开源 非开源

by Michael D. Johnson

迈克尔·约翰逊(Michael D.Johnson)

开源为善 (Open Source for Good)

We’ve spent two years coding for a cause, one nonprofit at a time. And now Free Code Camp’s pushing ahead to help organizations at scale.

我们花了两年的时间为事业编码,一次非营利组织。 现在,免费代码营正在推动大规模帮助组织。

Today I’m thrilled to announce Open Source for Good.


The premise is simple: all nonprofits should benefit from our pro bono code, and all campers should contribute to open source projects. Open Source for Good achieves these two goals at once.

前提很简单:所有非营利组织都应从我们的公益代码中受益,所有营员都应为开源项目做出贡献。 开源公益会同时实现这两个目标。

I’ve personally evaluated hundreds of grant proposals from nonprofits. Time and time again, these nonprofits ask for help with the same basic problems.

我亲自评估了数百个非营利组织的赠款提案。 这些非营利组织一次又一次地寻求有关相同基本问题的帮助。

They hope to leverage technology that either doesn’t yet exist, or is prohibitively expensive. And in many cases, we’re able to build it for them.

他们希望利用尚不存在或昂贵的技术。 而且在许多情况下,我们能够为他们构建它。

But why should these tools continue to benefit just one nonprofit at a time?


Pro Bono大规模 (Pro Bono at scale)

Take the app we built for Chasdei Kaduri — a food bank in Toronto.

请使用我们为Chasdei Kaduri(多伦多的一家食物银行)开发的应用程序。

We built this tool for Jonathan and his team to help them minimize administrative overhead, reduce errors, and ultimately increase their efficiency.


The app we built helps them manage deliveries to the families they serve, categorize donated food items, create packing lists around dietary restrictions, and optimize delivery route assignments. It even issues tax receipts to donors.

我们构建的应用程序可帮助他们管理向所服务家庭的送货,对捐赠的食品进行分类,围绕饮食限制创建装箱单并优化送货路线分配。 它甚至向捐助者开具税收收据。

There are hundreds of thousands of food banks around the world who should have access to this tool. Chasdei Kaduri agrees. They want to open source it.

世界各地有成千上万的食品银行应可使用此工具。 Chasdei Kaduri同意。 他们想将其开源。

Or take the app we built for Options Inc — a nonprofit that finds jobs for adults with intellectual disabilities, then transports them to and from those jobs every day.

或使用我们为Option Inc打造的应用程序-一个非营利性组织,可以为智障成人找到工作,然后每天往返于这些工作。

When they told us about their daily nightmare — managing the routes for dozens of vehicles using nothing more than an excel spreadsheet — we helped them pro bono.


In Matt’s words, the app that we built now allows them to “do in 2 minutes what used to take 2 hours.”


Now their team can assign drivers and passengers to vehicles and optimize their routes with Google Maps.

现在,他们的团队可以为驾驶员和乘客分配车辆,并使用Google Maps优化路线。

And there are many other nonprofits that control a fleet of vehicles or manages a list of delivery addresses who should have access to this tool. Options Inc agrees. They want to open source it.

还有许多其他非营利组织可以控制此车队或管理送货地址清单。 期权公司同意。 他们想开源它。

We’ve already begun the process of stripping out organization-specific features so that these tools are relevant for a wider range of nonprofits. And it’s not just completed projects that we’re open-sourcing. We’re launching completely new open source projects, too.

我们已经开始剥离特定于组织的功能,以便这些工具与更广泛的非营利组织相关。 而且,我们开源的不仅仅是已完成的项目。 我们也正在启动全新的开源项目。

花钱在任务上,而不是软件上。 (Spend money on the mission, not the software.)

Let’s talk about email.


Nonprofits need to communicate with their constituents. This means email — lots of email. And even though a nonprofit’s mailing list may be growing, their budget may not be.

非营利组织需要与选民沟通。 这意味着电子邮件-许多电子邮件。 即使非营利组织的邮件列表可能正在增长,其预算也可能不会增加。

At Free Code Camp, we’ve struggled with the same fundamental problem. Here’s how much it would cost us each month to use the most popular email service today:

在Free Code Camp中,我们一直在努力解决相同的基本问题。 以下是每月使用当今最受欢迎的电子邮件服务需要花费的费用:

We’d spend $1,800 each month to send weekly emails to our open source community. Even with a nonprofit discount of 15%, this is prohibitively expensive for many organizations.

我们每个月要花费1800美元,将每周的电子邮件发送到我们的开源社区。 即使有15%的非营利折扣,对于许多组织来说,这也是非常昂贵的。

Freemium services sound affordable when a nonprofit is just starting its mailing list. But as soon as they exit the free tier, they’ll pay heavily.

当非营利组织刚刚开始其邮寄名单时,免费增值服务听起来负担得起。 但是,一旦他们退出免费套餐,他们将付出高昂的代价。

We’re helping these mid-sized nonprofits en masse — organizations too big to qualify for free tier solutions, but too small to pay thousands of dollars each year for software.


Our Open Source for Good email service is just the first of many tools we’re building so that nonprofits can replace expensive enterprise subscriptions.


Our community is in a unique position. We have thousands of skilled volunteer developers. We have a system in place to coordinate their efforts. If anyone can help nonprofits shrink their technology expenses, it’s us.

我们的社区处于独特的位置。 我们有数千名熟练的志愿者开发人员。 我们有一个可以协调他们努力的系统。 如果有人可以帮助非营利组织减少技术支出,那就是我们。

这对露营者意味着什么? (What does this mean for campers?)

This means our community will continue to create tools for nonprofits that don’t yet exist, or that they can’t afford.


It means that after you finish the first 1,200 hours of challenges, you can make your first open source contributions to a variety of projects right here, with the support of our community.


It means you can volunteer with more flexibility than ever before. Even if you can only contribute a few hours a week, you can still make a huge difference.

这意味着您可以比以往任何时候都更加灵活地自愿。 即使您每周只能贡献几个小时,您仍然可以发挥巨大作用。

We’ll also introduce a system where campers can earn points toward their Full Stack Development Certificate by contributing to Open Source for Good.


We’re still awarding Code Grants to individual nonprofits. And the work we do on many of these tools will continue through Open Source for Good.

我们仍在向非营利组织授予“代码赠款” 。 我们在许多这些工具上所做的工作将通过“开源为善”继续进行。

With Open Source for Good, we’re building up minimum viable products (MVPs) using teams of one volunteer project manager plus two campers, just like we do with Code Grants. Once these MVPs are in place, these campers will become project maintainers, and field pull requests from contributors at large.

就像我们使用Code Grants一样,借助“善良开源”计划,我们将由一个志愿者项目经理和两个营员组成的团队来构建最低限度的可行产品(MVP)。 一旦这些MVP到位,这些露营者将成为项目维护者,并从广大贡献者那里进行现场拉动请求。

After months of planning, Open Source for Good is here. We’re helping nonprofits at scale with the power of open source.

经过数月的计划,“开源为善”就在这里。 我们正在利用开源的力量大规模地帮助非营利组织。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/open-source-for-good-1a0ea9f32d5a/

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