


extern const int N_SCAN = 16;     //  线数
extern const int Horizon_SCAN = 1800;  // 旋转一周采样次数
extern const float ang_res_x = 0.2;     // 水平分辨率
extern const float ang_res_y = 2.0;     // 垂直分辨率
extern const float ang_bottom = 15.0+0.1;   // lidar 底部线束的角度偏移
extern const int groundScanInd = 7;         // lidar 判定为地面的线数
// 是否需要回环检测
extern const bool loopClosureEnableFlag = false;
// 建图时间间隔(周期)
extern const double mappingProcessInterval = 0.3;
// 激光雷达扫描频率
extern const float scanPeriod = 0.1;
// 系统延迟
extern const int systemDelay = 0;
// imu缓存大小
extern const int imuQueLength = 200;
// 过滤小于1m之内的点云
extern const float sensorMinimumRange = 1.0;
// 雷达安装角度????(可能存在非水平安装)
extern const float sensorMountAngle = 0.0;
// 点云分割每个方向的角度大小
extern const float segmentTheta = 60.0/180.0*M_PI; // decrese this value may improve accuracy
// 点云分割有效点和有效线的大小
extern const int segmentValidPointNum = 5;
extern const int segmentValidLineNum = 3;
// 水平方向最小分辨率弧度
extern const float segmentAlphaX = ang_res_x / 180.0 * M_PI;
// 垂直方向最小分辨率弧度
extern const float segmentAlphaY = ang_res_y / 180.0 * M_PI;
// 线特征数量
extern const int edgeFeatureNum = 2;
// 面特征数量
extern const int surfFeatureNum = 4;
// 没有使用到的参数
extern const int sectionsTotal = 6;
// 曲率阈值
extern const float edgeThreshold = 0.1;
extern const float surfThreshold = 0.1;
// 特征查找半径
extern const float nearestFeatureSearchSqDist = 25;// Mapping Params
// 点云地图搜索半径
extern const float surroundingKeyframeSearchRadius = 50.0; // key frame that is within n meters from current pose will be considerd for scan-to-map optimization (when loop closure disabled)
// 点云地图搜索大小
extern const int   surroundingKeyframeSearchNum = 50; // submap size (when loop closure enabled)
// history key frames (history submap for loop closure)
// 回环检测首尾距离
extern const float historyKeyframeSearchRadius = 7.0; // key frame that is within n meters from current pose will be considerd for loop closure
// 回环点云查找范围[-25, 25]
extern const int   historyKeyframeSearchNum = 25; // 2n+1 number of hostory key frames will be fused into a submap for loop closure
// icp匹配分数,平均距离小于0.3
extern const float historyKeyframeFitnessScore = 0.3; // the smaller the better alignment
// 可视化点云范围
extern const float globalMapVisualizationSearchRadius = 500.0; // key frames with in n meters will be visualized


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