ubuntu 热键设置

The traditional way of turning your monitor off via a hotkey has been broken for a few versions now. A pretty simple Python script can bring that functionality back reliably and efficiently.

通过热键关闭显示器的传统方式现在已被打破。 一个非常简单的Python脚本可以可靠,有效地恢复该功能。

The old way of turning off you monitor was through the xset command:


xset dpms force off

xset dpms强制关闭

There are a few variations on that, but since Ubuntu Karmic (9.10), it’s been broken. Some of the system calls apparently don’t get along well with this command, causing the screen to wake up after about a minute. After being annoyed at this for quite some time, I found a few solutions on the Ubuntu Forums. Running this command in a loop seems CPU intensive, and there isn’t a very elegant way to escape it. Thankfully, one user, nxmehta, found a solution utilizing a simple Python script, and it works on everything from Karmic to Natty.

有一些变化,但是自从Ubuntu Karmic(9.10)起,它就被破坏了。 某些系统调用显然与该命令不兼容,导致屏幕在大约一分钟后唤醒。 在对此烦恼了一段时间之后,我在Ubuntu论坛上找到了一些解决方案。 循环运行此命令似乎会占用大量CPU,并且没有一种非常优雅的方法可以对其进行转义。 值得庆幸的是, 一个用户nxmehta找到了一个使用简单Python脚本的解决方案,该解决方案适用于从Karmic到Natty的所有内容。

First of all, you need to have a few dependencies, so open up a terminal and enter the following command:


sudo apt-get install python python-xlib

须藤apt-get install python python-xlib

This will install the python and python-xlib packages if they aren’t installed already. Next, open up Text Editor (gedit) and copy/paste the following text:

如果尚未安装python和python-xlib软件包,则将安装它们。 接下来,打开文本编辑器(gedit)并复制/粘贴以下文本:

import time
import subprocess
from Xlib import X
from Xlib.display import Display
display = Display(':0')
root = display.screen().root
X.ButtonPressMask | X.ButtonReleaseMask | X.PointerMotionMask,
X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync, 0, 0, X.CurrentTime)
X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync, X.CurrentTime)
subprocess.call('xset dpms force off'.split())
p = subprocess.Popen('gnome-screensaver-command -i'.split())
while True:
print display.next_event()
import time
import subprocess
from Xlib import X
from Xlib.display import Display
display = Display(':0')
root = display.screen().root
X.ButtonPressMask | X.ButtonReleaseMask | X.PointerMotionMask,
X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync, 0, 0, X.CurrentTime)
X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync, X.CurrentTime)
subprocess.call('xset dpms force off'.split())
p = subprocess.Popen('gnome-screensaver-command -i'.split())
while True:
print display.next_event()

Save your file somewhere with a proper name. I stuck mine in ~/bin/screen_off.sh with the rest of my scripts.

用适当的名称保存文件。 我将其余的脚本卡在〜/ bin / screen_off.sh中。

Next, right-click the file and go to Properties.


Under the Permissions tab, be sure “Allow executing file as program” is checked. Click Close.

在“权限”选项卡下,确保选中“允许以程序方式执行文件”。 单击关闭。

Now you can assign it to any keyboard shortcut! I like to set mine to Caps Lock, so I had to disable that key first. You can do that by going to Keyboard > Layouts > Options.

现在,您可以将其分配给任何键盘快捷键! 我想将我的密码设置为Caps Lock,因此必须先禁用该键。 您可以通过转到键盘>布局>选项来实现。

Here, choose “Caps Lock is disabled” under Caps Lock key behavior.

在这里,请选择Caps Lock键行为下的“ Caps Lock已禁用”。

To assign this script to a keyboard shortcut, open up Keyboard Shortcuts preferences.


Click Add, give the shortcut a name, and the command will just be the location of the script. Click Apply, then click under shortcut to set it. If you disabled Caps Lock, you’ll see it listed as “VoidSymbol” but it will work without a hitch.

单击“添加”,为快捷方式命名,该命令将只是脚本的位置。 单击“应用”,然后在快捷方式下单击以进行设置。 如果您禁用了Caps Lock,您会看到它列为“ VoidSymbol”,但可以正常使用。

This has been bugging me for quite some time, and the solution was a bit tough to find what with all of the complaints floating around. Hopefully this will help you conserve your laptop battery.

这已经困扰了我很长时间了,解决方案很难找到所有抱怨四起的东西。 希望这可以帮助您节省笔记本电脑的电池。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/61836/how-to-turn-off-your-monitor-with-a-hotkey-in-ubuntu/

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