





1.正确版本组合:Win7+Matlab R2015b+CUDA7.5+vs2013






2.CPU配置,运行CNN工具箱中的 ,然后再运行 可以完成CPP文件的编译。





然后mex -setup下,操作和CPU一样。



vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true,'cudaRoot', 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5','cudaMethod', 'nvcc', 'enableCudnn', 'true','cudnnRoot', 'E:\A_2016_FPGA_Test\FC_tracking\A_FC\matconvnet-1.0-beta20\local\cudnn');


5.然后运行我给的程序 ,就可以自动运行了,原来程序的运行非常麻烦,我定义了这个程序,可以一步运行处结果。


Win7+Matlab R2015b+CUDA7.5+vs2013



% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function bboxes = tracker(varargin)
%   is the main function that performs the tracking loop
%   Default parameters are overwritten by VARARGIN
%   Luca Bertinetto, Jack Valmadre, Joao F. Henriques, 2016
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% These are the default hyper-params for SiamFC-3S% The ones for SiamFC (5 scales) are in params-5s.txtp.numScale = 3;p.scaleStep = 1.0375;p.scalePenalty = 0.9745;p.scaleLR = 0.59; % damping factor for scale updatep.responseUp = 16; % upsampling the small 17x17 response helps with the accuracyp.windowing = 'cosine'; % to penalize large displacementsp.wInfluence = 0.176; % windowing influence (in convex sum)p.net = '2016-08-17.net.mat';%% execution, visualization, benchmarkp.video = 'vot15_bag';p.visualization = false;p.gpus = 1;p.bbox_output = false;p.fout = -1;%% Params from the network architecture, have to be consistent with the trainingp.exemplarSize = 127;  % input z sizep.instanceSize = 255;  % input x size (search region)p.scoreSize = 17;p.totalStride = 8;p.contextAmount = 0.5; % context amount for the exemplarp.subMean = false;%% SiamFC prefix and idsp.prefix_z = 'a_'; % used to identify the layers of the exemplarp.prefix_x = 'b_'; % used to identify the layers of the instancep.prefix_join = 'xcorr';p.prefix_adj = 'adjust';p.id_feat_z = 'a_feat';p.id_score = 'score';% Overwrite default parameters with vararginp = vl_argparse(p, varargin);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% Get environment-specific default paths.p = env_paths_tracking(p);1% Load ImageNet Video statisticsif exist(p.stats_path,'file')stats = load(p.stats_path);elsewarning('No stats found at %s', p.stats_path);stats = [];end2% Load two copies of the pre-trained networknet_z = load_pretrained([p.net_base_path p.net], p.gpus);3net_x = load_pretrained([p.net_base_path p.net], []);4p.seq_base_pathp.video[imgFiles, targetPosition, targetSize] = load_video_info(p.seq_base_path, p.video);nImgs = numel(imgFiles);startFrame = 1;5% Divide the net in 2% exemplar branch (used only once per video) computes features for the targetremove_layers_from_prefix(net_z, p.prefix_x);remove_layers_from_prefix(net_z, p.prefix_join);remove_layers_from_prefix(net_z, p.prefix_adj);% instance branch computes features for search region x and cross-correlates with z features6remove_layers_from_prefix(net_x, p.prefix_z);zFeatId = net_z.getVarIndex(p.id_feat_z);scoreId = net_x.getVarIndex(p.id_score);% get the first frame of the videoim = gpuArray(single(imgFiles{startFrame}));% if grayscale repeat one channel to match filters sizeif(size(im, 3)==1)im = repmat(im, [1 1 3]);end% Init visualizationvideoPlayer = [];if p.visualization && isToolboxAvailable('Computer Vision System Toolbox')videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [100 100 [size(im,2), size(im,1)]+30]);end7% get avg for paddingavgChans = gather([mean(mean(im(:,:,1))) mean(mean(im(:,:,2))) mean(mean(im(:,:,3)))]);wc_z = targetSize(2) + p.contextAmount*sum(targetSize);hc_z = targetSize(1) + p.contextAmount*sum(targetSize);s_z = sqrt(wc_z*hc_z);scale_z = p.exemplarSize / s_z;% initialize the exemplar[z_crop, ~] = get_subwindow_tracking(im, targetPosition, [p.exemplarSize p.exemplarSize], [round(s_z) round(s_z)], avgChans);if p.subMeanz_crop = bsxfun(@minus, z_crop, reshape(stats.z.rgbMean, [1 1 3]));endd_search = (p.instanceSize - p.exemplarSize)/2;pad = d_search/scale_z;s_x = s_z + 2*pad;% arbitrary scale saturationmin_s_x = 0.2*s_x;max_s_x = 5*s_x;switch p.windowingcase 'cosine'window = single(hann(p.scoreSize*p.responseUp) * hann(p.scoreSize*p.responseUp)');case 'uniform'window = single(ones(p.scoreSize*p.responseUp, p.scoreSize*p.responseUp));end% make the window sum 1window = window / sum(window(:));scales = (p.scaleStep .^ ((ceil(p.numScale/2)-p.numScale) : floor(p.numScale/2)));% evaluate the offline-trained network for exemplar z featuresnet_z.eval({'exemplar', z_crop});z_features = net_z.vars(zFeatId).value;z_features = repmat(z_features, [1 1 1 p.numScale]);bboxes = zeros(nImgs, 4);% start trackingtic;for i = startFrame:nImgsiif i>startFrame% load new frame on GPUim = gpuArray(single(imgFiles{i}));% if grayscale repeat one channel to match filters sizeif(size(im, 3)==1)im = repmat(im, [1 1 3]);endscaledInstance = s_x .* scales;scaledTarget = [targetSize(1) .* scales; targetSize(2) .* scales];% extract scaled crops for search region x at previous target positionx_crops = make_scale_pyramid(im, targetPosition, scaledInstance, p.instanceSize, avgChans, stats, p);% evaluate the offline-trained network for exemplar x features[newTargetPosition, newScale] = tracker_eval(net_x, round(s_x), scoreId, z_features, x_crops, targetPosition, window, p);targetPosition = gather(newTargetPosition);% scale damping and saturations_x = max(min_s_x, min(max_s_x, (1-p.scaleLR)*s_x + p.scaleLR*scaledInstance(newScale)));targetSize = (1-p.scaleLR)*targetSize + p.scaleLR*[scaledTarget(1,newScale) scaledTarget(2,newScale)];else% at the first frame output position and size passed as input (ground truth)endrectPosition = [targetPosition([2,1]) - targetSize([2,1])/2, targetSize([2,1])];% output bbox in the original frame coordinatesoTargetPosition = targetPosition; % .* frameSize ./ newFrameSize;oTargetSize = targetSize; % .* frameSize ./ newFrameSize;bboxes(i, :) = [oTargetPosition([2,1]) - oTargetSize([2,1])/2, oTargetSize([2,1])];%         if p.visualizationif isempty(videoPlayer)figure(1), imshow(im/255);figure(1), rectangle('Position', rectPosition, 'LineWidth', 4, 'EdgeColor', 'y');drawnowfprintf('Frame %d\n', startFrame+i);elseim = gather(im)/255;im = insertShape(im, 'Rectangle', rectPosition, 'LineWidth', 4, 'Color', 'yellow');% Display the annotated video frame using the video player object.step(videoPlayer, im);end
%         endif p.bbox_outputfprintf(p.fout,'%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f\n', bboxes(i, :));endendbboxes = bboxes(startFrame : i, :);end





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