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关键词:Arduino单片机Labview蓝牙 循迹


This paper introduces the design and implementation of wireless remote control intelligent car based on Arduino and Labview - a working principle of wireless intelligent car based on Arduino new integrated development environment and labview image programming. The project includes the car's overall program, sensor introductions, car software and hardware.

The design of the program which uses arduino as the core of the control system, is mainly composed of two parts, the host computer and intelligent car part. The intelligent car part is mainly composed of the following sub-modules: arduino single-chip, power module, motor drive module, tracking obstacle module, Bluetooth transmission composition; host computer is mainly prepared by the labview to control the corresponding function. The host computer labview communicates with the smart car via Bluetooth.

The DC motor is used as the rear wheel drive, and the DC motor is controlled by the pulse width modulation technology (PWM) to control the driving speed of the car. The driving mode of the DC motor is controlled by the L298N drive module to control the advance and backward of the car. The direction of the two rounds of rotation to control the car to the left or right flexible.

The car has a total of two modes. Autonomous mode and remote control mode. In the autonomous mode, the car use

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