原标题:PHP 7.0.10正式发布

PHP 7.0.10 正式发布了。



- Core:

. Fixed bug #72629 (Caught exception assignment to variables ignores references). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous class fatals). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after deserialization). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #72496 (Cannot declare public method with signature incompatible with parent private method). (Pedro Magalhães)

. Fixed bug #72024 (microtime() leaks memory). (maroszek at gmx dot net)

. Fixed bug #71911 (Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by phpize on Windows). (Yuji Uchiyama)

. Fixed bug causing ClosedGeneratorException being thrown into the calling code instead of the Generator yielding from. (Bob)

. Implemented FR #72614 (Support "nmake test" on building extensions by phpize). (Yuji Uchiyama)

. Fixed bug #72641 (phpize (on Windows) ignores PHP_PREFIX). (Yuji Uchiyama)

. Fixed potential segfault in object storage freeing in shutdown sequence. (Bob)

. Fixed bug #72663 (Create an Unexpected Object and Don't Invoke __wakeup() in Deserialization). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #72681 (PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #72683 (getmxrr broken). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #72742 (memory allocator fails to realloc small block to large one). (Stas)

- Bz2:

. Fixed bug #72837 (integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap corruption). (Stas)

- Calendar:

. Fixed bug #67976 (cal_days_month() fails for final month of the French calendar). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #71894 (AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow in zif_cal_from_jd). (cmb)

- COM:

. Fixed bug #72569 (DOTNET/COM array parameters broke in PHP7). (Anatol)


. Fixed bug #71709 (curl_setopt segfault with empty CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER). (Pierrick)

. Fixed bug #71929 (CURLINFO_CERTINFO data parsing error). (Pierrick)

. Fixed bug #72674 (Heap overflow in curl_escape). (Stas)

- DOM:

. Fixed bug #66502 (DOM document dangling reference). (Sean Heelan, cmb)


. Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi)

. Fixed bug #72627 (Memory Leakage In exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF). (Stas)

- Filter:

. Fixed bug #71745 (FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE does not cover whole range). (bugs dot php dot net at majkl578 dot cz)

- FPM:

. Fixed bug #72575 (using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user). (gooh)

- GD:

. Fixed bug #72596 (imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #72604 (imagearc() ignores thickness for full arcs). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #70315 (500 Server Error but page is fully rendered). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #43828 (broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in blendingmode). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #66555 (Always false condition in ext/gd/libgd/gdkanji.c). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #68712 (suspicious if-else statements). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #72697 (select_colors write out-of-bounds). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #72730 (imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access). (Stas)

- Intl:

. Fixed bug #72639 (Segfault when instantiating class that extends IntlCalendar and adds a property). (Laruence)

. Partially fixed #72506 (idn_to_ascii for UTS #46 incorrect for long domain names). (cmb)

- mbstring:

. Fixed bug #72691 (mb_ereg_search raises a warning if a match zero-width). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #72693 (mb_ereg_search increments search position when a match zero-width). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #72694 (mb_ereg_search_setpos does not accept a string's last position). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #72710 (`mb_ereg` causes buffer overflow on regexp compile error). (ju1ius)

- Mcrypt:

. Fixed bug #72782 (Heap Overflow due to integer overflows). (Stas)

- Opcache:

. Fixed bug #72590 (Opcache restart with kill_all_lockers does not work). (Keyur)


. Fixed bug #72688 (preg_match missing group names in matches). (cmb)

- PDO_pgsql:

. Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo)

- Reflection:

. Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants). (Nikita Nefedov)

- SimpleXML:

. Fixed bug #72588 (Using global var doesn't work while accessing SimpleXML element). (Laruence)


. Fixed bug #72708 (php_snmp_parse_oid integer overflow in memory allocation). (djodjo at gmail dot com)

- SPL:

. Fixed bug #55701 (GlobIterator throws LogicException). (Valentin VĂLCIU)

. Fixed bug #72646 (SplFileObject::getCsvControl does not return the escape character). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #72684 (AppendIterator segfault with closed generator). (Pierrick)

- SQLite3:

. Fixed bug #72668 (Spurious warning when exception is thrown in user defined function). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #72571 (SQLite3::bindValue, SQLite3::bindParam crash). (Laruence)

. Implemented FR #72653 (SQLite should allow opening with empty filename). (cmb)

. Updated to SQLite3 3.13.0. (cmb)

- Standard:

. Fixed bug #72622 (array_walk + array_replace_recursive create references from nothing). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #72152 (_decode $strict fails to detect null byte). (Lauri Kenttä)

. Fixed bug #72263 (_decode skips a character after padding in strict mode). (Lauri Kenttä)

. Fixed bug #72264 (_decode $strict fails with whitespace between padding). (Lauri Kenttä)

. Fixed bug #72330 (CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by UTF chars). (cmb)

- Streams:

. Fixed bug #41021 (Problems with the ftps wrapper). (vhuk)

. Fixed bug #54431 (opendir() does not work with ftps:// wrapper). (vhuk)

. Fixed bug #72667 (opendir() with ftp:// attempts to open data stream for non-existent directories). (vhuk)

. Fixed bug #72771 (ftps:// wrapper is vulnerable to protocol downgrade attack). (Stas)


. Fixed bug #72647 (xmlrpc_encode() unexpected output after referencing array elements). (Laruence)

- Wddx:

. Fixed bug #72564 (boolean always deserialized as "true") (Remi)

. Fixed bug #72142 (WDDX Packet Injection Vulnerability in wddx_serialize_value()). (Taoguang Chen)

. Fixed bug #72749 (wddx_deserialize allows illegal memory access) (Stas)

. Fixed bug #72750 (wddx_deserialize null dereference). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #72790 (wddx_deserialize null dereference with invalid xml). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #72799 (wddx_deserialize null dereference in php_wddx_pop_element). (Stas)

- Zip:

. Fixed bug #72660 (NULL Pointer dereference in zend_virtual_cwd). (Laruence)返回搜狐,查看更多


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