学不好英语,不是你的错。因为学习内容太枯燥乏味! 为什么不试试《看电影学英语》?

10. All Americans Look Alike
A: I really think all Americans look alike.
B: You’re crazy! You haven’t been here long enough.
A: But they do.
B: What makes you say that?
   何以见得 ?
A: They wear the same clothes, they’re all blond, they all drive cars, they all own Parker fountain pens; they all drink Coca Cola, and they all chew gum.
B: I disagree with you. They don’t all wear the same clothes; they’re definitely not all blond; they don’t all own Parker fountain pens; they don’t all drink Coca Cola, and they don’t all chew gum. I do think they all drive cars though! But that doesn’t have anything to do with how they look !
A : Maybe I am just homesick. I know you’re right. I just miss China, that’s all.
enough 足够的,够用的
* Do you have enough money for the taxi fare?
你有足够的钱支付出租汽车的车费吗 ?
* I can’t thank you enough for helping me with my English.
* I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help.


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