GC Root

GC Root全称是garbage collection root, 即垃圾回收的根. 回到我们的葡萄比喻上来, 也就是一串葡萄的柄. 实际上JVM中的GC Root不只一个, 也就是多个这样的 “柄”.


garbage collection root

A pointer into the Java object heap from outside the heap. These come up, e.g., from static fields of classes, local references in activation frames, etc.

官网的解释是由heap外部指向heap内的对象的指针, 比如class的静态字段, 活跃栈帧里的本地引用等. 这里有点小疑问, 从代码上来看, 静态字段也是存在于heap对象(Class对象)中的, 这样来看, 按照heap外指针的定义来解释好像不太妥当. 可以先不关注这个问题, 等会我们从代码上来直观感受一下.

这个说法可能听起来有点奇怪, 因为GC Root的存在是客观的, 并不是因为需要, 这里的意思更多的是为什么要单独提出这么一个概念. 前面介绍过, 对象之间的相互引用会形成一个图(graph), 而要遍历存活的对象, 必须从一些点出发, 这些点, 就是GC Root了.


最为GC Root四种对象:

  • 虚拟机栈中的引用对象
  • 方法区中类静态属性引用的对象
  • 方法区中常量引用对象
  • 本地方法栈中JNI引用对象

GC Root 遍历的源码:

void GenCollectedHeap::process_roots(StrongRootsScope* scope,ScanningOption so,OopClosure* strong_roots,OopClosure* weak_roots,CLDClosure* strong_cld_closure,CLDClosure* weak_cld_closure,CodeBlobToOopClosure* code_roots) {// General roots.assert(Threads::thread_claim_parity() != 0, "must have called prologue code");assert(code_roots != NULL, "code root closure should always be set");// _n_termination for _process_strong_tasks should be set up stream// in a method not running in a GC worker.  Otherwise the GC worker// could be trying to change the termination condition while the task// is executing in another GC worker.if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_ClassLoaderDataGraph_oops_do)) {ClassLoaderDataGraph::roots_cld_do(strong_cld_closure, weak_cld_closure);}// Only process code roots from thread stacks if we aren't visiting the entire CodeCache anywayCodeBlobToOopClosure* roots_from_code_p = (so & SO_AllCodeCache) ? NULL : code_roots;bool is_par = scope->n_threads() > 1;Threads::possibly_parallel_oops_do(is_par, strong_roots, roots_from_code_p);if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_Universe_oops_do)) {Universe::oops_do(strong_roots);}// Global (strong) JNI handlesif (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_JNIHandles_oops_do)) {JNIHandles::oops_do(strong_roots);}if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_ObjectSynchronizer_oops_do)) {ObjectSynchronizer::oops_do(strong_roots);}if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_FlatProfiler_oops_do)) {FlatProfiler::oops_do(strong_roots);}if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_Management_oops_do)) {Management::oops_do(strong_roots);}if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_jvmti_oops_do)) {JvmtiExport::oops_do(strong_roots);}if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_SystemDictionary_oops_do)) {SystemDictionary::roots_oops_do(strong_roots, weak_roots);}// All threads execute the following. A specific chunk of buckets// from the StringTable are the individual tasks.if (weak_roots != NULL) {if (is_par) {StringTable::possibly_parallel_oops_do(weak_roots);} else {StringTable::oops_do(weak_roots);}}if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_CodeCache_oops_do)) {if (so & SO_ScavengeCodeCache) {assert(code_roots != NULL, "must supply closure for code cache");// We only visit parts of the CodeCache when scavenging.CodeCache::scavenge_root_nmethods_do(code_roots);}if (so & SO_AllCodeCache) {assert(code_roots != NULL, "must supply closure for code cache");// CMSCollector uses this to do intermediate-strength collections.// We scan the entire code cache, since CodeCache::do_unloading is not called.CodeCache::blobs_do(code_roots);}// Verify that the code cache contents are not subject to// movement by a scavenging collection.DEBUG_ONLY(CodeBlobToOopClosure assert_code_is_non_scavengable(&assert_is_non_scavengable_closure, !CodeBlobToOopClosure::FixRelocations));DEBUG_ONLY(CodeCache::asserted_non_scavengable_nmethods_do(&assert_code_is_non_scavengable));}




/** Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.* DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.** This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as* published by the Free Software Foundation.** This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that* accompanied this code).** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.** Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any* questions.**/#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/shared/markSweep.inline.hpp"
#include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/methodDataOop.hpp"
#include "oops/objArrayKlass.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"Stack<oop>              MarkSweep::_marking_stack;
Stack<DataLayout*>      MarkSweep::_revisit_mdo_stack;
Stack<Klass*>           MarkSweep::_revisit_klass_stack;
Stack<ObjArrayTask>     MarkSweep::_objarray_stack;Stack<oop>              MarkSweep::_preserved_oop_stack;
Stack<markOop>          MarkSweep::_preserved_mark_stack;
size_t                  MarkSweep::_preserved_count = 0;
size_t                  MarkSweep::_preserved_count_max = 0;
PreservedMark*          MarkSweep::_preserved_marks = NULL;
ReferenceProcessor*     MarkSweep::_ref_processor   = NULL;#ifdef VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP
GrowableArray<void*>*   MarkSweep::_root_refs_stack = NULL;
GrowableArray<oop> *    MarkSweep::_live_oops = NULL;
GrowableArray<oop> *    MarkSweep::_live_oops_moved_to = NULL;
GrowableArray<size_t>*  MarkSweep::_live_oops_size = NULL;
size_t                  MarkSweep::_live_oops_index = 0;
size_t                  MarkSweep::_live_oops_index_at_perm = 0;
GrowableArray<void*>*   MarkSweep::_other_refs_stack = NULL;
GrowableArray<void*>*   MarkSweep::_adjusted_pointers = NULL;
bool                         MarkSweep::_pointer_tracking = false;
bool                         MarkSweep::_root_tracking = true;GrowableArray<HeapWord*>* MarkSweep::_cur_gc_live_oops = NULL;
GrowableArray<HeapWord*>* MarkSweep::_cur_gc_live_oops_moved_to = NULL;
GrowableArray<size_t>   * MarkSweep::_cur_gc_live_oops_size = NULL;
GrowableArray<HeapWord*>* MarkSweep::_last_gc_live_oops = NULL;
GrowableArray<HeapWord*>* MarkSweep::_last_gc_live_oops_moved_to = NULL;
GrowableArray<size_t>   * MarkSweep::_last_gc_live_oops_size = NULL;
#endifvoid MarkSweep::revisit_weak_klass_link(Klass* k) {_revisit_klass_stack.push(k);
}void MarkSweep::follow_weak_klass_links() {// All klasses on the revisit stack are marked at this point.// Update and follow all subklass, sibling and implementor links.if (PrintRevisitStats) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("#classes in system dictionary = %d",SystemDictionary::number_of_classes());gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Revisit klass stack size = " SIZE_FORMAT,_revisit_klass_stack.size());}while (!_revisit_klass_stack.is_empty()) {Klass* const k = _revisit_klass_stack.pop();k->follow_weak_klass_links(&is_alive, &keep_alive);}follow_stack();
}void MarkSweep::revisit_mdo(DataLayout* p) {_revisit_mdo_stack.push(p);
}void MarkSweep::follow_mdo_weak_refs() {// All strongly reachable oops have been marked at this point;// we can visit and clear any weak references from MDO's which// we memoized during the strong marking phase.assert(_marking_stack.is_empty(), "Marking stack should be empty");if (PrintRevisitStats) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("#classes in system dictionary = %d",SystemDictionary::number_of_classes());gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Revisit MDO stack size = " SIZE_FORMAT,_revisit_mdo_stack.size());}while (!_revisit_mdo_stack.is_empty()) {_revisit_mdo_stack.pop()->follow_weak_refs(&is_alive);}follow_stack();
}MarkSweep::FollowRootClosure  MarkSweep::follow_root_closure;
CodeBlobToOopClosure MarkSweep::follow_code_root_closure(&MarkSweep::follow_root_closure, /*do_marking=*/ true);void MarkSweep::FollowRootClosure::do_oop(oop* p)       { follow_root(p); }
void MarkSweep::FollowRootClosure::do_oop(narrowOop* p) { follow_root(p); }MarkSweep::MarkAndPushClosure MarkSweep::mark_and_push_closure;void MarkSweep::MarkAndPushClosure::do_oop(oop* p)       { assert(*p == NULL || (*p)->is_oop(), ""); mark_and_push(p); }
void MarkSweep::MarkAndPushClosure::do_oop(narrowOop* p) { mark_and_push(p); }void MarkSweep::follow_stack() {do {while (!_marking_stack.is_empty()) {oop obj = _marking_stack.pop();assert (obj->is_gc_marked(), "p must be marked");obj->follow_contents();}// Process ObjArrays one at a time to avoid marking stack bloat.if (!_objarray_stack.is_empty()) {ObjArrayTask task = _objarray_stack.pop();objArrayKlass* const k = (objArrayKlass*)task.obj()->blueprint();k->oop_follow_contents(task.obj(), task.index());}} while (!_marking_stack.is_empty() || !_objarray_stack.is_empty());
}MarkSweep::FollowStackClosure MarkSweep::follow_stack_closure;void MarkSweep::FollowStackClosure::do_void() { follow_stack(); }// We preserve the mark which should be replaced at the end and the location
// that it will go.  Note that the object that this markOop belongs to isn't
// currently at that address but it will be after phase4
void MarkSweep::preserve_mark(oop obj, markOop mark) {// We try to store preserved marks in the to space of the new generation since// this is storage which should be available.  Most of the time this should be// sufficient space for the marks we need to preserve but if it isn't we fall// back to using Stacks to keep track of the overflow.if (_preserved_count < _preserved_count_max) {_preserved_marks[_preserved_count++].init(obj, mark);} else {_preserved_mark_stack.push(mark);_preserved_oop_stack.push(obj);}
}MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure MarkSweep::adjust_root_pointer_closure(true);
MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure MarkSweep::adjust_pointer_closure(false);void MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure::do_oop(oop* p)       { adjust_pointer(p, _is_root); }
void MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure::do_oop(narrowOop* p) { adjust_pointer(p, _is_root); }void MarkSweep::adjust_marks() {assert( _preserved_oop_stack.size() == _preserved_mark_stack.size(),"inconsistent preserved oop stacks");// adjust the oops we saved earlierfor (size_t i = 0; i < _preserved_count; i++) {_preserved_marks[i].adjust_pointer();}// deal with the overflow stackStackIterator<oop> iter(_preserved_oop_stack);while (!iter.is_empty()) {oop* p = iter.next_addr();adjust_pointer(p);}
}void MarkSweep::restore_marks() {assert(_preserved_oop_stack.size() == _preserved_mark_stack.size(),"inconsistent preserved oop stacks");if (PrintGC && Verbose) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Restoring %d marks",_preserved_count + _preserved_oop_stack.size());}// restore the marks we saved earlierfor (size_t i = 0; i < _preserved_count; i++) {_preserved_marks[i].restore();}// deal with the overflowwhile (!_preserved_oop_stack.is_empty()) {oop obj       = _preserved_oop_stack.pop();markOop mark  = _preserved_mark_stack.pop();obj->set_mark(mark);}
}#ifdef VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEPvoid MarkSweep::track_adjusted_pointer(void* p, bool isroot) {if (!ValidateMarkSweep)return;if (!isroot) {if (_pointer_tracking) {guarantee(_adjusted_pointers->contains(p), "should have seen this pointer");_adjusted_pointers->remove(p);}} else {ptrdiff_t index = _root_refs_stack->find(p);if (index != -1) {int l = _root_refs_stack->length();if (l > 0 && l - 1 != index) {void* last = _root_refs_stack->pop();assert(last != p, "should be different");_root_refs_stack->at_put(index, last);} else {_root_refs_stack->remove(p);}}}
}void MarkSweep::check_adjust_pointer(void* p) {_adjusted_pointers->push(p);
}class AdjusterTracker: public OopClosure {public:AdjusterTracker() {}void do_oop(oop* o)       { MarkSweep::check_adjust_pointer(o); }void do_oop(narrowOop* o) { MarkSweep::check_adjust_pointer(o); }
};void MarkSweep::track_interior_pointers(oop obj) {if (ValidateMarkSweep) {_adjusted_pointers->clear();_pointer_tracking = true;AdjusterTracker checker;obj->oop_iterate(&checker);}
}void MarkSweep::check_interior_pointers() {if (ValidateMarkSweep) {_pointer_tracking = false;guarantee(_adjusted_pointers->length() == 0, "should have processed the same pointers");}
}void MarkSweep::reset_live_oop_tracking(bool at_perm) {if (ValidateMarkSweep) {guarantee((size_t)_live_oops->length() == _live_oops_index, "should be at end of live oops");_live_oops_index = at_perm ? _live_oops_index_at_perm : 0;}
}void MarkSweep::register_live_oop(oop p, size_t size) {if (ValidateMarkSweep) {_live_oops->push(p);_live_oops_size->push(size);_live_oops_index++;}


GrowableArray<oop> *    MarkSweep::_live_oops = NULL;
GrowableArray<oop> *    MarkSweep::_live_oops_moved_to = NULL;

看下GrowableArray 源码:

/** Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.* DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.** This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as* published by the Free Software Foundation.** This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that* accompanied this code).** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.** Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any* questions.**/#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux
# include "thread_linux.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris
# include "thread_solaris.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows
# include "thread_windows.inline.hpp"
#ifdef ASSERT
void GenericGrowableArray::set_nesting() {if (on_stack()) {_nesting = Thread::current()->resource_area()->nesting();}
}void GenericGrowableArray::check_nesting() {// Check for insidious allocation bug: if a GrowableArray overflows, the// grown array must be allocated under the same ResourceMark as the original.// Otherwise, the _data array will be deallocated too early.if (on_stack() &&_nesting != Thread::current()->resource_area()->nesting()) {fatal("allocation bug: GrowableArray could grow within nested ResourceMark");}
#endifvoid* GenericGrowableArray::raw_allocate(int elementSize) {assert(_max >= 0, "integer overflow");size_t byte_size = elementSize * (size_t) _max;if (on_stack()) {return (void*)resource_allocate_bytes(byte_size);} else if (on_C_heap()) {return (void*)AllocateHeap(byte_size, "GrET in " __FILE__);} else {return _arena->Amalloc(byte_size);}




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