the network device driver*  to pass a packet up the TCP/IP stack. */netif_input_fn input;/** This function is called by the IP module when it wants*  to send a packet on the interface. This function typically*  first resolves the hardware address, then sends the packet. */netif_output_fn output;/** This function is called by the ARP module when it wants*  to send a packet on the interface. This function outputs*  the pbuf as-is on the link medium. */netif_linkoutput_fn linkoutput;/** This field can be set by the device driver and could point*  to state information for the device. */void *state;/** maximum transfer unit (in bytes) */u16_t mtu;/** number of bytes used in hwaddr */u8_t hwaddr_len;/** link level hardware address of this interface */u8_t hwaddr[NETIF_MAX_HWADDR_LEN];/** flags (see NETIF_FLAG_ below) */u8_t flags;/** descriptive abbreviation */char name[2];/** number of this interface */u8_t num;#if ENABLE_LOOPBACK/* List of packets to be queued for ourselves. */struct pbuf *loop_first;struct pbuf *loop_last;
#endif /* ENABLE_LOOPBACK */
};/** must be the maximum of all used hardware address lengthsacross all types of interfaces in use */
#define NETIF_MAX_HWADDR_LEN 6U/** Whether the network interface is 'up'. This is* a software flag used to control whether this network* interface is enabled and processes traffic.* It is set by the startup code (for static IP configuration) or* by dhcp/autoip when an address has been assigned.*/
#define NETIF_FLAG_UP           0x01U
/** If set, the netif has broadcast capability.* Set by the netif driver in its init function. */
/** If set, the netif is one end of a point-to-point connection.* Set by the netif driver in its init function. */
/** If set, the interface is configured using DHCP.* Set by the DHCP code when starting or stopping DHCP. */
#define NETIF_FLAG_DHCP         0x08U
/** If set, the interface has an active link*  (set by the network interface driver).* Either set by the netif driver in its init function (if the link* is up at that time) or at a later point once the link comes up* (if link detection is supported by the hardware). */
#define NETIF_FLAG_LINK_UP      0x10U
/** If set, the netif is an ethernet device using ARP.* Set by the netif driver in its init function.* Used to check input packet types and use of DHCP. */
#define NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP       0x20U
/** If set, the netif is an ethernet device. It might not use* ARP or TCP/IP if it is used for PPPoE only.*/
#define NETIF_FLAG_ETHERNET     0x40U
/** If set, the netif has IGMP capability.* Set by the netif driver in its init function. */
#define NETIF_FLAG_IGMP         0x80U/** Function prototype for netif init functions. Set up flags and output/linkoutput* callback functions in this function.* @param netif The netif to initialize*/
typedef err_t (*netif_init_fn)(struct netif *netif);
/** Function prototype for netif->input functions. This function is saved as 'input'* callback function in the netif struct. Call it when a packet has been received.* @param p The received packet, copied into a pbuf* @param inp The netif which received the packet*/
typedef err_t (*netif_input_fn)(struct pbuf *p, struct netif *inp);
/** Function prototype for netif->output functions. Called by lwIP when a packet* shall be sent. For ethernet netif, set this to 'etharp_output' and set* 'linkoutput'.* @param netif The netif which shall send a packet* @param p The packet to send (p->payload points to IP header)* @param ipaddr The IP address to which the packet shall be sent*/
typedef err_t (*netif_output_fn)(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p,ip_addr_t *ipaddr);
/** Function prototype for netif->linkoutput functions. Only used for ethernet* netifs. This function is called by ARP when a packet shall be sent.* @param netif The netif which shall send a packet* @param p The packet to send (raw ethernet packet)*/
typedef err_t (*netif_linkoutput_fn)(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p);


ip_addr、netmask、gw三个字段用于描述该网络接口的网络地址属性,依次称为接口IP地址、子网掩码、网关地址。IP 地址和网络接口一一对应,每个网络接口在使用前都会被分配一个IP地址;子网掩码用来判断某个目的 IP 地址与当前网络接口 IP 地址是否处于同一子网中,IP 层会选择与目的 IP 处于同一子网的网络接口来发送数据包;gw 字段在数据包的发送、转发过程中有重要作用,如果目的 IP 地址与所有网络接口都不属于同一子网,LwIP 将会把数据包发送到网关处,因为它认为网关设备会对该 IP 包进行正确的转发,此外网关也为设备提供了许多高级服务,如 DHCP、DNS 等。





2.2 网络接口的操作


// rt-thread\components\net\lwip-1.4.1\src\core\netif.c
/*** Add a network interface to the list of lwIP netifs.** @param netif a pre-allocated netif structure* @param ipaddr IP address for the new netif* @param netmask network mask for the new netif* @param gw default gateway IP address for the new netif* @param state opaque data passed to the new netif* @param init callback function that initializes the interface* @param input callback function that is called to pass* ingress packets up in the protocol layer stack.** @return netif, or NULL if failed.*/
struct netif *netif_add(struct netif *netif, ip_addr_t *ipaddr, ip_addr_t *netmask,ip_addr_t *gw, void *state, netif_init_fn init, netif_input_fn input)
{/* reset new interface configuration state */ip_addr_set_zero(&netif->ip_addr);ip_addr_set_zero(&netif->netmask);ip_addr_set_zero(&netif->gw);netif->flags = 0;#if ENABLE_LOOPBACKnetif->loop_first = NULL;netif->loop_last = NULL;
#endif /* ENABLE_LOOPBACK *//* remember netif specific state information data */netif->state = state;netif->num = netif_num++;netif->input = input;netif_set_addr(netif, ipaddr, netmask, gw);/* call user specified initialization function for netif */if (init(netif) != ERR_OK) {return NULL;}/* add this netif to the list */netif->next = netif_list;netif_list = netif;return netif;


操作函数 功能描述
void netif_set_addr(struct netif *netif,
ip_addr_t *ipaddr,
ip_addr_t *netmask,
ip_addr_t *gw)
void netif_set_ipaddr(struct netif *netif,
ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
void netif_set_netmask(struct netif *netif,
ip_addr_t *netmask)
void netif_set_gw(struct netif *netif,
ip_addr_t *gw)
void netif_remove(struct netif * netif) 从netif_list中移除该网络接口,若该接口正使用
struct netif *netif_find(char *name) 根据网络接口名查找并返回对应的接口结构netif
void netif_set_default(struct netif *netif) 将该网络接口netif设为系统默认网络接口
void netif_set_up(struct netif *netif) 启用该网络接口
void netif_set_down(struct netif *netif) 禁用该网络接口
void netif_set_link_up(struct netif *netif) 网卡底层打开,表示其可进行链路数据的收发
void netif_set_link_down(struct netif *netif) 网卡底层关闭,表示其不能再接收链路层数据



// rt-thread\components\net\lwip-1.4.1\src\core\netif.c
/*** Initialize a lwip network interface structure for a loopback interface** @param netif the lwip network interface structure for this loopif* @return ERR_OK if the loopif is initialized*         ERR_MEM if private data couldn't be allocated*/
static err_t netif_loopif_init(struct netif *netif)
{/* initialize the snmp variables and counters inside the struct netif* ifSpeed: no assumption can be made!*/netif->name[0] = 'l';netif->name[1] = 'o';netif->output = netif_loop_output;return ERR_OK;
}void netif_init(void)
{#if LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIFip_addr_t loop_ipaddr, loop_netmask, loop_gw;IP4_ADDR(&loop_gw, 127,0,0,1);IP4_ADDR(&loop_ipaddr, 127,0,0,1);IP4_ADDR(&loop_netmask, 255,0,0,0);#if NO_SYSnetif_add(&loop_netif, &loop_ipaddr, &loop_netmask, &loop_gw, NULL, netif_loopif_init, ip_input);
#else  /* NO_SYS */netif_add(&loop_netif, &loop_ipaddr, &loop_netmask, &loop_gw, NULL, netif_loopif_init, tcpip_input);
#endif /* NO_SYS */netif_set_up(&loop_netif);#endif /* LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF */




要使用环回接口功能,需要在配置文件中定义ENABLE_LOOPBACK(也即定义LWIP_NETIF_LOOPBACK || LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF),跟环回接口操作相关的函数实现代码如下:

// rt-thread\components\net\lwip-1.4.1\src\core\netif.c#if ENABLE_LOOPBACK
/*** Send an IP packet to be received on the same netif (loopif-like).* The pbuf is simply copied and handed back to netif->input.* In multithreaded mode, this is done directly since netif->input must put* the packet on a queue.* In callback mode, the packet is put on an internal queue and is fed to* netif->input by netif_poll().* @param netif the lwip network interface structure* @param p the (IP) packet to 'send'* @param ipaddr the ip address to send the packet to (not used)* @return ERR_OK if the packet has been sent*         ERR_MEM if the pbuf used to copy the packet couldn't be allocated*/
err_t netif_loop_output(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p, ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
{struct pbuf *r;err_t err;struct pbuf *last;SYS_ARCH_DECL_PROTECT(lev);/* Allocate a new pbuf */r = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_LINK, p->tot_len, PBUF_RAM);if (r == NULL) {return ERR_MEM;}/* Copy the whole pbuf queue p into the single pbuf r */if ((err = pbuf_copy(r, p)) != ERR_OK) {pbuf_free(r);r = NULL;return err;}/* Put the packet on a linked list which gets emptied through callingnetif_poll(). *//* let last point to the last pbuf in chain r */for (last = r; last->next != NULL; last = last->next);SYS_ARCH_PROTECT(lev);if(netif->loop_first != NULL) {netif->loop_last->next = r;netif->loop_last = last;} else {netif->loop_first = r;netif->loop_last = last;}SYS_ARCH_UNPROTECT(lev);#if LWIP_NETIF_LOOPBACK_MULTITHREADING/* For multithreading environment, schedule a call to netif_poll */tcpip_callback((tcpip_callback_fn)netif_poll, netif);
}/*** Call netif_poll() in the main loop of your application. This is to prevent* reentering non-reentrant functions like tcp_input(). Packets passed to* netif_loop_output() are put on a list that is passed to netif->input() by* netif_poll().*/
void netif_poll(struct netif *netif)
{struct pbuf *in;SYS_ARCH_DECL_PROTECT(lev);do {/* Get a packet from the list. With SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT=1, this is protected */SYS_ARCH_PROTECT(lev);in = netif->loop_first;if (in != NULL) {struct pbuf *in_end = in;while (in_end->len != in_end->tot_len) {in_end = in_end->next;}/* 'in_end' now points to the last pbuf from 'in' */if (in_end == netif->loop_last) {/* this was the last pbuf in the list */netif->loop_first = netif->loop_last = NULL;} else {/* pop the pbuf off the list */netif->loop_first = in_end->next;}/* De-queue the pbuf from its successors on the 'loop_' list. */in_end->next = NULL;}SYS_ARCH_UNPROTECT(lev);if (in != NULL) {/* loopback packets are always IP packets! */if (ip_input(in, netif) != ERR_OK) {pbuf_free(in);}/* Don't reference the packet any more! */in = NULL;}/* go on while there is a packet on the list */} while (netif->loop_first != NULL);
/*** Calls netif_poll() for every netif on the netif_list.*/
void netif_poll_all(void)
{struct netif *netif = netif_list;/* loop through netifs */while (netif != NULL) {netif_poll(netif);/* proceed to next network interface */netif = netif->next;}
#endif /* ENABLE_LOOPBACK */



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