
You may hear the terms "No Code" and "Low Code" thrown around by developers and entrepreneurs.


There's a lot of ambiguity as to what these terms even mean. To add to the confusion...

这些术语甚至意味着很多含义。 更令人困惑的是...

Hacker Noon wants you to ponder The Low-Code vs No-Code Platform Dilemma.

Hacker Noon希望您考虑低代码与无代码平台的困境 。

Betty Blocks has scientifically determined that No-Code is at LEAST 4 times faster than Low-Code:

Betty Blocks科学地确定No-Code至少比Low-Code快4倍 :

G2 is keen on telling us how No Code and Low Code differ in the RAD world. That’s “Rapid Application Development”, for those who are clearly not RAD enough to know.

G2渴望告诉我们RAD世界中无代码和低代码的区别 。 对于那些显然不熟悉RAD的人来说,这就是“快速应用程序开发”。

Kissflow (a “No Code” platform) isn’t exactly calling Time of Death, but you should know that Low-Code Isn’t Dead Yet, But It’s Not Looking Good.

Kissflow(“无代码”平台)并没有完全称呼“死亡时间”,但您应该知道, 低代码尚未消亡,但看起来还不错 。

In the other corner, Mendix (a “Low Code” platform) warns you that the issues with most no-code tools are that they often don’t scale well and integration capabilities are very limited.

在另一个角落,Mendix(“低代码”平台) 警告您大多数无代码工具的问题是它们通常无法很好地扩展,并且集成能力非常有限。

Finally, Wavemaker throws its hands up and just asks the straightforward question: No-code vs. Low-code – Is there a difference?

最后,Wavemaker举起手来,只问一个简单的问题: 无代码与低代码–有区别吗?

Whenever I see a question headline, I think of Betteridge’s law: Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word “No". As predicted, Wavemaker takes another 863 words or 5,601 characters to conclude: “no-code platforms are no different from low-code platforms.”

每当我看到问题标题时,我都会想到贝特里奇定律 :任何以问号结尾的标题都可以用“否”字回答。正如预测的那样,Wavemaker又用863字或5,601个字符得出结论:“无代码平台与低码平台没有什么不同。”

Stop it. Just stop. How is any of this petty squabbling a good use of time? Do you, the reader, feel any wiser reading all this?

停下来。 停下来。 这些小小的争吵如何有效利用时间? 读者,您是否对阅读所有这些内容感到更明智?

To be sure, there are plenty of people with financial incentive to gate-keep “No Code” vs “Low Code” to prop their side up while putting the other down. As are the “arms dealers” who happily feed the flames of both.

可以肯定的是,有很多人有经济动机去维持“ No Code”和“ Low Code”来支持自己的一面,同时压低对方。 就像“军火商”一样,快乐地喂食两者。

“无代码”工具让您编码 (“No Code” Tools Let You Code)

Look at how common it is to add code to “No Code” tools.


Webflow is the champion of the current generation of No Code hype and organizer of No Code Conf. Even they encourage you to add code snippets for doing everything from styling the scrollbar to updating copyright information.

Webflow是当前No Code炒作的拥护者和No Code Conf的组织者。 甚至他们都鼓励您添加代码段来完成从样式化滚动条到更新版权信息的所有操作。

But it’s not just for small things. The most popular integrations require adding code snippets. If you want to add a Members-only section to your site (for example, to make money off subscriptions, a pretty important use-case), you’ll have to insert Memberful or Memberspace or Memberstack’s code. The more integrations you add, the more you’ll be coding.

但这不仅是为了小事。 最流行的集成要求添加代码段。 如果你想要一个仅限会员部分添加到您的网站(例如,为了赚钱订阅,一个非常重要的用例),你必须插入Memberful或Memberspace或Memberstack的代码。 添加的集成越多,您编写的代码就越多。

There’s Betty Blocks, the “No Code” tool that you’ll recall is convinced No Code is at least 4 times faster than Low Code. Here’s their CEO talking about Using Traditional Coding in Betty Blocks’ No-Code Platform. Here’s their webinar teaching you about foreign keys to set up SQL-like relational database schemas in Betty Blocks. At what point are you really just coding with a fancy IDE?

有Betty Blocks,您会想起的“无代码”工具确信无代码至少比低代码快4倍。 这是他们的首席执行官谈论在Betty Blocks的无代码平台中使用传统编码的问题 。 这是他们的网络研讨会,教您有关在Betty Blocks中设置类似于SQL的关系数据库架构的外键。 在什么时候您真的只是在使用精美的IDE进行编码?

Does it seem counter intuitive that most “No Code” platforms offer “escape hatches” to do coding? This is just pragmatism at play. Users suffer when platforms don’t let them do the things they need to do, and code is the ultimate malleable interface between the platform and the outside world.

大多数“无代码”平台都提供“逃生图案”来进行编码,这似乎与直觉相反吗? 这只是实用主义。 当平台不允许他们做需要做的事情时,用户会遭受苦难,而代码是平台与外界之间终极可延展的接口。

“低代码”工具不需要代码 (“Low Code” Tools Don’t Require Code)

Look at how much you can do in “Low Code” tools without coding.


Zoho Creator calls itself “a low-code platform.” Yet you can run through all 6 videos of it’s How-To series creating, customizing, and sharing your app from scratch without writing a single line of code.

Zoho Creator称自己为“ 低代码平台” 。 但是,您可以从头开始创建,自定义和共享应用程序的全部6个视频教程,而无需编写任何代码。

Appian is well known as the first publicly listed “Low-Code Automation Platform.” But when you watch its “Become an Appian Expert Fast” tutorial, you realize the entire 43 minute video doesn't involve writing a single line of code.

Appian是第一个公开列出的“ 低代码自动化平台” 。 但是,当您观看其“ 快速成为Appian Expert ”教程时,您会意识到整个43分钟的视频并不需要编写任何代码。

Does it seem counter intuitive that “Low Code” platforms don’t require code, but don’t market themselves as “No Code?”


You can listen to John Rymer, half of the Forrester Analyst duo that coined the term “Low Code.” According to him, they market-tested the phrase “No Code,” but “Low Code” simply appealed better with enterprise customers. So "Low Code" it was.

您可以收听John Rymer ,这是Forrester Analyst二人组中创造“低代码”一词的一半。 据他说,他们对“ No Code”一词进行了市场测试,但“ Low Code”对企业客户的吸引力更大。 所以是“低码”。

我们站在同一边 (We’re On The Same Side)

In general, you’ll find that the “No Code” vs “Low Code” branding mostly differs by vintage:

通常,您会发现“ No Code”和“ Low Code”品牌的不同之处主要是年份不同:

  • Older companies (Appian, Zoho Creator, and others I surveyed were created before 2010) proudly wear the “Low Code” label today.较老的公司(Appian,Zoho Creator和我调查的其他公司都是在2010年之前创建的)今天自豪地佩戴了“低码”标签。
  • Newer ones (Webflow, Betty Blocks, and others are post 2010) consider themselves “No Code” to differentiate.较新的版本(Webflow,Betty Blocks和其他版本则在2010年之后)认为自己是“无代码”以区别对待。
  • Then there are the snowflakes that don’t pick a side. Parabola just wants you to “hand off your routine data tasks by describing them”. Airtable is “part spreadsheet, part database.” Zapier lets you “connect your apps and automate workflows.” All these companies regularly get lumped into this space but try to be above it all.然后是雪花,它们不会偏向一侧。 抛物线只是希望您“通过描述来完成日常数据任务”。 Airtable是“零件电子表格,零件数据库”。 Zapier可让您“连接应用程序并自动化工作流程。” 所有这些公司都会定期进入这个领域,但要力争做到这一点。

The truth is all these companies are on the same side – enabling every business user to create practical applications faster and cheaper.


There’s even debate about what to call this kind of user – Citizen Developer? Visual Developer? Power User? NoCoder? - to differentiate them from the traditional developer.

关于如何称呼这类用户-公民开发人员,甚至存在争论。 视觉开发者? 超级用户? NoCoder? -区别于传统开发商。

But the world doesn’t split neatly into developer vs. non-developer, technical vs. non-technical.


You could be a nontechnical business owner. You’re not too great with "the computers." But you recognize that work can be cheaper, faster, more reliable and collaborative when done through software.

您可能是非技术企业主。 您对“计算机”不太满意。 但是您认识到,通过软件完成工作可能会更便宜,更快,更可靠且更具协作性。

You could be a technical user. You don't code – but you are the sort who keeps up on the latest iPhone and Android specs. You have a strong opinion on the best productivity apps. You still recognize that there are unserved gaps in the available apps out there. If only you could make an app, you could serve your own need (and that of coworkers and perhaps many others).

您可以是技术用户。 您无需编写代码,但您会跟上最新的iPhone和Android规范。 您对最好的生产力应用程序有强烈的意见。 您仍然认识到,可用的应用程序中还有一些空白。 如果您可以制作一个应用程序,则可以满足您自己的需求(以及同事的需求,也许还有许多其他需求)。

You could even be a regular developer, tired of the traditional, buggy, slow way of doing things. You recognize the value of a fast MVP. Your time is best spent taking advantage of commodity UIs, APIs, and workflows. And your dev time is best reserved for the “last mile” of what isn’t yet available.

您甚至可以成为常规开发人员,对传统的,越野车,缓慢的工作方式感到厌倦。 您认识到快速MVP的价值。 最好花时间利用商品UI,API和工作流。 而您的开发时间最好保留给尚无可用的“最后一英里”。

Regardless of your technical aspect, No Code and Low Code platforms are there to serve you all. They should be evaluated based on their ability to serve your needs, not on the amount of code they may or may not require.

不管您的技术状况如何,那里都没有代码和低代码平台为您服务。 应该根据他们满足您需求的能力来评估它们,而不是根据他们可能会或可能不需要的代码量进行评估。

这不是片刻,而是运动 (This is not a Moment, It’s a Movement)

There won’t be one big winner in all this. Every domain, every industry, every level of the stack is up for a No Code/Low Code transformation. This is a general movement to bring Human-Computer Interaction into the 21st century.

所有这一切都不会有一个大赢家。 每个领域,每个行业,每个层次的堆栈都可以进行无代码/低代码转换。 这是将人机交互带入21世纪的一项普遍运动。

The problems that can be solved with software aren’t bounded by the ~150,000 bootcamp and computer science graduates per year in the US, or the ~30 million developers worldwide (0.4% of the global population).


The bar to beat is spreadsheets. The vast majority of humanity (numbering in the billions) is already very productive with Excel and Google Sheets. How can you do better than a spreadsheet?

最重要的是电子表格。 使用Excel和Google表格,绝大多数人(数十亿人)已经非常有生产力。 您如何比电子表格做得更好?

You can make data entry and lookup more ergonomic on a mobile phone, our primary computing device. You can automate other processes on data ingress and egress (firing off an email, or sending a text, or scheduling upload processing in the background). You can design better guardrails around error handling, team permissions, and user generated content like photos and videos.

您可以使手机(我们的主要计算设备)上的数据输入和查找更加符合人体工程学。 您可以自动化数据输入和输出的其他过程(发出电子邮件,发送文本或在后台安排上载处理)。 您可以围绕错误处理,团队权限以及用户生成的内容(例如照片和视频)设计更好的防护栏。

The key is to start with a clear idea of your needs, and work backwards. The buffet of No Code and Low Code platforms are out there for you.

关键是要从清晰了解您的需求开始,然后倒退。 No Code和Low Code平台的自助餐正为您提供。

My advice: Stop sweating the semantics. Start creating.

我的建议:停止流汗的语义。 开始创建。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/no-code-vs-low-code-defined/


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