
Five weeks into the semester and I realized that I have neglected to announce the winner of this website's annual competition for Calgary's Worst Website. This year’s winner is

Calgary Transit, the portal for the city’s LRT and bus transit system.

卡尔加里公交 ( Calgary Transit) ,该城市的轻轨和公交系统的门户。

The previous winner was chosen on the basis of the terrible design of the pages; while there is a great deal that could be improved about the visual qualities of http://calgarytransit.com/, the site’s worst aspect is, to me, its user interface, which I’ve critiqued in the past. Modern web technologies mean that the second decade will be focused on user-centric design: intelligent, responsive sites that quickly provide relevant, timely information to the user regardless of the device used… all aspects of which the Calgary Transit site leaves a great deal to be desired.

前几位获奖者是根据这些页面的糟糕设计而选出的; 尽管http://calgarytransit.com/的视觉质量有很多可以改进的地方,但对我来说,该网站最糟糕的方面是其用户界面,这是我过去曾批评过的 。 现代网络技术意味着第二个十年将集中在以用户为中心的设计:智能,响应Swift的网站,无论使用什么设备,它都能快速为用户提供相关,及时的信息……卡尔加里公交站点的各个方面都给是需要的。

In discussions leading up to this award I’ve faced objections that the city’s transit system has a limited budget (an annual operating cost of $277.5 million) while trying to service an exploding population (now 1.4 million people) and suburbs that are creeping ever outwards. How can I justify pushing for a total site redesign under those conditions?

在获得该奖项的讨论中,我遇到了反对意见,即该市的公交系统预算有限(每年的运营成本为2.775亿美元),同时又要为不断增长的人口(现为140万人)和不断向外扩张的郊区提供服务。 在这种情况下,我如何证明推动整个站点的重新设计?

Let’s put it in perspective. A new Nova model LFS bus, as currently employed in Calgary Transit’s fleet, costs approximately $300,000. Ongoing operating costs for the vehicle – fuel, cleaning, maintenance, etc. – will easily double that.

让我们来看一下。 目前在卡尔加里公交车队中使用的新的Nova型LFS公共汽车的成本约为30万美元。 车辆的持续运营成本(燃料,清洁,维护等)很容易将其翻倍。

For 1/10th of that bus, you could have a complete, usable Calgary Transit website. And in terms of return… well, a Nova carries 40 people in an hour’s commute. A well-made website could serve that many Calgary Transit customers per second… and lead to far more efficient use of resources, with an intelligent routing system that would lead commuters to make better use of transit services.

对于1/10那辆公共汽车,你可以有一个完整的,可用的卡尔加里公交网站。 就回报而言……新星在一个小时的通勤中可搭载40人。 一个精良的网站每秒可以为许多卡尔加里公交客户提供服务……并通过智能路由系统使通勤者更好地利用公交服务,从而更有效地利用资源。

When people are

making their own sites to work out Calgary transit services

– in the case illustrated to the left, a Google Maps mashup made with a budget of $25,000, made as a project by a professor at Mount Royal University – you know that something is seriously wrong with the original site.

当人们 建立自己的网站来解决卡尔加里公交服务 -在左图所示的情况下,由皇家山大学的一位教授制作的预算为25,000美元的Google Maps mashup-您知道,这确实有严重的缺陷原始站点。

Of course at the same time there are competing interests: a petition to push Calgary Transit to 24/7 service, and to upgrade the bus stops. Both are worthy causes; either, if followed through with action, would increase costs for the transit service significantly. And CT does deserve kudos for its responsive Twitter presence and (in my experience) courteous staff.

当然,与此同时,利益也存在竞争: 请愿书将卡尔加里公交车推向24/7服务 ,并升级公交车站。 两者都是值得的。 如果采取任何行动,将大大增加过境服务的成本。 CT确实因其响应式Twitter的存在和(以我的经验)彬彬有礼的工作人员而倍受赞誉。

Another entirely appropriate objection is the possibility that Calgary Transit’s customer base does not use browsers that are capable of supporting the kinds of features that I feel are reasonable. And that’s possible – although I would counter that we simply don’t know. Calgary Transit does – they have Google Analytics on their site, bless them – but anyone else is simply guessing. I would counter with the fact that Calgary is among the most wired (and wireless) cities in the world, and that I would hope that the bulk of the population has graduated from IE6… but even if they haven’t, there are tools like ChromeFrame and html5shiv to bring them into the second decade of this century.

另一个完全适当的反对意见是,卡尔加里大众运输的客户群可能不使用能够支持我认为合理的各种功能的浏览器。 这是可能的,尽管我会反驳我们根本不知道。 卡尔加里公交(Calgary Transit)确实做到了–他们在网站上拥有Google Analytics(分析) ,祝福他们–但是其他人只是在猜测。 我要反驳一个事实,卡尔加里是世界上最有线(和无线)城市之一,我希望大多数人都已经从IE6毕业了……但是,即使他们没有,也有类似的工具ChromeFrame和html5shiv将它们带入本世纪的第二个十年。

And it may well be that an external, outsourced solution is the answer: if CalgaryTransit follows the lead of the site above, and provides its routing and schedule information under the auspices of OpenData, we could well have a half-dozen different portals for transit information, all using the same, rapidly updated information.


翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/469/Calgarys-Worst-Website-2011-Calgary-Transit



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