实验题目 7:(在6基础上修改)
将建立一个 OverdraftException 异常,它由 Account 类的withdraw()方法抛出。

创建 OverdraftException 类
1. 在 banking.domain 包中建立一个共有类 OverdraftException. 这个类扩展 Exception 类。
2. 添加一个 double 类型的私有属性 deficit.增加一个共有访问方法getDeficit
3. 添加一个有两个参数的共有构造器。deficit 参数初始化 deficit 属性修改 Account 类
4. 重写 withdraw 方法使它不返回值(即 void).声明方法抛出overdraftException异常
5. 修改代码抛出新异常,指明“资金不足”以及不足数额(当前余额扣除请求的数额)修改 CheckingAccount 类
6. 重写 withdraw 方法使它不返回值(即 void).声明方法抛出overdraftException异常
7. 修改代码使其在需要时抛出异常。两种情况要处理:第一是存在没有透支保护的赤字,对这个异常使用 “no overdraft protection”信息。第二是overdraftProtection 数 额 不 足 以 弥 补 赤 字 : 对 这 个 异 常 可 使用 ”Insufficient funds for overdraft protection” 信息编译并运行 TestBanking 程序
Customer [simms,Jane]has a checking balance of 200.0 with a 500.0
overdraft protection
Checking Acct[Jane Simms]: withdraw 150.00
Checking Acct[Jane Simms]: deposit 22.50
Checking Acct[Jane Simms]: withdraw 147.62
Checking Acct[Jane Simms]: withdraw 470.00
Exception: Insufficient funds for overdraft protection Deifcit:470.0
Customer [Simms,Jane]has a checking balance of 0.0
Customer [Bryant,Owen]has a checking balance of 200.0
Checking Acct[Bryant,Owen]: withdraw 100.00
Checking Acct[Bryant,Owen]: deposit25.00
Checking Acct[Bryant,Owen]: withdraw 175.00
Exception: no overdraft protection Deficit:50.0
Customer [Bryant,Owen]has a checking balance of 125.0


package banking;public class Account {protected double balance ;public Account(){}public Account(double init_balance){balance = init_balance ;}public void setBalance(double balance) {this.balance = balance;}public double getBalance() {return balance;}public boolean deposit(double amt){if (amt > 0){balance += amt ;return true ;}else {System.out.println("请输入正确的存款数");return false ;}}public void withdraw(double amt) throws OverdraftException{if (balance >= amt){balance -= amt ;} else {throw new OverdraftException("资金不足", amt - balance) ;}}


package banking;public class Bank {private Customer[] customers ;private int numberOfCustomer ;private Bank(){customers = new Customer[5] ;numberOfCustomer = 0 ;}private static Bank bank = new Bank() ;public static Bank getBank(){return bank ;}public void addCustomer(String f, String l){Customer cust= new Customer(f,l) ;customers[numberOfCustomer] = cust ;numberOfCustomer++ ;}public int getNumOfCustomers(){return numberOfCustomer ;}public Customer getCustomer(int index){return customers[index] ;}


package banking;public class CheckingAccount extends Account{private Double overdraftProtection ;public CheckingAccount(double balance){super(balance);}public CheckingAccount(double balance, double protect){super(balance);overdraftProtection = protect ;}public double getOverdraftProtection() {return overdraftProtection;}public void setOverdraftProtection(double overdraftProtection) {this.overdraftProtection = overdraftProtection;}public void withdraw(double amt) throws OverdraftException{if (balance >= amt){balance -= amt ;} else{if(overdraftProtection == null){throw new OverdraftException("no overdraft exception", amt - balance) ;}else if (overdraftProtection <= amt - balance){throw new OverdraftException("Insuffient funds for overdraft exception", amt - balance - overdraftProtection) ;}else {overdraftProtection -= (amt - balance) ;balance = 0 ;}}}


package banking;public class Customer {private String firstName ;private String lastName ;private Account[] accounts ;private int numberOfAccounts ;public Customer(String f, String l){firstName = f ;lastName = l ;accounts = new Account[5] ;}public String getFirstName(){return firstName ;}public String getLastName(){return lastName ;}/*    public void setAccount(Account acct){accounts = acct ;}public Account getAccount(){return account ;}*/public void addAccount(Account acct){accounts[numberOfAccounts] = acct ;numberOfAccounts++ ;}public Account getAccount(int index){return accounts[index] ;}public int getNumOfAccounts(){return numberOfAccounts ;}


package banking;import java.text.NumberFormat;public class CustomerReport {Bank bank = Bank.getBank() ;Customer customer ;public void generateReport(){NumberFormat currency_format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() ;System.out.println("\t\t\tCUSTOMERS REPORT");System.out.println("\t\t\t=================");for (int cust_idx = 0 ; cust_idx < bank.getNumOfCustomers() ; cust_idx++){customer = bank.getCustomer(cust_idx) ;System.out.println();System.out.println("Customer: " + customer.getLastName() + ", " + customer.getFirstName());for (int acct_idx = 0; acct_idx < customer.getNumOfAccounts(); acct_idx++){Account account = customer.getAccount(acct_idx) ;String account_type = "" ;if (account instanceof SavingAccount){account_type = "SavingAccount" ;}if (account instanceof CheckingAccount){account_type = "CheckingAccount" ;}System.out.println(account_type + ":current balance is" + currency_format.format(account.getBalance()));}}}}


package banking;public class OverdraftException extends Exception{static final long serialVersionUID = -3387516993124229948L ;private double deficit ;public double getDeficit(){return deficit ;}public OverdraftException(String msg, double deficit){super(msg);this.deficit = deficit ;}}


package banking;public class SavingAccount extends Account{private double interestRate ;public SavingAccount(double balance, double interest_rate){super(balance);interestRate = interest_rate ;}public double getInterestRate() {return interestRate;}public void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {this.interestRate = interestRate;}


package banking;import java.text.NumberFormat;public class TestBanking {public static void main(String[] args) {Bank     bank = Bank.getBank();Customer customer;Account  account;// Create two customers and their accountsbank.addCustomer("Jane", "Simms");customer = bank.getCustomer(0);customer.addAccount(new CheckingAccount(200.00, 500.00));customer.addAccount(new SavingAccount(500.00, 0.05));System.out.println(customer.getAccount(0).getBalance());bank.addCustomer("Owen", "Bryant");customer = bank.getCustomer(1);customer.addAccount(new CheckingAccount(200.00));// Test the checking account of Jane Simms (with overdraft protection)customer = bank.getCustomer(0);account = customer.getAccount(1);System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName()+ ", " + customer.getFirstName() + "]"+ " has a checking balance of "+ account.getBalance()+ " with a 500.00 overdraft protection.");try {System.out.println("Checking Acct [Jane Simms] : withdraw 150.00");account.withdraw(150.00);System.out.println("Checking Acct [Jane Simms] : deposit 22.50");account.deposit(22.50);System.out.println("Checking Acct [Jane Simms] : withdraw 147.62");account.withdraw(147.62);System.out.println("Checking Acct [Jane Simms] : withdraw 470.00");account.withdraw(470.00);} catch (OverdraftException e1) {System.out.println("Exception: " + e1.getMessage()+ "   Deficit: " + e1.getDeficit());} finally {System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName()+ ", " + customer.getFirstName() + "]"+ " has a checking balance of "+ account.getBalance());}System.out.println();// Test the checking account of Owen Bryant (without overdraft protection)customer = bank.getCustomer(1);account = customer.getAccount(0);System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName()+ ", " + customer.getFirstName() + "]"+ " has a checking balance of "+ account.getBalance());try {System.out.println("Checking Acct [Owen Bryant] : withdraw 100.00");account.withdraw(100.00);System.out.println("Checking Acct [Owen Bryant] : deposit 25.00");account.deposit(25.00);System.out.println("Checking Acct [Owen Bryant] : withdraw 175.00");account.withdraw(175.00);} catch (OverdraftException e1) {System.out.println("Exception: " + e1.getMessage()+ "   Deficit: " + e1.getDeficit());} finally {System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName()+ ", " + customer.getFirstName() + "]"+ " has a checking balance of "+ account.getBalance());}}


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