
  • In Java, everything written in double-quotes is considered a string and the text written in double-quotes is display as it is.

    在Java中, 双引号中的所有内容均视为字符串,而双引号中的文本按原样显示。

  • Suppose, if we want to add double quotes to a string then we need [\"] escape sequence to escape quotes.

    假设,如果要在字符串中添加双引号,则需要[ \“ ]转义序列来转义引号。

  • Let us suppose if we have a string "Preeti" and simply it will display like this preeti and if we want to add double quotes to string (i.e. display like "preeti" ) then we will write a statement like this "\"Preeti\"".

    让我们假设,如果我们有一个字符串“ Preeti”,并且简单地将显示为这样的preeti,并且如果我们想在字符串中添加双引号(例如,显示为“ preeti” ),那么我们将编写一个这样的语句: “ \” Preeti \ ”

We will understand this thing with the help of an Example...




public class AddQuotesToString {public static void main(String[] args) {// Create a string named str1 with value Java
// and display like this Java.
String str1 = "Java";
// Create a string named str2 with value OOPS
// and display like this Java "OOPS".
// For adding double quotes to OOPS
// then we need or add \" escape sequence to escape quotes
// around both side string.
String str2 = " \" OOPS \" ";
System.out.println("Display String without quotes " + " " + str1);
System.out.println("Display String with quotes " + " " + str2);



D:\Programs>java AddQuotesToString
Display String without quotes  Java
Display String with quotes   " OOPS "




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