


# Tic Tac Toeimport random# 打印方法
def drawBoard(board):# This function prints out the board that it was passed.# "board" is a list of 10 strings representing the board (ignore index 0)print('   |   |')print(' ' + board[7] + ' | ' + board[8] + ' | ' + board[9])print('   |   |')print('-----------')print('   |   |')print(' ' + board[4] + ' | ' + board[5] + ' | ' + board[6])print('   |   |')print('-----------')print('   |   |')print(' ' + board[1] + ' | ' + board[2] + ' | ' + board[3])print('   |   |')def inputPlayerLetter():# Lets the player type which letter they want to be.# Returns a list with the player’s letter as the first item, and the computer's letter as the second.letter = ''while not (letter == 'X' or letter == 'O'):print('Do you want to be X or O?')letter = input().upper()# the first element in the list is the player’s letter, the second is the computer's letter.if letter == 'X':return ['X', 'O']else:return ['O', 'X']def whoGoesFirst():# Randomly choose the player who goes first.if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:return 'computer'else:return 'player'def playAgain():# This function returns True if the player wants to play again, otherwise it returns False.print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')return input().lower().startswith('y')# 下子
def makeMove(board, letter, move):board[move] = letter# 判断游戏是否结束
def isWinner(bo, le):# Given a board and a player’s letter, this function returns True if that player has won.# We use bo instead of board and le instead of letter so we don’t have to type as much.return ((bo[7] == le and bo[8] == le and bo[9] == le) or  # across the top(bo[4] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[6] == le) or  # across the middle(bo[1] == le and bo[2] == le and bo[3] == le) or  # across the bottom(bo[7] == le and bo[4] == le and bo[1] == le) or  # down the left side(bo[8] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[2] == le) or  # down the middle(bo[9] == le and bo[6] == le and bo[3] == le) or  # down the right side(bo[7] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[3] == le) or  # diagonal(bo[9] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[1] == le))  # diagonaldef getBoardCopy(board):# Make a duplicate of the board list and return it the duplicate.dupeBoard = []for i in board:dupeBoard.append(i)return dupeBoard# 验证输入的list值是否为空
def isSpaceFree(board, move):# Return true if the passed move is free on the passed board.return board[move] == ' '# 返回下子位置
def getPlayerMove(board):# Let the player type in their move.move = ' 'while move not in '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split() or not isSpaceFree(board, int(move)):print('What is your next move? (1-9)')move = input()return int(move)# 从这些列表里面随机下
def chooseRandomMoveFromList(board, movesList):# Returns a valid move from the passed list on the passed board.# Returns None if there is no valid move.possibleMoves = []# 获取空子位置listfor i in movesList:if isSpaceFree(board, i):possibleMoves.append(i)# list不为空,随机选一个if len(possibleMoves) != 0:return random.choice(possibleMoves)else:return None# 电脑获取下子位置
def getComputerMove(board, computerLetter):# Given a board and the computer's letter, determine where to move and return that move.if computerLetter == 'X':playerLetter = 'O'else:playerLetter = 'X'# 这个是机器下子的算法# Here is our algorithm for our Tic Tac Toe AI:# 首先检测我们下一步是否能赢# First, check if we can win in the next movefor i in range(1, 10):# copy一份目前的下子画板copy = getBoardCopy(board)# 如果备份的画板中内容不为空if isSpaceFree(copy, i):# 下子makeMove(copy, computerLetter, i)# 如果下这个位置赢就将这个位置返回if isWinner(copy, computerLetter):return i# 检测对手下一步是否会赢,会赢的话就堵它# Check if the player could win on their next move, and block them.for i in range(1, 10):copy = getBoardCopy(board)if isSpaceFree(copy, i):makeMove(copy, playerLetter, i)if isWinner(copy, playerLetter):return i# 优先下这些位置(优先占据角落)# Try to take one of the corners, if they are free.move = chooseRandomMoveFromList(board, [1, 3, 7, 9])if move != None:return move# 夺取中心点# Try to take the center, if it is free.if isSpaceFree(board, 5):return 5# 在最后的列表中下子# Move on one of the sides.return chooseRandomMoveFromList(board, [2, 4, 6, 8])def isBoardFull(board):# Return True if every space on the board has been taken. Otherwise return False.for i in range(1, 10):if isSpaceFree(board, i):return Falsereturn Trueprint('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')# 死循环,没有
while True:# Reset the board# 重置输出板theBoard = [' '] * 10# 选棋子playerLetter, computerLetter = inputPlayerLetter()# 随机产生谁先下turn = whoGoesFirst()# 打印是谁先下print('The ' + turn + ' will go first.')# 游戏开始gameIsPlaying = Truewhile gameIsPlaying:# 人先下if turn == 'player':# Player’s turn.# 打印画板drawBoard(theBoard)# 获取下子位置move = getPlayerMove(theBoard)# 下子makeMove(theBoard, playerLetter, move)# 判断游戏是否结束if isWinner(theBoard, playerLetter):drawBoard(theBoard)print('Hooray! You have won the game!')# 结束游戏gameIsPlaying = Falseelse:# 验证画板是否画满if isBoardFull(theBoard):drawBoard(theBoard)print('The game is a tie!')breakelse:turn = 'computer'else:# Computer’s turn.# 机器获取下子位置move = getComputerMove(theBoard, computerLetter)makeMove(theBoard, computerLetter, move)if isWinner(theBoard, computerLetter):drawBoard(theBoard)print('The computer has beaten you! You lose.')gameIsPlaying = Falseelse:if isBoardFull(theBoard):drawBoard(theBoard)print('The game is a tie!')breakelse:turn = 'player'# 如果不想玩了就跳出循环if not playAgain():break


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