


1、 工商营业执照

2、 合法使用说明

3、 易制毒化学品管理制度

4、 供货方许可或者备案证明

5、 订购合同及易制毒化学品管理台账

6、 购买单位法人、经办人、管理负责人身份证

7、 企业人事关系图

8、 企业位置图、平面图、外貌、工场、仓库、储罐图片

9、 仓库平面图、仓库管理制度

1、 When importing the internal products, the local public security administration department shall first handle the record of precursor chemicals, and the data required for the record are as follows:

1. Business license

2. Instructions for legal use

3. Management system of precursor chemicals

4. Supplier's license or filing certificate

5. Ordering contract and management account of precursor chemicals

6. ID card of legal person, handler and management principal of the purchasing unit

7. Enterprise personnel diagram

8. Enterprise location, plan, appearance, workshop, warehouse, tank picture

9. Warehouse plan and warehouse management system二、办理完《易制毒化学品备案》再去商务管理部门申请《两用物项进口许可证》,申请先要进行网上申报,地方、市商务局、省商务厅办理;先要资料如下:






6.、经办人的身份证明(包括申请单位出具的有效证明函和本 人身份证复印件);



2、 Go to the commercial administration department to apply for the import license of dual-use items after handling the record of precursor chemicals. The application shall be applied online first and handled by the local, municipal and provincial commercial bureaus. The first information is as follows:

1. Enterprise approval, approval certificate, business license and capital verification report (copy);

2. The report on the application of the enterprise for the import of precursor chemicals (original, with additional comments from the competent foreign trade department of the place where the enterprise is located);

3. Original of application form for import of precursor chemicals

4. The original of the effective import contract signed with foreign customers;

5. The enterprise's description of the regulatory means and the letter of guarantee that shall not be used for drug production or resale (it shall be signed by the legal representative and sealed with the enterprise seal);

6. The identity certificate of the handler (including the valid certificate letter issued by the applicant and the copy of the ID card);

7. Other relevant materials deemed necessary by the audit department.

8. Provide the "second, third category of precursor chemicals Filing Certificate" issued by the Public Security Bureau.





In the process of import customs clearance, you can consult me and provide you with professional answers free of charge. 15 years of professional import customs clearance team dedicated to serve you

Shanghai, Ningbo, Kunshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Tianjin, Qingdao, Beijing, Dalian, national network service


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