
可以用 Objectidentifier 结构来唯一标志一个对象:

ObjectIdentifier(Person(name: "James")).uintValue)

通过比较 UnintValue 即可得知是否是同一对象。


protocol BannerViewProtocol: class {
var bannerView: BannerView? { get set }
var containerStackView: UIStackView { get set }
extension BannerViewProtocol where Self: UIViewController{
func showBanner( banner: BannerView, animated: Bool, animationDuration: Double) {
containerStackView.insertArrangedSubview(banner, at: 0)

注意,通过协议扩展,实现让协议也能够实现具体方法(等同于继承),并调用存 储属性。在 showBanner 方法中调用了协议中定义的 bannerView 属性。

public class ViewController: BannerViewProtocol { ......
weak var bannerView: BannerView?
lazy var containerStackView: UIStackView = {


在 protocol 中不支持泛型参数,它通过 assocaitedtype 来支持泛型,比如:

protocol Screen {
associatedtype ItemType
var items: [ItemType] { get set }


protocol Screen<T> {
var items: [T] { get set }

这样,实现类可以通过 ItemType 来指定关联类型的具体类型,比如:

class MainScreen: Screen {
typealias ItemType = String var items = [String]()

其中对 typealias ItemType 赋值时只能用具体的类,而不能是 protocol。
此外, typealias ItemType = String 可以省略,因为编译器会自动推断关联类型。

subdata 和 dropFirst

let array : [UInt8] = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] let data = Data(array)
let datadropped = data.dropFirst(2)
let sub = data.subdata(in: 4..<8 ) // gives 4,5,6,7
let sub2 = datadropped.subdata(in: 4..<8) // also gives 4,5,6,7

datadropped是一个 Slice。
它崩溃是因为 datadropped 的第一个索引是 2,而不是 0。 要获得新的 Data 对象,必须这样写:

let datadropped = Data(data.dropFirst(2))

Dynamic font

textField.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = true

然后将控件的 font 全部设置为动态字体:

textField.font = .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body)

dynamic font, 需要重启 app 才能看到效果

你需要监听 UIContentSizeCategory.didChangeNotification 通知,收到通知后重新设置 UI 组件的动态字体属性。

map 遍历时提供 index

let items = payeeList.enumerated().compactMap { (index, item) in generatePayeeItemViewConfig(payee: item, isSelected:
selectedIndex?.section == 1 && index == selectedIndex?.row) }

关于 radioButton/checkButton 的 accessibility

首先设置 id:

radioButton.accessibilityIdentifier = “radioButton"

将 radioButton 添加到 accessibility elements:

accessibilityElements = [titleLabel, descLabel, amountLabel, radioButton]

当 isSelected 被改变时修改 accessibility label:

func configView(
accessibilityProvider: AccessibilityStringProvidable, selected: Bool = false
){ ......
radioButton.isSelected = selected
radioButton.accessibilityLabel = selected ? accessibilityProvider.commonRadioSelected() : accessibilityProvider.commonRadioUnselected()

允许用户在 textview/textfield 的任何位置放置光标

从 iOS 7 开始,你想文本编辑框的任意位置放置光标需要更多的技巧,比如⻓按光
标然后拖动或者 Trackpad 模式(⻓按空格键)。 因为系统默认会对输入内容进行单词识别,在输入框中通过点击来调整光标位置
时,系统会自动将光标放置在单词之前或之后。 要改变这种默认行为相当麻烦,并且效果也不理想。你需要:

1、扩展 UITextView

class WCTextView: UITextView {
public var shouldMoveCursor = false
public var recommendedCursorPosition = UITextPosition()
public func moveCursorToRecommendedPosition() {
let range = textRange(from: recommendedCursorPosition, to:
recommendedCursorPosition) selectedTextRange = range
override public func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
let deltaY = contentOffset.y
let detltaPoint = CGPoint(x: point.x, y: point.y + deltaY)
recommendedCursorPosition = closestPosition(to: detltaPoint) ?? UITextPosition()
shouldMoveCursor = true
return super.hitTest(point, with: event) }


let textView = WCTextView() textView.delegate = self


public func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range:
NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool { if !text.isEmpty {
self.textView.shouldMoveCursor = false }
return true
public func textViewDidChangeSelection(_ textView: UITextView) {
if textView.selectedRange.length == 0, self.textView.shouldMoveCursor {
self.textView.shouldMoveCursor = false }

软键盘添加 Done button

extension UITextField {
func addDoneToolbar(onDone: (target: Any, action: Selector)? = nil) {
var doneButton: UIBarButtonItem!
if let onDone = onDone {
doneButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: localizedString(with: "cosmos_common_done"), style: .done, target: onDone.target, action: onDone.action)
} else {
doneButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: localizedString(with:
"cosmos_common_done"), style: .done, target: self, action: #selector(resignFirstResponder))
let toolbar = UIToolbar() toolbar.barStyle = .default toolbar.items = [
UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: self, action: nil),
doneButton ]
inputAccessoryView = toolbar }




viewController.accountNumberInputView?.addDoneToolbar(onDone: (target: self, action: #selector(doneTap)))


无论正则表达式怎么写,你都无法在 swift 里成功验证单引号和双引号。是因为
Xcode 里的单引号和双引号和 iOS 里的单引号、双引号不是一个字符。 例如:

"^[a-zA-Z0-9#%&()+ ,\\-./:;=?\\[\\]^_|*\ ‘\” ]*$"

在 iphone 上这两个符号实际上是:‘ 和 “,Unicode 码分别是: \U8216 和 \U8220

在 lldb 中打印这两个符号的 unicode 的方法如下:

(lldb) ex inputText.unicodeScalars
(String.UnicodeScalarView) $R4 = { _guts = {
_object = (_countAndFlagsBits = 1, _object = 0x500060000286c620) }
(lldb) po Int($R4[$R4.startIndex].value)


"^[a-zA-Z0-9#%&()+ ,\\-./:;=?\\[\\]^_|*\ ‘’'“”\"]*$"

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