



表名 TableName



0. BeginTrans


1  从LocalDB读出DateTable


2. 数据库使用select * into tmpTable from TableName where PrimaryKey=-1 生成临时表

3. 将数据集提交到临时表中

---更新相同数据 / 删除相同数据  二选一即可
update TableName set CreateDate=A.CreateDate from tmpTable A,TableName B where B.PrimaryKey=A.PrimaryKey


delete from TableName  where PrimaryKey in (select PrimaryKey from tmpTable)

insert into TableName   select * from tmpTable A where not exists(select PrimaryKey  from TableName   B where B.{1}=A.PrimaryKey )
5. 跳到第一步 直到所有表都更新完成

6. Commit

public class Base_TableUpdate{public int Run(DateTime lastUpdateDate){IDatabase dbRemote = null;int updateCount = 0;try{IDatabase dbLocal = DataFactory.Database("LocalSqlServer");dbRemote = DataFactory.Database("RemoteSqlServer");DbTransaction trans = dbRemote.BeginTrans();//查询出所有表/*selectROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.object_id) AS No, a.name AS TableName,isnull(g.[value],'') AS Explainfromsys.tables a left join sys.extended_properties gon (a.object_id = g.major_id AND g.minor_id = 0)*/string sql = string.Format("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.object_id) AS No, a.name AS TableName, isnull(g.[value],'') AS Explain  from sys.tables a left join sys.extended_properties g on (a.object_id = g.major_id AND g.minor_id = 0)");List<TableNameEntity> list = dbLocal.FindListBySql<TableNameEntity>(sql);foreach(TableNameEntity en in list){if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(en.Explain) || !en.Explain.ToLower().Contains("update"))continue;string tableName = en.TableName;//1 查出数据//where UpdateDate>'{1}'DataSet ds = dbLocal.FindDataSetBySql(string.Format("select * from {0} where UpdateDate>'{1}'", tableName, lastUpdateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")));updateCount += ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;//2 创建临时表int res = dbRemote.FindCountBySql("select Count(Name) from sysobjects where name='tmpTable'");if (res == -1){//失败throw new Exception("10001 查询临时表时失败,Code{ dbLocal.FindCountBySql(\"select Count(Name) from sysobjects where name='tmpTable'\"); }");}else if (res == 1){//表存在,删除表dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(new StringBuilder("Drop Table tmpTable"));}//创建StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();sb.AppendFormat("select * into tmpTable from {0} where (SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME='{0}') is null", tableName);res = dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(sb);if (res == -1){throw new Exception("10002 创建临时表时失败,Code{ sb.AppendFormat(\"select * into tmpTable from {0} where (SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME='{0}') is null\", tableName);dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(sb); }");}//3 往临时表插入数据//获得表主键sb = new StringBuilder();sb.AppendFormat("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME='{0}'", tableName);PrimaryKeyEntity entity = dbRemote.FindEntityBySql<PrimaryKeyEntity>(sb.ToString());string primaryKey = entity.COLUMN_NAME;if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryKey)){string errmsg = string.Format("10006 表主键为空,Code{ sb.AppendFormat(\"SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME='{0}'\", tableName); } Parameter{ tableName:{0}}", tableName);throw new Exception(errmsg);}//插入所有数据ds.Tables[0].TableName = "tmpTable";bool bInRes = dbRemote.BulkInsert(ds.Tables[0], trans);if (!bInRes){string errmsg = string.Format("10003 插入所有数据时失败,Code{ ds.Tables[0].TableName = \"tmpTable\";bool bInRes = dbRemote.BulkInsert(ds.Tables[0], trans); }");throw new Exception(errmsg);}//4 合并临时表与服务器对应表数据//删除已有数据//delete from ' + @TableName + ' where ' + @PKey + ' in (select ' + @PKey + ' from tmpTable)sb = new StringBuilder();sb.AppendFormat("delete from {0} where {1} in (select {1} from tmpTable)", tableName, primaryKey);res = dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(sb, trans);if (res == -1){string errmsg = string.Format("10004 删除已有数据时失败,Code{ sb.AppendFormat(\"delete from {0} where {1} in (select {1} from tmpTable)\", tableName, primaryKey);res =dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(sb); } Parameter{ tableName:{0}, primaryKey:{1}}", tableName, primaryKey);throw new Exception(errmsg);}//将数据插入表//insert into tmpTable select * from ' + @TableName + ' A where not exists(select ' + @PKey + ' from tmpTable B where B.' + @PKey + '=A.' + @PKey + ')';sb = new StringBuilder();sb.AppendFormat("insert into {0} select * from tmpTable A where not exists(select {1} from {0} B where B.{1}=A.{1})", tableName, primaryKey);res = dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(sb, trans);if (res == -1){string errmsg = string.Format("10005 合并数据时失败,Code{ sb.AppendFormat(\"insert into {0} select * from tmpTable A where not exists(select {1} from {0} B where B.{1}=A.{1})\", tableName, primaryKey);res = dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(sb); } Parameter{ tableName:{0}, primaryKey:{1}}", tableName, primaryKey);throw new Exception(errmsg);}//5 删除临时表dbRemote.ExecuteBySql(new StringBuilder("Drop Table tmpTable"));}dbRemote.Commit();return updateCount;}catch(Exception ex){try{ dbRemote.Rollback(); } catch { }throw ex;}}}public class PrimaryKeyEntity{private string _COLUMN_NAME;/// <summary>/// 表的主键名/// </summary>public string COLUMN_NAME{get { return _COLUMN_NAME; }set { _COLUMN_NAME = value; }}}public class TableNameEntity{private string _TableName;public string TableName{get { return _TableName; }set { _TableName = value; }}private string _Explain;public string Explain{get { return _Explain; }set { _Explain = value; }}}


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