ORACLE 11i的帮助文档:Remit-To Addresses

Define remit-to addresses to let your customers know where to send payment for their invoices Receivables uses the addresses that you define in the Remit To Addresses window to provide default remit-to information when you enter transactions.

Note: Receivables does not provide default remit-to information when you enter credit memos.

If you use AutoInvoice but have not defined a remit-to address for a location, AutoInvoice will reject all invoices for which it could not determine a remit-to address. However, if you do not wish to set up a remit-to address for each location, you can set up one remit-to address with a default assignment. Receivables will then use this address for all locations or for any locations for which you do not have specific location assignments. This ensures that AutoInvoice will not reject invoices because it could not determine a remit-to address. See: Defining a Default Remit To Address.

If you check the Print Remit-To Address box in the System Options window, Receivables prints the remit-to address that you define here on your dunning letters and statements.

The width and height (in characters) of your customer's remit-to address in your printed dunning letters is 8 characters (height) by 30 characters (width).


Define system options

To define a remit-to address:

1. Navigate to the Remit-To Addresses window.

2. Enter the Country for this address. The default is the country you entered in the System Options window.

Note: If you have implemented flexible address formats and the country you enter has an address style assigned to it, Receivables opens a window in which you can enter address information in the style most appropriate for that country. See: Flexible Addresses.

3. Enter an Alternate Name for this address (optional). You can only enter information in this field if the profile option AR: Customers - Enter Alternate Fields is Yes. Receivables also uses the value you enter here to sort customer names in certain reports if the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes.

4. Enter a remit-to Address.

5. If the Country for this address is 'United States', enter a City and State; otherwise, these fields are optional.

6. Enter the Postal Code for this remit-to address. You must enter a postal code if you entered values for both the From Postal Code and the To Postal Code in the System Options window. This postal code appears when you print your remit-to address on either your statements or your dunning letters.

7. Enter each Country to assign to this remit-to address. Receivables assigns all of your customers who have bill-to addresses in the countries that you enter to this remit-to address.

8. Enter the State and range of Postal Codes for each country (optional). You can define multiple assignments for a remit-to address that has the same country, state, or province but different postal code ranges.

9. Save your work.

Defining a Default Remit-To Address

Define default remit-to addresses to ensure that:

Receivables is able to provide a default remit-to address when you enter transactions

AutoInvoice will not reject invoices because it is not able to determine a remit-to address

You can only have one default remit-to address for each country and state combination. For example, you can have one default remit-to address for United States/California, one for United States/Nevada, and so on.

To define a default remit-to address:

1. Perform steps 1-6 from 'To define a remit-to address' (see above).

2. Enter 'Default value' in the Country field, or select this from the list of values.

3. Save your work.

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