
In the wake of


Mobilegeddon, ensuring a good experience for your mobile users is more important than ever. With Google now giving preference to mobile-friendly sites in the search rankings, now is the time to ensure optimal mobile performance by conducting a Mobilegeddon ,为您的移动用户提供良好的体验比以往任何时候都更为重要。 随着Google现在在搜索排名中优先选择适合移动设备的网站,现在是时候通过进行mobile usability audit.移动设备可用性审核来确保最佳移动性能。

Ensuring your site is performing optimally on all devices and screen sizes will help you meet the needs of your mobile users, and will prevent your site from experiencing common usability issues.


6个潜在的移动可用性问题 (6 Potential Mobile Usability Issues)

According to Google Webmaster’s mobile usability help page, there are six potential issues that could cause a site to render poorly on mobile devices. When performing a mobile usability audit, it’s important to understand what each of these potential issues is, as well as how to fix them.

根据Google网站站长的移动可用性帮助页面 ,有六个潜在问题可能导致网站在移动设备上的显示效果不佳。 在执行移动可用性审核时,重要的是要了解这些潜在问题中的每一个以及如何解决它们。

Note: When using Google’s tools to evaluate your site, you’ll notice that all warnings and error messages use the verbiage below, making it easy to understand and implement any necessary changes.


Flash usage: Since Flash isn’t rendered on many mobile browsers, most of your mobile visitors won’t be able to properly access Flash-based content. If you receive this error message, convert your content to HTML5 to keep in line with newer, more mobile-friendly standards.

Flash的使用:由于Flash并未在许多移动浏览器中呈现,因此大多数移动访问者将无法正确访问基于Flash的内容。 如果您收到此错误消息,请将您的内容转换为HTML5,以符合更新的,更便于移动的标准。

Viewport not configured: Due to the variety of screen sizes used to access the web, sites should indicate a viewport in the meta viewport tag. This will ensure the site will scale to whatever device is being used — whether that’s a smartphone, tablet or computer. Using a responsive design will help ensure your viewport is configured properly and your site is scaled to accommodate all screen sizes.

未配置视口:由于用于访问Web的屏幕尺寸多种多样,网站应在元视口标记中指示视口。 这将确保该站点可以扩展到所使用的任何设备-无论是智能手机,平板电脑还是计算机。 使用响应式设计将有助于确保正确配置视口,并缩放站点以适应所有屏幕尺寸。

Fixed-width viewport: This is sometimes used in order to make a non mobile-friendly page adjust to fit mobile screens. While this can be a temporary fix for some pages, Google does not recommend this practice be used long term. A responsive design should be implemented instead.

固定宽度的视口:有时用于调整非移动友好页面以适合移动屏幕。 尽管这可能是某些页面的临时解决方法,但Google建议不要长期使用此做法。 应采用响应式设计。

Content not sized to viewport: If a page requires horizontal scrolling in order to access content, you may receive this error message. Google recommends using relative width and position values and scalable images.

内容未按视口调整大小:如果页面需要水平滚动才能访问内容,则可能会收到此错误消息。 Google建议使用相对宽度和位置值以及可缩放图像。

Small font size: Google recommends a font size of 16 CSS pixels. This ensures your text is easily viewable on mobile, and that mobile users don’t need to pinch to zoom in on your text.

较小的字体: Google建议使用16个CSS像素的字体。 这样可确保您的文本在移动设备上易于查看,并且移动用户无需捏合即可放大您的文本。

Touch elements too close: When buttons and links are too close, your mobile users may have trouble accurately tapping on them. Tap targets should be placed far enough apart that mobile users don’t accidentally click on nearby elements. Google recommends that the main tap targets on your page be 48 CSS pixels tall and wide, while targets that are used less frequently can be smaller.

触摸元素过于接近:当按钮和链接过于接近时,您的移动用户可能无法准确点击它们。 点按目标应放置得足够远,以使移动用户不要意外点击附近的元素。 Google建议您页面上的主要点击目标的高度和宽度应为48 CSS像素,而使用频率较低的目标可以较小。

如何执行移动可用性审核 (How To Perform a Mobile Usability Audit)

Any kind of a website usability audit aims to identify how a site is performing in a particular area. In essence, it looks at a site from a user perspective in order to identify elements that need to be fixed or improved. In the case of a mobile usability audit, we want to identify any potential issues that may be hindering a mobile-friendly user experience.

任何类型的网站可用性审核都旨在确定网站在特定区域的表现。 本质上,它从用户的角度看站点,以识别需要修复或改进的元素。 在进行移动可用性审核的情况下,我们希望确定可能阻碍移动友好用户体验的任何潜在问题。

Google has provided webmasters with two primary methods of analyzing the mobile-usability of their sites. These will help you to identify any potential usability issues based specifically on the six elements outlined above. Google has also provided detailed instructions to assist site owners in fixing these issues and providing a sound mobile experience.

Google为网站管理员提供了两种主要方法来分析其网站的移动可用性。 这些将帮助您根据上述六个要素来确定任何潜在的可用性问题。 Google还提供了详细说明,以帮助网站所有者解决这些问题并提供良好的移动体验。

方法一:Google的移动友好测试工具 (Method One: Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool)

Google’s Mobile-Friendly test tool assesses whether a particular page is mobile-friendly or not. This is a great starting point for your mobile usability audit as it will help you identify key issues that could be impacting not only the usability of your site, but your search rankings as well.

Google的“ 移动设备友好”测试工具会评估特定页面是否适合移动设备。 这是进行移动设备可用性审核的一个很好的起点,因为它将帮助您确定可能不仅影响网站可用性而且还会影响搜索排名的关键问题。

Using the six factors outlined above, the tool gives a an overall rating of ‘mobile-friendly’ or ‘not mobile-friendly’, a breakdown of potential issues, an overview of how Googlebot views the page, as well as specific guidance for making the page mobile-friendly.


Sample analysis from a non mobile-friendly site


方法二:在Google网站管理员工具中访问“移动可用性报告” (Method Two: Access The Mobile Usability Report in Google Webmaster Tools)

If you have a Google Webmaster Tools account, the process of analyzing your site is even simpler. Simply log into your GWT account, and navigate to Mobile Usability under Search Traffic. You can also access the report for multiple web properties you own via this link. If there are any usability issues with your site, they will be identified in the Mobile Usability Report.

如果您拥有Google网站站长工具帐户,则分析网站的过程将更加简单。 只需登录您的GWT帐户,然后导航到“搜索流量”下的“移动设备可用性”。 您还可以通过此链接访问您拥有的多个网络媒体资源的报告。 如果您的网站存在任何可用性问题,则将在“移动可用性报告”中进行识别。

Any issues are clearly identified in terms of the number of pages impacted, as well as which specific elements need work on which specific pages. After you’ve fixed each page to comply with Google’s recommendations (and after Google has had a chance to crawl your site), you should see the warnings disappear.

根据受影响的页面数以及哪些特定元素需要在哪些特定页面上进行工作,可以清楚地识别出任何问题。 固定每个页面以使其符合Google的建议之后(并且Google有机会抓取您的网站之后),您应该会看到警告消失。

Google has provided a wealth of information to help webmasters create responsive, mobile-friendly sites. Besides their mobile-usability help page, they also offer a detailed guide to multi-device layouts. I’d encourage you to take advantage of these various tools and guides to help you identify potential mobile usability issues. The importance of having a mobile-friendly site is only going to grow, so getting your site up to speed now should be high on your priority list.

Google提供了丰富的信息,可帮助网站管理员创建响应快速,适合移动设备的网站。 除了其移动可用性帮助页面之外,他们还提供了有关多设备布局的详细指南 。 我鼓励您利用这些各种工具和指南来帮助您确定潜在的移动可用性问题。 建立适合移动设备访问的网站的重要性只会越来越高,因此,让您的网站尽快上线应该是您的优先事项。

Have you performed a mobile usability audit of your site? Do you plan to? Share below!

您是否对网站执行了移动可用性审核? 你打算吗? 在下面分享!




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