

public String getType()





// Java program to demonstrate getType() method

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class GFG {

public static void main(String[] args)

throws Exception


// Get the marks field object

Field field = User.class.getField("Marks");

// Apply getType Method on User Object

// to get the Type of Marks field

Class value = field.getType();

// print result


+ " is " + value);

// Now Get the Fees field object

field = User.class.getField("Fees");

// Apply getType Method on User Object

// to get the Type of Fees field

value = field.getType();

// print result


+ " is " + value);



// sample User class

class User {

// static double values

public static double Marks = 34.13;

public static float Fees = 3413.99f;

public static double getMarks()


return Marks;


public static void setMarks(double marks)


Marks = marks;


public static float getFees()


return Fees;


public static void setFees(float fees)


Fees = fees;




Type is double

Type is float


// Java program to demonstrate getType() method

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import java.time.Month;

public class GFG {

public static void main(String[] args)

throws Exception


// Get all field objects of Month class

Field[] fields = Month.class.getFields();

for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

// print name of Fields

System.out.println("Name of Field: "

+ fields[i].getType());





Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

Name of Field: class java.time.Month

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