
When you create a pivot table, a default PivotTable Style is automatically applied. You can change to a different style, and you can even create custom pivot table styles. To help you keep track of the styles that you have, here's a List All Pivot Table Styles macro.

创建数据透视表时,将自动应用默认的数据透视表样式。 您可以更改为其他样式,甚至可以创建自定义数据透视表样式。 为了帮助您跟踪所拥有的样式,这里是“列出所有数据透视表样式”宏。

数据透视表自定义样式 (Pivot Table Custom Styles)

If you're not sure how to create your own custom pivot table style, this short video shows the steps. Also, there are step-by-step written instructions on my Contextures site, on the Pivot Table Formatting page.

如果您不确定如何创建自己的自定义数据透视表样式,则此简短视频将显示步骤。 另外,我的Contextures网站上的“数据透视表格式”页面上还有逐步的书面说明。


默认和自定义数据透视表样式 (Default and Custom Pivot Table Styles)

There are  about 85 built-in pivot table styles in my version of Excel – there might be more than that in your version, or fewer styles.


If you create custom pivot table styles, they'll be added to that list too. The custom styles also appear at the top of the style gallery.

如果您创建自定义数据透视表样式,它们也会添加到该列表中。 自定义样式也显示在样式库的顶部。

列出所有数据透视表样式 (List All the Pivot Table Styles)

To get a list of all the pivot table styles in the active workbook, use the macro that's shown below. The macro adds a sheet to the workbook, with a list of the pivot table style settings.

若要获取活动工作簿中所有数据透视表样式的列表,请使用下面显示的宏。 该宏将工作表添加到工作簿,并带有数据透视表样式设置的列表。

The list shows the style name and number, whether it's built in or custom, the header colour,  and inside border colour.


NOTE: Lots of black is used for the style formatting, so the macro shows a black dot, instead of filling the cell with black. I find that easier to read, and it also saves on printer toner, if you want to print the list!

注意:很多黑色用于样式格式设置,因此宏显示一个黑点,而不是用黑色填充单元格。 如果您要打印列表,我发现它更易于阅读,并且还节省了打印机碳粉!

列出所有数据透视表样式的宏 (Macro to List All Pivot Table Styles)

This macro to list all Pivot Table styles is in the sample workbook that you can download. There are four other macros too, to list and set the styles.

您可以下载示例工作簿中的此列出所有数据透视表样式的宏。 还有四个其他宏,用于列出和设置样式。

Or, to use this macro in your own workbook, copy the code below to a regular code module. Then, add a worksheet button to run the macro, or run it from the Macros command on the Excel Ribbon's View tab.

或者,要在自己的工作簿中使用此宏,请将下面的代码复制到常规代码模块中 。 然后,添加一个工作表按钮以运行宏,或从Excel功能区的“视图”选项卡上的“宏”命令运行它。

Sub StylesPTListALL()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim lStyle As Long
Dim stl As TableStyle
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim myRow As Long
Dim lClrH As Long
Dim lClrB As Long
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = Sheets.Add
On Error Resume Next
With ws
.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 5)).Value _
= Array("Style", "Name", "BuiltIn", _
"Header", "Borders")
End With
myRow = 2
For lStyle = 1 To wb.TableStyles.Count
Set stl = wb.TableStyles(lStyle)
If stl.ShowAsAvailablePivotTableStyle = True Then
ws.Cells(myRow, 1).Value = lStyle
ws.Cells(myRow, 2).Value = stl.NameLocal
ws.Cells(myRow, 3).Value = stl.BuiltIn
lClrH = stl.TableStyleElements _
If lClrH = 0 Then
ws.Cells(myRow, 4).Value = "•"
ws.Cells(myRow, 4).Interior.Color = lClrH
End If
lClrB = stl.TableStyleElements _
.Item(xlWholeTable) _
If lClrB = 0 Then
ws.Cells(myRow, 5).Value = "•"
ws.Cells(myRow, 5).Interior.Color = lClrB
End If
myRow = myRow + 1
End If
Next lStyle
With ws
.Range("A1:E1").Font.Bold = True
.Range("G1").Value = "• = Black"
.Columns("C:E").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 3.57
End With
End Sub

获取样本工作簿 (Get the Sample Workbook)

To get the sample workbook with pivot tables, custom styles, and more macros, go to the Pivot Table Styles Macros page on my Contextures website.

若要获取带有数据透视表,自定义样式和更多宏的示例工作簿,请转到Contextures网站上的“ 数据透视表样式宏”页面 。

The zipped file is in xlsm format, and contains macros. Be sure to enable macros when you open the workbook, if you want to test the macros.

压缩文件为xlsm格式,并包含宏。 如果要测试宏,请确保在打开工作簿时启用宏。

数据透视表工具 (Pivot Table Tools)

To save time when building, formatting and modifying your pivot tables, use the tools in my Pivot Power Premium add-in. With just a few clicks, you can:

为了节省构建,格式化和修改数据透视表时的时间,请使用我的Pivot Power Premium加载项中的工具 。 只需单击几下,您就可以:

  • copy the formatting from one pivot table, and apply it to another pivot table.从一个数据透视表复制格式,然后将其应用于另一数据透视表。
  • change all the values from Count to Sum将所有值从Count更改为Sum
  • remove the "Sum of" from all the headings从所有标题中删除“总和”

and much more!


更多数据透视表资源 (More Pivot Table Resources)

Pivot Table Formatting


Classic Pivot Table Format


Copy Pivot Table Formatting


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/05/17/list-all-pivot-table-styles-macro/




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