persistent (表面意思是 持续的,连续的)

Define persistent variable  %%声明静态变量

Syntax            %% 语法

persistent X Y Z        %%定义局部变量 X  Y   Z

Description  描述


persistent X Y Z defines X, Y, and Z as variables that are local to the function in which they are declared; yet their values are retained in memory between calls to the function.

定义局部静态变量X Y Z,在函数范围内声明X Y Z,它们的值局限在这个函数内。

Persistent variables are similar to global variables because MATLAB creates permanent storage for both. They differ from global variables in that persistent variables are known only to the function in which they are declared. This prevents persistent variables from being changed by other functions or from the MATLAB command line.

Persistent variables(局部变量)与global variables(全局变量) 很类似,因为matlab为它们都有固定的内存。不同的是Persistent variables仅仅在声明的函数范围内识别。与其他函数的变量或MATLAB 命令行所区别。

Persistent variables are cleared when the M-file is cleared from memory or when the M-file is changed. To keep an M-file in memory until MATLAB quits, use mlock.


If the persistent variable does not exist the first time you issue the persistent statement, it is initialized to the empty matrix.


It is an error to declare a variable persistent if a variable with the same name exists in the current workspace.


Remarks   备注

There is no function form of the persistent command (i.e., you cannot use parentheses and quote the variable names).


Example  举例

This function prompts a user to enter a directory name to use in locating one or more files. If the user has already entered this information, and it requires no modification, they do not need to enter it again. This is because the function stores it in a persistent variable (lastDir), and offers it as the default selection. Here is the function definition:



function find_file(file)%%头文件

persistent lastDir  %定义persistent variable

if isempty(lastDir)

prompt = 'Enter directory:  ';      %初始状态为'Enter directory:


prompt = ['Enter directory[' lastDir ']:  '];  %默认路径名


response = input(prompt, 's');           %输入路径名

if ~isempty(response)

dirName = response;


dirName = lastDir;


dir(strcat(dirName, file))            %查找文件

lastDir = dirName;                 %赋值

Execute the function twice. The first time, it prompts you to enter the information and does not offer a default:



Enter directory:  toolbox/matlab/strfun/

iscellstr.m  ischar.m     isletter.m   isspace.m    isstr.m


The second time, it does offer a default taken from the persistent variable dirName:


Enter directory[toolbox/matlab/strfun/]:  toolbox/matlab/elmat/

isempty.m               isfinite.m              isscalar.m

isequal.m               isinf.m                 isvector.m

isequalwithequalnans.m  isnan.m

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