.o文件 :二进制目标文件,可用于打包成库文件也可以链接生成可执行文件;

gcc  test1.c test2.c test3.c test_main.c -o test_main


gcc -c  test1.c test2.c test3.c test_main.c//编译成.o目标文件
gcc  test1.o test2.o test3.o test_main.o -o test_main_1//把.o文件链接成可执行文件


#include <stdio.h>void log_1();//函数在.h头文件中声明


#include "test1.h"
void log_1(){printf("This is file test1!\n");


#include <stdio.h>void log_2();


#include "test2.h"void log_2(){printf("This is file test2!\n");


#include <stdio.h>void log_3();


#include "test3.h"void log_3(){printf("This is file test3!\n");


#include <stdio.h>#include "test1.h"//引入头文件
#include "test2.h"
#include "test3.h"void log_1();//声明test1.h中的函数void log_2();void log_3();


#include "test_main.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){log_1();//调用test1.h中的函数log_2();log_3();return 0;

.a文件 :静态库文件,静态库在编译时已经被链接到目标代码中,运行程序不依赖该静态库文件;

ar rc libtest.a test1.o test2.o test3.o//把.o文件打包成.a的库文件
gcc test_main.c -L. -ltest -o test_main_a//链接生成可执行文件
rm libtest.a //删除静态库文件

优点:只有在程序执行的时候, 那些需要使用的函数代码才被拷贝到内存中。动态库在内存中可以被被多个程序使用,又称之为共享库,节约了内存和磁盘空间,以时间效率去换取空间效率;当调用接口没改变,库文件发生改变重新编译,而调用的主程序可不用重新编译;

ls -R


sudo apt-get install tree//安装
sudo tree --help//查看命令选项
tree -a//列出当前目录的所有文件名(文件和文件夹)


OBJS:=adTorgb.cpp.o  descriptors.c.o  error.c.o  linux.c.o  satusbimage.cpp.o  usb.c.o#把所有[.c]文件编译成[.o]文件
#-fPIC; 代表编译为位置独立的代码,满足了不同的进程对所加载动态库的共享;
#-c; 表示只编译源文件但不链接;
#$<; 表示所搜索到与第一个相匹配的文件,即第一个[.c]文件;
#-o; 指定输出文件名;
#$@; 与[.c]文件相对应的[.o]文件;
#-I.; 需用到的头文件在本目录中找.
%.c.o:%.c gcc -fPIC -c $< -o $@ -I.%.cpp.o:%.cppg++ -fPIC -c $< -o $@ -I.#-shared: 该选项指定生成动态连接库
all:$(OBJS)@echo "Compile..."g++ -shared -fpic -o libsatusb.so $(OBJS)@echo "End"clean:rm -fr *.o *.so


#include <usb.h>
#include "color_tables_rgb.h"#define USB_VID         0x0547          //CY7C68014A的产商ID
#define USB_PID         0x0503          //CY7C68014A的产品ID#define EP0ADDR         0x01            //端口0地址,通道0
#define EP1ADDR         0x81            //端口1地址,通道1
#define EP2ADDR         0x02            //端口2地址,通道2
#define EP3ADDR         0x86            //端口3地址,通道3
#define USB_TIMEOUT     10000           //传输数据的时间延迟#define IR_ROW 288
#define COL 1024
#define IR_IMAGE_SIZE       IR_ROW*COL*2        //IR一帧图像的大小/**@find_device. We can find out the USB device that we need to use from USB bus. We need to open USB device for getting USB handle.  *@param   Void *@return  Non-null value indicates that the function is called successfully, and the function of return value is an USB device. */
struct usb_device* find_device();/**@open_device   We can obtain a handle from the USB device after function call,the handle can be used to the parameter of reading Usb data.*@param  <dev>  Dev  means that we will choose which USB device to open.*@return Non-null value indicates that the function is called successfully. and the function of return value is a USB handle.
usb_dev_handle* open_device(struct usb_device* dev);/**@bulk_read_data. If you want to watch the image, please use the bulk_read_data function.*@parameter <handle> We read data from the USB handle.<data_ad> Data_ad is used to save collected image of ad value.<data_rgb> Data_rgb is used to save the having been disposed of RGB of image data.
*@return Value greater than zero indicates that the function is called successfully.
int bulk_read_data(usb_dev_handle* handle, char* data_ad, _rgb_item* data_rgb);/*@close_usb_handle. When you do not keep watch on the image, please use the close_usb_handle function to close the usb device,the parameter device_handle is the open_device function's return value. *@parameter <handle> We will close the USB device through hanlde. the parameter device_handle is the open_device function's return value. *@return Value greater than zero indicates that the function is called successfully.
int close_usb_handle(usb_dev_handle* handle);/*@set_level_value. To set the brightness of picture *@parameter <value> The value of brightness*@return Return true if the parameter value between 0 and 255,else return false
bool set_level_value(int value);/*@set_span_value. To set the contrast of picture *@parameter <value> The value of contrast*@return Return true if the parameter value between 0 and 255,else return false
bool set_span_value(int value);


#include <usb.h>#define IR_ROW 288
#define COL 1024
#define IR_IMAGE_SIZE       IR_ROW*COL*2
struct _rgb_item
{unsigned char r;unsigned char g;unsigned char b;unsigned char reserved;
typedef struct _rgb_item rgb_item;/**@find_device. We can find out the USB device that we need to use from USB bus. We need to open USB device for getting USB handle.  *@param   Void *@return  Non-null value indicates that the function is called successfully, and the function of return value is an USB device. */
struct usb_device* find_device();/**@open_device   We can obtain a handle from the USB device after function call,the handle can be used to the parameter of reading Usb data.*@param  <dev>  Dev  means that we will choose which USB device to open.*@return Non-null value indicates that the function is called successfully. and the function of return value is a USB handle.
usb_dev_handle* open_device(struct usb_device* dev);/**@bulk_read_data. If you want to watch the image, please use the bulk_read_data function.*@parameter <handle> We read data from the USB handle.<data_ad> Data_ad is used to save collected image of ad value.<data_rgb> Data_rgb is used to save the having been disposed of RGB of image data.
*@return Value greater than zero indicates that the function is called successfully.
int bulk_read_data(usb_dev_handle* handle, char* data_ad, _rgb_item* data_rgb,unsigned char color_table);/*@close_usb_handle. When you do not keep watch on the image, please use the close_usb_handle function to close the usb device,the parameter device_handle is the open_device function's return value. *@parameter <handle> We will close the USB device through hanlde. the parameter device_handle is the open_device function's return value. *@return Value greater than zero indicates that the function is called successfully.
int close_usb_handle(usb_dev_handle* handle);/*@set_level_value. To set the brightness of picture *@parameter <value> The value of brightness*@return Return true if the parameter value between 0 and 255,else return false
bool set_level_value(int value);/*@set_span_value. To set the contrast of picture *@parameter <value> The value of contrast*@return Return true if the parameter value between 0 and 255,else return false
bool set_span_value(int value);


all:#-L./lib: 编译时到当前路径的lib文件夹中去需找libsatusb.so库文件gcc satimagetest.c -L./lib -lsatusb -o satimagetest#如果要运行编译完成的可执行文件,必须得设置下环境变量(执行程序时会去链接这个.so库文件,如果不设置环境变量,就找不到该库文件,程序执行失败),或者把生成的.so库文件拷贝到已设置的路径下(可以查环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH,但移植性不高)。
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/satImage/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH



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