35.2.1 数学推导






((rec.p.y()-center.y()) >-height_half_y) && ((rec.p.y()-center.y()) < height_half_y)





if (dot(rec.normal,r.direction()) > 0) {

rec.normal =-rec.normal;


还有,由于我们引入了height_y参数来限制曲面的高度,但是,我们要注意到:小实根对应的交点超出高度范围时(之前的一贯做法:小根不在t_min、t_max范围,就直接return false),大实根是有可能在高度范围的(而且,如果在范围的话,光线撞击的曲面的内表面,这时的法向量是需要反向的)。

35.2.2 看C++代码实现

----------------------------------------------quadratic.h ------------------------------------------


#define QUADRATIC_H#include <hitable.h>
#include "material.h"
#include "log.h"class quadratic : public hitable
{public:quadratic() {}quadratic(vec3 cen, float a, float b, float c, int s1, int s2, int hy, material *m) : center(cen), intercept_x(a), intercept_y(b), intercept_z(c), sign1(s1), sign2(s2), height_half_y(hy), ma(m) {}
(x-xc)^2/a^2 + s1*(y-yc)^2/b^2 + (z-zc)^2/c^2 = s2
s1=  -1,s2=  1:  hyperboloid of one sheet
s1=  -1,s2= -1:  hyperboloid of two sheets
s1=  -1,s2=  0:  elliptic cone
s1=   0,s2=  1:  elliptic cylinder
*/virtual bool hit(const ray& r, float tmin, float tmax, hit_record& rec) const;vec3 center;float intercept_x;float intercept_y;float intercept_z;int sign1, sign2, height_half_y;material *ma;
};#endif // QUADRATIC_H

----------------------------------------------quadratic.cpp ------------------------------------------


#include "quadratic.h"#include <iostream>
using namespace std;bool quadratic::hit(const ray& r, float t_min, float t_max, hit_record& rec) const {float ab_square = intercept_x*intercept_x*intercept_y*intercept_y;float bc_square = intercept_y*intercept_y*intercept_z*intercept_z;float ac_square = sign1*intercept_x*intercept_x*intercept_z*intercept_z;float abc_square = sign2*intercept_x*intercept_x*intercept_y*intercept_y*intercept_z*intercept_z;vec3 inter_square = vec3(bc_square, ac_square, ab_square);vec3 rd_square = vec3(r.direction().x()*r.direction().x(),r.direction().y()*r.direction().y(),r.direction().z()*r.direction().z());float A = dot(inter_square, rd_square);vec3 r0_c = r.origin() - center;vec3 r0_c_rd = vec3(r0_c.x()*r.direction().x(),r0_c.y()*r.direction().y(),r0_c.z()*r.direction().z());float B = 2*dot(r0_c_rd, inter_square);vec3 r0_c_square = vec3(r0_c.x()*r0_c.x(),r0_c.y()*r0_c.y(),r0_c.z()*r0_c.z());float C = dot(r0_c_square, inter_square) - abc_square;float temp, temp1, temp2;vec3 pc;if(A == 0) {if (B == 0) {return false;}else {temp = -C/B;if (temp < t_max && temp > t_min) {rec.t = temp;rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t);if (((rec.p.y()-center.y()) > -height_half_y) && ((rec.p.y()-center.y()) < height_half_y)) {pc = rec.p - center;rec.normal = unit_vector(vec3(2*bc_square*pc.x(), 2*ac_square*pc.y(), 2*ab_square*pc.z()));if (dot(rec.normal, r.direction()) > 0) {rec.normal = -rec.normal;}rec.mat_ptr = ma;return true;}else {return false;}}}}else {float discriminant = B*B - 4*A*C;if (discriminant >= 0) {temp1 = (-B - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0*A);temp2 = (-B + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0*A);
                if (temp1 > temp2) {//make sure that temp1 is smaller than temp2temp = temp1;temp1 = temp2;temp2 = temp;}
/*对两个实根进行排序,t1<t2,先处理t1*/if (temp1 < t_max && temp1 > t_min) {rec.t = temp1;rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t);if (((rec.p.y()-center.y()) > -height_half_y) && ((rec.p.y()-center.y()) < height_half_y)) {//限制曲面的高度pc = rec.p - center;rec.normal = unit_vector(vec3(2*bc_square*pc.x(), 2*ac_square*pc.y(), 2*ab_square*pc.z()));
/*任何时候,都最好将法向量进行标准化*/if (dot(rec.normal, r.direction()) > 0) {rec.normal = -rec.normal;}
/*如果光线和前面内表面相交,需要将法向量反向*/rec.mat_ptr = ma;return true;}else {
//                        return false;
/*这里要特别注意,一个实根不在高度范围内,不能直接return false,还需在判断另一个实根*/}}if (temp2 < t_max && temp2 > t_min) {rec.t = temp2;rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t);
                    if (((rec.p.y()-center.y()) > -height_half_y) && ((rec.p.y()-center.y()) < height_half_y)) {
                        pc = rec.p - center;rec.normal = unit_vector(vec3(2*bc_square*pc.x(), 2*ac_square*pc.y(), 2*ab_square*pc.z()));if (dot(rec.normal, r.direction()) > 0) {rec.normal = -rec.normal;}rec.mat_ptr = ma;return true;}else {
//                        return false;}}}return false;}

----------------------------------------------main.cpp ------------------------------------------


        hitable *list[5];list[0] = new sphere(vec3(0.0,-100.5,-1), 100, new lambertian(vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.0)));list[1] = new quadratic(vec3(-2.5, 1.5, 0), 0.5, 0.7, 1, -1, 1, 1, new lambertian(vec3(0.0, 0.1, 0.5)));list[2] = new quadratic(vec3(-0.4, 1.5, 0), 0.15, 0.2, 0.2, -1, -1, 1, new lambertian(vec3(0.3, 0.1, 0.5)));list[3] = new quadratic(vec3(1.2, 1.5, 0), 0.5, 0.7, 1, -1, 0, 1, new lambertian(vec3(0.6, 0.1, 0.5)));list[4] = new quadratic(vec3(2.8, 1.5, 0), 0.5, 0.7, 1, 0, 1, 1, new lambertian(vec3(0.9, 0.1, 0.5)));hitable *world = new hitable_list(list,5);vec3 lookfrom(0,5,10);vec3 lookat(0,1,0);float dist_to_focus = (lookfrom - lookat).length();float aperture = 0.0;camera cam(lookfrom, lookat, vec3(0,1,0), 20, float(nx)/float(ny), aperture, 0.7*dist_to_focus);



问题三十五: 怎么用ray tracing画二次曲面(quadratic surfaces)(2)——单页双曲面、双页双曲面、椭圆锥面、椭圆柱面相关推荐

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