





Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities.To what extent do you agree or disagree? (20190216)

第1步:什么是mental abilities?

✔ mental:与智力、脑力相关, 也就是跟大脑发展一切相关的能力,比如听说读写看的能力我们就可以认为是mental abilities。

✘ 如果在作文中提到电视看久了会导致肥胖或者近视,就牛头不对马嘴了!下面是常见的错误示范:

Sitting in front of TV for a long time without doing enough exercise makes some children overweight, even resulting in obesity.


① 电视和电脑有视觉刺激的效果,能够培养图片信息处理的能力;

② 玩游戏时,经常要根据相应的指令要求完成任务、解决问题,还能锻炼空间想象等一系列能力。

visual stimulation 视觉刺激

image processing 图像处理能力

cultivate 培养

following instructions 根据指令

problem solving 解决问题的能力

logic 逻辑

hand-eye combination 手眼结合

fine motor 精细动作

spatial skills 空间想象能力


People’s opinions differ as to whether too much time spent on watching TV and playing computers will negatively influence children's mental development. While I believe this can help exploit children's intelligence in some ways, the consequences of excessive using and watching cannot be ignored.

Though many parents blame the negative effects of watching TV and playing computer games on their children, screen-based technology like computer can build the player's brain the same way as learning to read, playing the piano, or navigating using a map. This is mainly because in many video games, the skills required to win involve following instructions, problem solving, logic thinking, hand-eye combination, fine motor and spatial skills. Also, adequate screen time allows a mass of exposures to visual stimulation, which can cultivate children's visual attention skills and image processing.

However, too much screen time regardless of what children watch or play may undo the gains we have discussed above, even resulting an imbalanced mental development. While children are able to develop their image-related skills, their literacy abilities may deteriorate as a result. This is especially true when we realize that many children who are addicted to screen-based technology are unable to concentrate on their studies if only text information is presented. While reading and writing long essays and journal articles are a core aspect of higher education assessment, the lack of mental focus as a result of computer and TV addiction will negatively influence children's academic performance.

In conclusion, though research into the long-term effects of screen time is still relatively young and we do not yet know exactly what effects playing video games, using computers, or watching TV has on childhood development, too much of anything may be counter-productive.




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