react报错 Uncaught Invariant Violation: Unable to find node on an unmounted compone


<Tablecolumns={columns}dataSource={}pagination={false}rowKey={record =>}



  newMember = (image, audio) => {const newData = [];newData.push({key: `NEW_TEMP_ID_${this.index}`,editable: false,isNew: true,image: image,audio: audio,});this.index += 1;this.setState({ data: newData }, () => {this.props.onChange(;});}




后来发现 初始的第一条数据id为2,也就是key为2,后来新建了两条数据,设置了rowkey为id,ant.design的Table组件当检测到rowkey为undefined的情况下会自动将rowkey设置为index,所以第三条数据key为2,与第一条数据相同,导致后来删除数据的时候按照key操作会出现渲染错误的情况,将Table的rowKey设置为index之后就会有不同且唯一的key

//recordKey部分实现_this.getRecordKey = function (record, index) {var rowKey = _this.props.rowKey;var recordKey = typeof rowKey === 'function' ? rowKey(record, index) : record[rowKey];(0, _warning["default"])(recordKey !== undefined, 'Table', 'Each record in dataSource of table should have a unique `key` prop, ' + 'or set `rowKey` of Table to an unique primary key, ' + 'see');return recordKey === undefined ? index : recordKey;};

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