Over the last few years I’ve had many people ask me if they can somehow activate Flip 3D by moving the mouse to a corner of the screen, and I’ve always told them to use the much more powerful Switcher replacement instead, but that’s about to change.

在过去的几年中,我有很多人问我是否可以通过将鼠标移到屏幕的某个角来激活Flip 3D,我一直告诉他们使用功能更强大的Switcher替代产品 ,但这就是即将改变。

The solution to this problem comes in the form of a tiny little application called Vista Flip 3D Activator, and it lets you assign a corner of the screen to activate Flip 3D, providing you haven’t disabled Flip 3D like I have.

解决该问题的方法是使用一个名为Vista Flip 3D Activator的小程序,它允许您分配屏幕的某个角来激活Flip 3D,前提是您没有像我一样禁用Flip 3D 。

Using Vista Flip 3D Activator

使用Vista Flip 3D激活器

Installing the application is as simple as downloading and extracting the program file and running through the install wizard. Once you’ve done that, you can then check the corner of the screen that you’d like to use for activating Flip 3D…

安装应用程序就像下载和提取程序文件并通过安装向导运行一样简单。 完成此操作后,您就可以检查要用于激活Flip 3D的屏幕的角落了。

You can also assign a mouse button if you want, although you should note that it doesn’t override IntelliMouse settings. Once you’ve activated Flip 3D, you can use your mouse wheel to scroll between the different windows, and then click to activate.

您还可以根据需要分配鼠标按钮,尽管您应该注意它不会覆盖IntelliMouse设置。 激活Flip 3D后,可以使用鼠标滚轮在不同的窗口之间滚动,然后单击以激活。

Note: for those of you that might be wondering, you can make Flip 3D stay on the screen without using any software by either clicking the “Window Switcher” icon in the Quick Launch (second to the left), or you can use the keyboard shortcut Win+Ctrl+Tab to make it stay on the screen. When it comes down to it, this utility really only saves clicking on the Quick Launch icon.

注意:对于那些可能会想知道的人,可以通过单击快速启动中的“窗口切换器”图标(左侧第二个),使Flip 3D停留在屏幕上而无需使用任何软件,也可以使用键盘快捷键Win + Ctrl + Tab使其停留在屏幕上。 归根结底,此实用程序实际上只保存单击“快速启动”图标的单击。

I’ve never been a fan of Flip 3D, but it’s a good chance to show off my favorite wallpaper!

我从来都不是Flip 3D的粉丝,但是这是个炫耀我最喜欢的壁纸的好机会!

This utility is extremely lightweight, weighing in around 2mb on my system, and that was when I was toying with it.


If you are a fan of Flip 3D, this is definitely the utility for you.

如果您是Flip 3D的粉丝,那绝对是您的实用工具。

Download Flip3D Activator from notj.net  |  Softpedia Download Mirror

从notj.net下载Flip3D Activator | Softpedia下载镜像

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/activate-flip-3d-with-your-mouse-in-vista/

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