
Code ownership sucks.


It limits code and stunts your growth as a developer.


Let’s look at what code ownership is and why it destroys individuals and organizations.


什么是代码所有权 (What is code ownership)

Code ownership is where one person in an organization owns a codebase.


That means one person is responsible for the whole system. The individual is responsible for making changes to the code, taking the decisions about design, and for managing bugs.

这意味着一个人对整个系统负责。 个人负责更改代码,做出有关设计的决定以及管理错误。

Let’s say the system is a web app. With code ownership, one person in the company owns that web app. If there’s a problem with the web app, the code owner is the person who has to fix it.

假设系统是一个Web应用程序。 使用代码所有权,公司中的一个人拥有该Web应用程序。 如果网络应用程序有问题,则代码所有者是必须修复它的人。

为什么会吮吸? (Why does it suck?)

Code ownership is bad for code owners because it stunts their growth.


As well, code ownership causes problems for the organization and for code owners.


If no one knows how a system works, nobody can give effective code reviews. Worse, the code might not be reviewed at all.

如果没人知道系统是如何工作的,那么没人会进行有效的代码审查。 更糟糕的是,该代码可能根本不会被审查。

The owner of the code is then the only person who ever looks at the codebase. This stops code owners from learning from their colleagues, which is the best way to learn at work.

这样,代码的所有者便是唯一查看代码库的人。 这阻止了代码所有者向同事学习,这是在工作中学习的最佳方法。

As a code owner, you could be making horrible design decisions and you wouldn’t know it.


代码所有权扼杀了动力 (Code ownership kills motivation)

It’s easy to lose motivation when you own a codebase.


People don’t care if you shave 10kb off the bundle size when they don’t even know how big the bundle was before.


There’s no one to get excited with you when you switch to a new framework, add webpack to the pipeline, or improve server performance by adding a cache.


This is demotivating.


代码所有权使您懒惰 (Code ownership makes you lazy)

When you own your code, you can get lazy.


No one is checking in on you. People don’t know that the bug only took you five minutes to fix, and that you spent the rest of the day on reddit.

没有人在检查您。 人们不知道该错误只花了五分钟即可修复,而您余下的时间都花在了reddit上 。

You can coast by, doing the bare minimum. This is a waste.

您可以通过做最少的事情来做。 这是浪费。

I’ve seen 30-year-olds who have been in the same job for the last ten years, working on the same legacy codebase. And it shows. They’re behind on the latest technology, they’re not passionate about their work, and they spend hours every day browsing social media.

我见过30岁的人在过去十年中一直从事相同的工作,并在相同的旧版代码库中工作。 它显示了。 他们落后于最新技术,对工作不满,每天花数小时浏览社交媒体。

Don’t be like them.


代码所有权产生关键人员依赖性 (Code ownership produces key man dependency)

Not only is code ownership bad for the individual but it’s also bad for the organization.


If one person is responsible for a codebase, what happens when the code owner goes on vacation—or worse—leaves the company? Nobody in the organization will know how the code works.

如果一个人负责一个代码库,那么当代码所有者去休假(或更糟糕的是)离开公司时会发生什么? 组织中没有人会知道代码是如何工作的。

This problem is known as key man dependency. Extreme code ownership produces key man dependency.

这个问题被称为关键人物依赖 。 极端的代码所有权产生关键人员依赖性。

代码所有权导致压力 (Code ownership causes stress)

Although it can make you complacent, code ownership also causes stress.


If there’s a problem with the application, it’s your fault. You will be responsible, and you will have no one to help you fix the bug.

如果应用程序有问题,那是你的错。 您将负责,并且没有人可以帮助您修复错误。

有什么解决办法? (What’s the solution?)

The solution is a culture of shared code.


Shared code is where everyone in the team works on all parts of the codebase.


When the team owns the code, everyone can help make design decisions. Everyone can participate in the discussion of the system design, help bounce ideas around, and share in the responsibility of those decisions. Writing code becomes a magical experience.

当团队拥有代码时,每个人都可以帮助制定设计决策。 每个人都可以参与系统设计的讨论,帮助反弹想法,并共同承担这些决策的责任。 编写代码成为一种神奇的体验。

With shared code, there isn’t key man dependency. Any team member can go on vacation and the team will continue to work as normal.

使用共享代码,没有关键人员依赖性。 任何团队成员都可以休假,团队将继续正常工作。

With shared code, you’ll learn from your peers. Someone with knowledge of the system can provide quality feedback. Code will be scrutinized by many eyes, and it will flourish because of it.

使用共享代码,您将向同行学习。 有系统知识的人可以提供质量反馈。 代码将受到许多人的关注,因此它将蓬勃发展。

When multiple people work on the same codebase, they help to sculpt a code into perfection.


充分利用您的工作时间 (Making the most of your time at work)

You don’t need to work in an organization that stunts your growth. You should make the most of your time at work.

您无需在阻碍发展的组织中工作。 您应该充分利用工作时间。

Developers have the upper hand in the job market. We can choose where we work. If we’re not learning at our current job, we can change jobs.

开发人员在就业市场上占了上风。 我们可以选择工作地点。 如果我们不学习当前的工作,我们可以换工作。

If you’re working at a place with code ownership, find a new job.


Don’t make the mistake of working in a suboptimal environment. It will harm you in the long run.

不要犯在次优环境中工作的错误。 从长远来看,它将伤害您。

You might not realize how badly it’s affecting your growth, but a place that has code ownership will stop you from reaching your full potential.


Learning from other developers is a great benefit of working on a team, so find a new job now.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-code-ownership-sucks-and-you-should-never-work-somewhere-that-practices-it-b8fc1c694074/



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