原标题:备考计划 | 2017年6月英语四级作文真题范文第1套:卖电脑


a. 专四词汇:词汇辨析50例

b. 专四听写:英专四级听写考前训练合集共50集,助力专四听写

c. 听力练习:动画英文 | 看童话学英文合集

d. 英语写作:四六级高分范文60篇合集(附音频可背诵)


2018.06 001 002 003 2017.12 001 002 003 2017.06 001002



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campuswebsite to sell a computer you used at college. Youradvertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and yourcontact information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Do you have any need for a computer in this new semester? Good news for you! Here is a computer available for you.

This is a second-hand computer which I bought a year ago. I am quite sure you will be fascinated by the brand of my computer, Apple. All software and hardware on this computer function normally and quickly. What's more, it is the latest design released by Apple Inc. The storage space is big enough for you to do any assignments, including editing and drawing. For business use, the computer maybe not suitable for you because it is not convenient to carry.

If you are eager to purchase a computer, this could be the best choice for you! Right now,I could offer you a 30% discount. I guarantee that it could be the cheapest computer you have ever bought. Please contact me at the number 6666.


Well-maintained MacBook on sale

I'm Wang Ming, a senior from College of Mathematics and Computer Science. I want to sell my used Apple MacBook Air for I’ve just got a new one recently.

With a simple and neat design, the Apple MacBook Air weighs only 2.9 pounds. The attractive silver color has an appeal that's perfect for college students. With mac OS 10 operating system installed, its components are in good condition as well. The motherboard owns Intel Core i5 processor, and a 4GB RAM with 128G hard drives, which works very efficiently.

Considering all this, 2000 RMB is a truly fair price for you to own it!

If you are interested in my computer, please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. I can be reached at phone 87654321. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



This advertisement is to sell a computer I used at college. The detailed information is illustrated as the following.

The brand of the computer is DELL, in silver color. The computer is in good condition, and both its hardware and software can work smoothly. In addition, its CPU and memory devices are also satisfying. You can use it to watch moves, listen to music, and so on. Generally speaking, it can meet your needs equal to a new one at a much lower price. I promise you would love it. I’d like to sell the computer at 2 000 RMB, personally an attractive price.

If you’re interested in this computer, please contact me at any moment. You can call me at 88800888, or send an email to 88800888@123.com. Thank you very much!



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